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Tanning Salon Management Salon management help here.

View Poll Results: What Membership options do you offer?
Standard EFT - auto draft their credit cards til cancel 30 73.17%
Local EFT - don't hold CC, but they have to renew before month is up 3 7.32%
Year or month unlimited with a small (e.g. $1-2) co-pay 8 19.51%
Super Saver - upfront fee and half-off single visits 5 12.20%
Tan Till the end of the Year (usually Fall - discounted) 11 26.83%
Summer Tanning pass (discounted 3 month pass) 6 14.63%
Time/Day option (e.g. mornings or weekends only) 1 2.44%
We offer some other membership options 3 7.32%
We offer NO membership options 4 9.76%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 41. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 03-03-2014, 01:59 PM   #31 (permalink)
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Re: Membership - MANY approaches...

Originally Posted by DH View Post
Doesn't Hollywood Tan have the same business model that for the most part isn't that success as far as stand ups only?
Yeah, that is why you see HT's all over the place for sale......
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Old 03-03-2014, 11:35 PM   #32 (permalink)
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Re: Membership - MANY approaches...

Originally Posted by parrot head View Post
But Tony, you're missing the point here. I am going to collect money from people who are no longer tanning. They no longer tan because they have little to spend on stuff like tanning. For only $10-$20 they can get 10 sessions they wouldn't have bought at higher prices. Isn't quantity pricing, what you promote?

You have it all backwards. You want to charge them money EVERY month! You strategy is a 1 time charge!
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Old 03-04-2014, 12:15 AM   #33 (permalink)
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Re: Membership - MANY approaches...

Originally Posted by Steve Underhill View Post
Thank you Tony, I think it is also fair to say that a tanning salon that charges $9.95 ($9.99 pay attention to details) a month because it must overcome the fact that it only has one model of equipment,[color="Magenta"] Steve we had 3 levels of equipment, you should know that. We had $9.99 with 3 levels and 1 level so you can throw that theory out the window Big Stever! The reason we only have 1 level now is because its better model! a 200 watt booth is not a model that can draw from the entire tanning demographic How do you know? Ever try it? So wrong again Big Stever :). tanners want choices (3 of the 5 top complaints by FEMALE consumers have to do with too much choice :) and the larger percentage of tanners prefer to use a bed. How would you know this? Why have we put so many BED ONLY salons out of business? :) Hollywood Tan already tried the all booth model and they are now dropping like flies., the ones that remain have now added beds. Steve the all bed salons are dropping like flys too in case you didnt notice :) The failing stores ran to add beds because they thought it would make a difference. Well it didnt. So why are we still going after 6 years? I know exactly why HT failed and it was a combination of several
key factors!

I think what I see with your chain is very professionally done and the model is built around stand up tanning. The things that make that work for you do not translate to a full services salon. We are totally a full service salon. We do it darker, faster and cleaner AND for less!

None of the large chains are following this model, Wrong again big Stever! At least 2 big chains are using it :) in fact none of the chains that you mentored are using any resemblance of your model. I didnt mentor them I consulted/charged them, and it was all BEFORE I conceived $9.99. The people i have mentored AFTER I conceived $9.99 are still using it successfully today :)

I train operators how to be successful drawing from the entire spectrum of tanners. So do I, thats why you fail to comprehend! tanning is already a niche No tanning is a strategy just like any other type of warfare/business business and creating a niche within a niche is a plan that at this point is only being used by ZoomTan.

The largest % of tanners prefer to tan on beds. Wrong again :) while I personally prefer standing i am in the minority. That should be your biggest clue Mr. BED salesman :) There is a strong % off stand up tanners and they should not be ignored. I think salons should have a major presence of booths.

The most successful salon chains in the country are not even considering your business model. THEY CANT consider! Thats the best part :)

Operators should be careful not to take to much advice unless they are planning on opening an all booth salon. My strategy works in tanning regardless of beds or booths!

You are growing your company very quickly, that says a lot for you and your drive. Tanning started with booth only tanning and progressed way beyond that model. Hmmm you think it progressed? You dont understand the history of tanning

It is probably realistic to say that only 25% of todays tanners prefer stand up tanning. What butt did you pull that number from? LOLOLOL

Your operation is obviously very efficient, with a small footprint, very short exposure times at an incredibly low price. However you can't draw from the entire tanning population. Oh yes we do thats what makes us so disruptive!

By the way very nice You tube and TV spots. Thanks :)
I guess the reason you do not show your equipment on web sites is because if tanners see it is only booths they will not try your salon.
Such a rookie comment. We say on our site we only use standups! DUH! The industry incorrectly markets by their overpriced equipment with Shaazam looks. My years of retail experience has proven to me that the look and cost and size of the equipment is irrelevant! Its the all about color, speed, cleanliness and MARKETING. When you pay 30k for a bed its 30k less for marketing. Giving up valuable real estate to show pictures of tanning equipment is just plain ignorant!

Also I called your customer service contact line and the girl I spoke to does not know the difference in high pressure and low pressure tanning. I said before when I was accused of bashing high pressure that most of our employees had no clue of the difference. I have no way to contest this but it the customer service line could have rolled over to another dept if there was excessive call volumn. I told her I was coming to Tampa and wanted to tan while I was there. I asked if you had High Pressure equipment. She said all of our booths are High Pressure. I asked if she knows the difference in high pressure and low pressure lamps and she said no. When I explained it to her, she said you mean like the blue facial lamps on the beds I tan on. That comment i find hard to believe! I would believe TANNED on but not TAN on

One of the first thing I teach operators is the importance of having an educated staff. Since you can't call any of your salons directly and you must speak to a customer service rep they should know your product. When you have 300+ employees its always possible to get a newbie or a dufus. This is EXACTLY way simplicity is KEY!

You said some of the big guys are offering $9.95 tanning, can you tell me who they are other than planet fitness that offers it as an add on to the fitness membership.
Figure it out. As long as you have been in the industry you should already know who they are :)

Last edited by Tony; 03-04-2014 at 12:18 AM.
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Old 03-04-2014, 12:20 AM   #34 (permalink)
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Re: Membership - MANY approaches...

Might as well irk some people in this thread too :)

Its just a teaser!

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Old 03-04-2014, 05:34 AM   #35 (permalink)
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Re: Membership - MANY approaches...

Originally Posted by Tony View Post
Might as well irk some people in this thread too :)

Its just a teaser!

Very interesting if it's any good (not questioning your product). Most salon owners pay more than that for CC processing, I do not. You'll get some for cost but the majority if it's solid and outperforms performs the limited choices we currently have. Lastly, you must have an effective technical support system. Put these in place and you'll own the market.
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Old 03-04-2014, 08:52 AM   #36 (permalink)
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Re: Membership - MANY approaches...

Originally Posted by DH View Post
Very interesting if it's any good (not questioning your product). Most salon owners pay more than that for CC processing, I do not. You'll get some for cost but the majority if it's solid and outperforms performs the limited choices we currently have. Lastly, you must have an effective technical support system. Put these in place and you'll own the market.

If I created Helios and I get another bite at the Apple AND I use it in my 80 stores what do you think the odds are that its substantially better then the crap out there now?

Take away windows, take away the PC, take away the need for a local server, take away insecure internet access (tablets are locked down plus run on a 4G-VPN) which eliminates viruses then you eliminated 85% of the technical support issues by default:)

Owning the industry would be automatic but the industry isnt worth owning anymore. The real play is in larger vertical markets like food and soft goods. Not to mention the POS for those verticals is soooooo much easier to write and support!
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Old 03-04-2014, 09:07 AM   #37 (permalink)
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Re: Membership - MANY approaches...

Originally Posted by Tony View Post

You have it all backwards. You want to charge them money EVERY month! You strategy is a 1 time charge!
I have tried EFT selling, but have a tough time getting college students to commit funds every month for tanning. They simply don't know if they will be around month to month, and certainly don't want to pay, as little as $9.95. They are gone during the summer, and "my gosh", they can't be paying for tanning when they're not here to tan.

Last edited by parrot head; 03-04-2014 at 09:08 AM. Reason: add
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Old 03-04-2014, 09:12 AM   #38 (permalink)
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Re: Membership - MANY approaches...

sounds like you will have to just find another way then :)
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Old 03-04-2014, 05:18 PM   #39 (permalink)
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Re: Membership - MANY approaches...

Steve the all bed salons are dropping like flys too in case you didn't notice :) The failing stores ran to add beds because they thought it would make a difference. Well it didn't. So why are we still going after 6 years? I know exactly why HT failed and it was a combination of several

Tanning salons because they are not properly structured or marketed. I have never suggested salons have only beds, in fact I think it is very important for a salon to have a strong booth presence. I just get behind the fact that you feel the only way to succeed is with all booths at $9.99 a month. The largest segment of tanners prefer tanning on beds no matter what your focus group says.

Failing salons do not have to fail, they simply must evaluate their structure and marketing efforts and be willing to invest in their own success.

I think it is great that you have reintroduced Hollywood Tans concept of all booth tanning. This leaves the majority of the tanners for the full service salon.
Stephen Underhill
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Old 03-04-2014, 05:35 PM   #40 (permalink)
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Re: Membership - MANY approaches...

Does anyone get in writing WHY a customer is cancelling a membership? Because I do and I have 15 years of metrics. I have watched it change over the years as to why..but I opt to metric this because it helps me understand how to better get in front of it.
Number one reason from 2010 to present...
1. Money (by margins!!)
2. Moving
3. Don't use it
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