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Old 12-15-2001, 01:34 PM   #11 (permalink)
Join Date: Oct 8 2001
Posts: 150
Rep Power: 24 Formulated Solutions is on a distinguished road

Thank you for your support with the DNA product line. I hope this product continues to do well for you in your salon. Please be on the lookout we have three new DNA products ready to be introduced in the next month or so. We are staying with the very sophisticated simple look of the current DNA packaging and have three new formulas that are sure to please.

I guess I can say I am happy to hear that you like the way the CLEAR BY DESIGN feels on the skin, it truly is The First Clear Lotion available to this industry. I have to also say however, I sorry to hear that you are not overly pleased with the look of the package. The concept behind the frozen images on the front of the bottle, i.e. like the chili and the sunflower captured in the ice cube were to represent symbolically the concept of the VITA SPHEREStm . These are the microencapsulated beads that hold the high concentration of Anti-Oxidants and skin nutrients in a form of suspended animation. The whole idea of the spheres came to us after we looked analytically (HPLC) at the concentrations of anti-oxidants in competitive and even our own formulations. Many Anti-oxidants are broken down during the manufacturing process and by other ingredients in the lotion, so over time the effective dosage of the anti-oxidant in a lotion may be significantly reduced. The VITA SPHEREStm act as a protective shell and ensures the tanner that with each crush of the sphere they are receiving the most potent and pure form of the anti-oxidants available.

Sorry again that you are not overly excited about the look of the package, I wish I knew the secret to designing a label that everyone would love. I think for the most part however, the response has been similar to TAMAR’s and that is the CLEAR BY DESIGN looks really high-end similar to a retail cosmetic look.

Maria…I do want to thank you though for your honesty…That for sure is always appreciated especially when you are in the business of pleasing people by the products you produce. Send me private email and tell me your comments on the new product line and I will send you six bottles of any of the DNA on me, and in addition, I promise you will be the first on the list for the new DNA products when they are introduced….

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Old 12-15-2001, 05:50 PM   #12 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 15 2001
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There they are! Yes, I was quite impressed with the packaging but not with the price for 6.5 oz. And, my conversation with the company was not as pleasant as I'd hoped. Could I sell these, probably (to select clients), would I? Not unless I can try them first.
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Old 12-16-2001, 11:15 AM   #13 (permalink)
Join Date: Oct 8 2001
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Please contact me directly, I will be sure that you are sent samples at no charge. Feel free to contact me via emial or on the phone.
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Old 12-16-2001, 02:11 PM   #14 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 15 2001
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I called last week and the answer was no, why would you change your mind now?

I think you arranged something with Tangirl (thru this board and after my call) and she is my partner, so problem solved. As you can see I am not greedy, just feel we (salon owners) deserve more respect ESPECIALLY when you should be courting me.

Many regular posters here on this board know that I DO NOT conduct business with lotion companies that call me continuously so I must have been quite interested in your product to leave my name and number and then wait to be called by you last week. I am not difficult to get along with, just taking note of the change in your tone.
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Old 12-16-2001, 08:09 PM   #15 (permalink)
Join Date: Nov 11 2001
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Please tell me this is a joke. PLEASE, tell me someone wasn't putting down the packaging of the "Clear By Design" line while theu have BREEZE products on their Website! Please tell me that is not what just happened! LOL. Breeze might have the CHEAPEST looking packaging of ANY LOTION out there! Let's see.....RSun, Supre, Elements, Breeze, HP, and Cote De'Zeur? Well, at least they carry ONE quality lotion. Just kiddin. lol
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Old 12-16-2001, 08:40 PM   #16 (permalink)
Join Date: Dec 14 2001
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For your info,I am getting ride of it for that reason.We put all of the breeze products in gift bags and are offering it at low prices.
I said I dont like the packging.
You are entitled to carry any line you wish or say what you want.
Thats my opinion-deal!
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Old 12-16-2001, 09:01 PM   #17 (permalink)
Join Date: Dec 14 2001
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Just wanted to add one thing.
When i selected the lotions I carried it had to do with the public beauty supply.
Half the california tan line is there
swedish beauty, and some supre.
So "quality" lotions that i should be carring are what!Every one who comes in my store says they have never seen any of them-there for they wish to try all of them and cant go and by them down the block for $1 less then I paid for them.
Presention is everything,I take the apperance of my staff,the displays,and the salon very seriouslly.
I will not have someone bring in a bottle of browning syrup again with a $24
price tag on it.She said did you know you can get alot of tanning lotions at the hair supply place?
Maybe this is not a problem for you where you live,but it is here. I have never seen a bottle of hp2000 facial booster at the beauty supply.
I will tell you what i dont like about the clear by design bottle.I did not say the lotion was bad-the bottle is small-at least appears small.
The front has stickers of chile peppers and daisys,I prefer bottles that dont have pictures on them.This is why I am getting rid of breeze and bring in other lines.
I worked in ny as a colorist before tanning buis.
In that salon apperance of the bottles immediatly attracted people as well as the way the where displayed.
My old boss had a rule.
She never displayed anything in her store that had pictures on the lables.
It kept it very upscale looking and uniform.
I am trying to do the same.

[ This Message was edited by: URANUS on 2001-12-16 20:06 ]
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Old 12-18-2001, 01:51 PM   #18 (permalink)
Join Date: Nov 2 2001
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If I were sent 6 bottles of FREE lotion, I think I would be able to use One of those bottles to try for myself. I guess I'm too nice, I've never been sent that much free product - ever. I purchased my bottle of Clear by Design lotion - nice product, but overpriced for my area. I ended up displaying the bottle and selling trial cups just to recoupe some of my money from it. I do like some of the Breeze products and my customers have purchased them based on my reference, but the packaging definitely has a negative selling point. I've learned one thing from this site - they will buy what you suggest (if it's not too pricey).
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Old 12-19-2001, 01:28 AM   #19 (permalink)
Join Date: Nov 11 2001
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URANUS - First off, let me apologize if I PI$$ED you off. I was HONESTLY just joking. I must admit that I've done the SAME thing as you're doing; bought lotion that I wish I hadn't and then had BLOWOUTS or put them in Christmas Baskets.

I'm also sorry to hear about the trouble that you're having with the Beauty Supply houses. Every once in a while, we get that in it ENRAGES me! I think you're being VERY smart about trying to carry lotions that they can't get at SALLY'S, Etc.

One lotion line you may want to consider is Designer Skin. As far as I know, their products aren't available at Beauty Supply houses. They have GREAT packaging, GREAT smells and tan GREAT. This is my most popular line asnd they're gaining ground in the industry. E-mail me if you have any questions abou Designer Skin and how you can make $500 from a 6 bottle purchase. I'm not affiliated with them in any way, just a VERY satisfied customer.
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Old 12-27-2001, 06:22 PM   #20 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 15 2001
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Rep Power: 24 Tamar will become famous soon enough
Clear by Design Spiced: tried it this morning. The little sample came in a cute little round container like lip gloss, but bigger. It is definitely not the hottest tingle out there, but I saw good color from it. It looks like a gel but isn't sticky. I was impressed. Now if they'd work on that pricing we could talk...
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