On TanToday the following question was posed:I'm thinking about adding a 2nd computer, and running a network between the 2 computers. How do I set up Helios on the network. Install it on the second computer and have it point to the data on the 1st computer? Do I have to get a second license, 2nd T-Max manager? Any help would be greatly appreciated.Here is my response:With Version 8 you would need to install Helios on the second Workstation and get an Activation software code from Helios. Since Helios no longer support V8 and since you do not have Tech Support this will be a problem for you.VERSION 9 is most certainly the answer for you - IT IS GREAT.1. No more Activation Code - the Copy Protection is a Hardware device "Dongle".2. One Dongle is all you need for your entire Network. The Workstations get there authority from your Server. With the new Client Server software in Version 9.4.0 this is even MORE enhanced. It also supports multiple workstations working off of ONE Timer Manager. Not a back idea to have a 2nd Manager as backup but not needed for day to day operation.3. How to set up - brief overview:The server must have Helios Program, Helios Databases, Timer Manager connected. These must all be on the Server in V9.4 for the New Timer Server to work properly.The CB Server software must be installed - it is on the Helios CD. Do all this updating from the new V9.4 CD.On the Workstation just install the Helios Program.You would then MAP the C drive on the server as your local ? F ? drive on the workstation(s). This assumes you already have the computers networked. Supported platforms Win2000, Win2000 Server, WinME, Win98SE and Win95. NOT WinNT - NO NO NO - WinNT did not handle resources in a logic manner, this was a problem for Helios (and many other applications).In the Utilities directory of the Helios CD you will find "MultiUser Tools" set up. This utility will allow you to change the path of the Data and Pictures directory - others if needed (contact Tech Support).For more details on Network set up contact Helios Tech Support.You will of course need to get on the Helios Software Maintenance Plan - you need to do that regardless, in this one Man's Opinion. |