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Old 03-18-2002, 05:01 PM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Nov 5 2001
Posts: 105
Rep Power: 24 terryberry is on a distinguished road
I'm having the worst time with this part of Helios. I've been keeping track of inventory manually in the past and would like to try using this feature,but I can't seem to set it up correctly, specifically linking inventory codes to sales codes. I was trying it with the numbers on the bottles before as inventory codes.
Can anyone here post a quick lesson in setting this up?
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Old 03-18-2002, 05:30 PM   #2 (permalink)
Join Date: Jan 10 2002
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I have a file I can send you that sets up helios step by step.

Email me and I will send it.

I just set up helios a month ago and this was the easiest way for me...

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Old 03-18-2002, 07:25 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Helios Inventory Sales Codes 101

First of all for products (Lotions) Sales Codes sell things and Inventory Codes keep track of Quantities related to the item. So you sell it with a sales code and if it is "LINKED" (on the Operations Tab via Inventory Item #1 or #2) the stock will be reduced when you sell it. If it is not linked you will be able to sell it BUT the item will NOT be removed from your inventory

1. You can also look at the Sales Code Trainer for additional info on Inventory Sales codes

2. You most likely will not need anything on the Pkg/Memb tab or the Intelligence tab so just forget those two parts of the Sales code screens when working on Products

3. Before you start think of a logical structure for the codes that you are going to assign - so it will be easy for Cashier/Receptionist to find items later when they are selling them.

If you have a Barcode scanner that is good but not all manufacturer are putting barcodes on products. You can actually use the scanner to record the Sales Code (to be sure you have it right) and then enter the balance of the info (Description etc) from the keyboard.

If not using barcodes I suggest two characters to identify the Brand and then a short alpha/numeric code, stay away from special characters or spaces.

ie: AGACC or AG01 Australian Gold Accelerator
ie: CTRAGE or CT01 California Tan Rage (or CTR)

This way all AG products will be together and all CT products will be together on the F11 Find Product display

For Packette/Samples decide if you what the AGACC packette beside the bottle or all packette together




OK lets get to it

Enter the desired Sales Code and Description at the top of the Sales Code screen

ie: AGACC - AG Accelerator 8.5 oz

This code logically will not expire and the Description should normally be Constant.

4. On the Financial Tab of Sales Codes:

The Sales Code Type will be Product
Set the appropriate Tax rate or rates
Select the desired Division and Department (this related to sorting and subtotals on Sales Reports)

Set the Default Price (Normal Selling Price)

The Value field is normally left at 0.00 (if an amount is entered here commission will be calculated on this "Value" rather than the Selling Price

The Minimum (do not go below price) sets the lowest price that the item can be sold to ANYBODY at. It controls both the amount of Discount that can be given and the lowest "Variable Price".

To the right of these prices are 6 radio buttons

Constant is normally the best to use for Inventory item.

You could use Variable - this causes a stop that the price field when selling the item and allows the cashier to enter a selling price (must be greater than minimum). HOWEVER I suggest using Constant and then use the F9-Discount function on the Cashier Screen when selling the item to give a discounted price. This will then be easier to track the Discounts given and if you set up "Coupon" Preferences properly you will also have good tracking of WHY the discount was given.

Time, Prorate and Step do not relate to Inventory Items

You can use Membership pricing on Inventory to set a price applicable to each (up to 5) types of Memberships that you sell. REMEMBER in the future if you change the Default Price to also change the Membership prices.

This covers the Financial Tab for Inventory/Products

5. Operations Tab

Track the Cashier, need to know who handled the sale and also causes the Cashier screen to display which has the F8-Qty and F9-Discount functions.

Enter the desired rate or fee of Commission if applicable Rate 5 = 5% Fee 5 = $5

OK here is the biggee

Enter the Sales Code in Inventory Item # 1 (or in # 2 - I suggest always using # 1)

How it does not have to be the sales code but why make things difficult. If you use the sales code then your Inventory code and sales code will be the same - simplier right.

But you can make them different - the important thing is this is the place that you tell the system what Inventory code to affect then you SELL an item with a sales code - got it.

OK NOW is the time to F10 - SAVE the sales code you are creating. This being a new item you will get a message advising that this Inventory Item (as typed into Inventory Item # 1 on the Operation Tab screen) does not exist in the Inventory File (makes sense right it is new) - Do you wish to create it. Yes, you do - click YES. You will be advised that the Inventory Item has been created - click OK and you will be advised that the Sales Code has been saved - click OK.

Now if you pressed F10 Save BEFORE you enter the desired info in the Inventory Item # 1 field on the Operations Tab of a Sales Code that is coded as a product, a WARNING screen advising that you forgot it will display. Click NO you do not want to save it and the system will take you to the Operations tab if you are not already there.

This is a warning that you forgot the Inventory Item # 1 (the Link) make sense (I hope, I wrote the text of this message and begged Helios two years ago to display this warning message if a Product sales codes was not linked).

HOW (consider) it is possible that you want to create a Sales Code for a Product and you DO NOT want to create a Inventory Item. Example: you are selling Swimwear (or some other category of products) and you do not what to track each item on your Helios Inventory. Fine create the Sales Code ie SW for Swimwear, make the Description variable if you wish (allows cashier to type in description at time of sale - again only if you wish), and make the Price type (radio button) VARIABLE - thus the system stops and requests a selling price. How you can sell Swimwear but you do not have stocking keeping for that item. How in this example when you F10 SAVE and get the warning message - YES save the sales code because you acknowledge that you do not want the link to an Inventory Item. It will not be a major stock keeping issue because you do not wish to keep stock on this item or category of items. This sales code SW would be like a button on your manual Cash Register for Swimwear. REMEMBER this was just an example, you may very well wish to track the SKU's for swimwear the same as other products (lotions)

That covers the Operation Tab (at least info related to setting up Inventory Products

6. OK how on to the Inventory Tab

Select the desired Manufacturer
Select the desired Vendor
Set the desired Reorder Level
Set the desired Build-to Qty

The above items related to the Inventory Reorder Reports (optional - desirable)

Set the Item Cost

Note that the Item Retail is already there (system used the Default Price from the Financial Tab)

CAUTION for the future: If you change the Default Price on the Financial Tab the Item Retail will also be changed. BUT if you change the Item Retail on the Inventory Tab the Default Price on the Financial Tab WILL NOT CHANGE....

CAUTION for the future: If you change the Sales Code Description the Inventory Description WILL NOT automatically change, you have to change it as well.

NOTE about Deleting Sales Codes: If you wish to remove an item from the system - you have to delete BOTH the Inventory Code and the Sales Code. You will find it easier if you bring up a sales code - go to the Inventory Tab - F6 Delete the Inventory Item. Then go back to the Financial Tab and F6 Delete the Sales code.

Many Clients delete the sales code for an item and wonder WHY it continues to show on the Inventory Report. This is why - you must delete both the Inventory Code and the Sales Code.

OK that the Inventory Tab

AND THAT IS ALSO ALL that relates to setting up your Sales Codes and Inventory Codes for Products - thats right terryberry you are done

7. Inventory Adjustments

This screen is used to receive and adjust stock in your system.

Bring up a Sales Code, go to the Inventory Adjustment tab.

Select the appropriate "ACTION" - field in the centre left

Received - new shipment received
Transfer In / Out - moved to different location if applicable
Audit In / Out - adjust related to physical count or damage
Return to Vendor
Store Use - used to make samples etc.

After Action is Description - suggest you may wish to enter Vendor Name and Invoice # for record

Quantity Received and Enter - system will extend the cost based on the Inventory Cost on the Inventory Tab

One more Enter and the record will display in the blue box - NOTE there is no save here - recorded is recorded. Once entered, it can not be removed. If necessary to correct do a reversing transaction - both will show here and on your Inventory Adjustment Report.

Dada Dada - thats all folks

Hope this helps

If you need more assistance please call Helios Tech Support or myself
(I would be pleased to help - but remember, I cost more that Tech Support)
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Old 04-03-2002, 03:17 PM   #4 (permalink)
Join Date: Nov 5 2001
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Rep Power: 24 terryberry is on a distinguished road
Just wanted to thank Andy and TansRUS for the great info. I've got it working!!!

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Old 04-03-2002, 03:30 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Excellent - terryberry "Glad to hear it"

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