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Tanning Salon Management Salon management help here.

View Poll Results: What Membership options do you offer?
Standard EFT - auto draft their credit cards til cancel 30 73.17%
Local EFT - don't hold CC, but they have to renew before month is up 3 7.32%
Year or month unlimited with a small (e.g. $1-2) co-pay 8 19.51%
Super Saver - upfront fee and half-off single visits 5 12.20%
Tan Till the end of the Year (usually Fall - discounted) 11 26.83%
Summer Tanning pass (discounted 3 month pass) 6 14.63%
Time/Day option (e.g. mornings or weekends only) 1 2.44%
We offer some other membership options 3 7.32%
We offer NO membership options 4 9.76%
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Old 08-19-2014, 08:51 AM   #71 (permalink)
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Re: Membership - MANY approaches...

Originally Posted by sunrisetan View Post
Thinking on Steve....why can't he simply pay to advertise on this site and others rather than posting what appears to be helping salons...but merely luring them into his consulting fees.???
Other companies advertise, and stay quiet on the boards.
I don't know, I've wondered that quite often. The way he uses this sight is insulting to the site and everyone on it. This site is supposed to be for the FREE EXCHANGE OF HELPFUL INFORMATION. he tries to tease, tease, tease and take whatever for profit work he can get from the site but shares very little of anything of any substance on the site other than general blabbering designed to solicit business. And a fair degree of info he does put out is either wrong or very questionable at best. He doesn't even own any salons. So buy a **** add like other companies do. It seems like the moderators of the site would have dealt with him long ago, but they don't do anything. This guy damages the site greatly, but apparently they just don't realize it.
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Old 08-25-2014, 07:55 AM   #72 (permalink)
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Re: Membership - MANY approaches...

It is my understanding that the manufacture he represents does advertise on here, therefor he is allowed to use the forums in a manner consistent with that of a paid advertiser.
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Old 08-25-2014, 09:54 AM   #73 (permalink)
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Re: Membership - MANY approaches...

Originally Posted by House of Tan View Post
It is my understanding that the manufacture he represents does advertise on here, therefor he is allowed to use the forums in a manner consistent with that of a paid advertiser.
I believe Steve Underhill is employed by Heartland inc. as a commission salesperson. Heartland advertises on this site. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but Im pretty sure his consulting company is a separate enterprise outside of Heartland Inc. There are a few easily answered legitimate questions that the administrators of the site, the members of the site and the other paid advertisers here deserve answers to and that would bring clarity to the situation:

(1) Is all of Steve Underwood's Fee-based Consulting work booked through Heartland Inc? or outside of Heartland Inc.?

(2) Does Steve Underwood or Heartland Inc determine his consulting fees and consulting work schedule?

(3) Are all consulting fees made payable directly to Heartland Inc. and then Steve is paid by Heartland specifically for those consulting services as a w-2 employee? Or is he paid as a 1099 independent contractor in regards to consulting services?

(4) Is any money paid outside of Heartland Inc. , either directly to Steve Underwood from customer receiving fee-based consulting services or being paid to or through any other entity other than Heartland Inc. ? If so, then is Steve compensated as a w-2 employee of this other entity and is this other entity required to pay for advertising on this sight to solicit ongoing for-profit business like the other advertisers here are required to?
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Old 08-25-2014, 05:26 PM   #74 (permalink)
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Re: Membership - MANY approaches...

I just know what I have read and I never looked deeper, it's not my business.
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Old 08-25-2014, 09:04 PM   #75 (permalink)
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Re: Membership - MANY approaches...

Originally Posted by House of Tan View Post
I just know what I have read and I never looked deeper, it's not my business.
In the interest of maintaining the integrity of this sight it should be yours and everyone's business. Steve is so persistent at letting us all know how "knowledgeable" he is, maybe he'd like to enlighten us all by answering the questions.
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Old 08-26-2014, 01:56 PM   #76 (permalink)
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Re: Membership - MANY approaches...

I believe you are asking Steve to do his job for free; probably not going to happen.

Some including myself feel Steve could offer more and not jeopardize his income, rather increase it by showing us his brilliance. That said however, it is not my concern nor my care if he does or does not; his choice.

Sometimes his threads and posts can spark a useful conversation; that has value.

I personally believe the site's integrity is just fine; your mileage may vary.

Best wishes
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Old 08-26-2014, 03:53 PM   #77 (permalink)
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Re: Membership - MANY approaches...

Originally Posted by House of Tan View Post
I believe you are asking Steve to do his job for free; probably not going to happen.

Some including myself feel Steve could offer more and not jeopardize his income, rather increase it by showing us his brilliance. That said however, it is not my concern nor my care if he does or does not; his choice.

Sometimes his threads and posts can spark a useful conversation; that has value.

I personally believe the site's integrity is just fine; your mileage may vary.

Best wishes
(1) I am not asking Steve to do his job for free. He has every right to be compensated for his work.
(2) I agree if he offered more detail to his teasing comments he could be seen as more legitimate and very well increase his consulting work. And agreed, that's up to him. It's his consulting business to what he wants with.
(3) You and I use this site to share or or solicit information, with no intent to derive income or profit from the users of this site. We take information, digest it and go to our general public to make our income. Steve uses this site specifically to directly solicit new customers from this site to pay him money for his commercial enterprise. That is fine, but it is totally different than what the regular users of this site do. The other vendors on this site pay to advertise, so should Steve.
(4) While there are other suppliers and vendors of one sort or another who post on this site and may not pay to advertise, no other non-advertiser one openly solicits and teases and manipulates on this site to get business anywhere close to what Steve is allowed to get away with. He takes as much as he can get in profit, but gives the least possible in substance to the site. As a commercial vendor who on top of that pays nothing to advertise, There is an inherent conflict in that.
(5) I think this site has a very noble cause. Integrity is defined differently by different people, fair enough, and yes mileage will vary.But if usage of the site continues to decrease and decrease, how far do you let it go before evaluating all the possibilities that might contribute to the decrease?

Be Well
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Old 08-30-2014, 02:36 PM   #78 (permalink)
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Re: Membership - MANY approaches...

Steve should pay for an ad. Its the politically correct and smart thing to do. That way
there is no conflict.
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Old 08-30-2014, 09:42 PM   #79 (permalink)
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Re: Membership - MANY approaches...

Originally Posted by Tony View Post
Steve should pay for an ad. Its the politically correct and smart thing to do. That way
there is no conflict.
Yep, then he probably wouldn't take so much flak.
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Old 09-10-2014, 12:19 PM   #80 (permalink)
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Re: Membership - MANY approaches...

I am not sure what is prompting this discussion. Based on your suggestion, every person that post here should by an advertisement.

This site is a place for ideas to be shared and hopefully questions to be answered. I probably share more usable ideas and answer more questions than anyone on this site.

I again do not understand this attack. There are service guys, business operators and others that gain business just by sharing ideas on this site and they are not advertisers. If you run off anyone that has real knowledge and anything possibly to gain by visiting this site, this site will only be a place of conflict with no content.

To try and answer a question that has been answered years ago.

I do not work for Heartland. I sell Heartland equipment, I sell ISO equipment, I am the owner operator of a Consulting company.

I do not tell people to buy equipment from me or hire me for my services.

I give advice and answer questions regarding equipment without trying to sell equipment. I answer business operating questions in an effort to try and help salon operators. I start threads in the hope of stimulating thought and content that it does not take long for people to derail the thread as all threads get derailed.

This site needs knowledgeable contributors to keep it flowing. There are not enough discussions and threads started and you want a contributor to go away. I think you will find that most people that visit this site appreciate my contribution.

So I suggest you give it a rest. I follow the guidelines of this site and until the administrators tell me otherwise I will continue to contribute to its content.

There are so many people on this site that actually drive readers away, why would you want to reduce the knowledgeable content of this site.
Stephen Underhill
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