It isn't crazy - they do exist. That could be Solar Shower or any number of others.
Make sure you TRY any booth you buy!!!!! No matter how far you have to drive or fly, no matter how inconvenient. Don't make a 15-40K investment without trying it!
Spray booths and
spray tans are NOT like tanning beds! They require a lot more 'education' and diligence to get a good result. In a tanning bed, you lay down, and as long as too much time isn't sent, it is pretty much a "good" result. With
spray tans , it depends on the quality of the booth, the quality of the
solution AND the quality of education given to the tanner and how well they follow that instruction!
In general, on this site, you see a lot of positive feedback from owners of Mystic and Magic Tan booths. JohnnyComeLately is satisfied with his Miracle Mist booth (although some recent problems?) but no other users on here that have been vocal. The few users of Mist-on here all (Totaleclipse, others?) seem satisfied (the same technology as the Mystic). JeffinKC liked his ITS booth for the month (?) it has been in place (for sale now - see classifieds) and Dwhite is enthused about her soon-to-be-installed Cal Tan booth. And of course Ramcat was always an enthusiastic proponent of the booth he distributes, the Celebrity spray booth.
Get past those, and you are taking your chances. There are MANY spray booths on the market, and a large majority of the other brands have had less than average results and/or less than average customer service experiences associated with them.