I would go with the splash line. My reasoning, yeah the packaging looks like crap and yes people gravitate towards the great packaging. I have Splash in my salon and have not sold one bottle and that is fine with me. But guess what it looks like a value line just as it is. The cheapies that used to by the emerald bay I had in my salon now are spending $30 plus on other lotions. I can honestly say this past week we have not sold a lotion under $30. SO I would get the splash line so that your Value brand looks just as a value brand does. Emerald bays packaging i think takes away from the simple fact that is a cheap a$$ lotion. The clients are also happier with the products they are purchasing. Better products = better results. Do not discredit your student shoppers....most of them spend the most money with me...they have mommy and daddy's money! |