Why Tanners Should Buy
Tanning Products Only from Your Salon!Our Stock of
Tanning Products are selected to help your tanning process because “tanning” products bought somewhere else may hinder your tanning process. Basic Moisturizers are not the same as After Exposure
Tanning Products :--------------------------------------------Tanners need to understand that often skin moisturizers bought from retail stores and major cosmetic companies containingredients that stop you from tanning. These non-tanning moisturizers ingredients may include:1) Natural and chemical sun blocks that will block your bodies UV light absorption during your tanning session.2) Skin bleachers and skin exfoliates designed to increase skin shedding and whiting to minimize wrinkles and blemishes.3) Most all non-tanning moisturizers do not contain tyrosine and other ingredients designed to help your body tan fasterlike Soakin’ Up The Rays (R): Continuous (TM) an After Exposure
Tanning Products . Indoor
Tanning Products and Outdoor Suncare Products are Different:-------------------------------------------Tanners need to understand that often indoor
tanning products are for helping you get tan and outdoor suncare products are designed to prevent you from getting tan by blocking UV exposure. Never use a Suncare (SPF) product in a tanning bed, SPF products require as long as 30 minutes before the SPF ingredients are actively blocking UV exposure. To prevent overexposure, reduce your exposure time or cover smaller areas with a towel or clothing to block UV exposure. Some
Tanning Products bought Elsewhere will Damage Tanning Beds:---------------------------------------------Tanners need to understand that the indoor tanning equipment is very expensive. Many “tanning” products sold outside of tanning salons may have ingredients like mineral oil, product dyes, and other ingredients that will damage the tanningequipment resulting in less UV exposure during the tanning session. Most major brands of indoor
tanning products havebeen tested to be tanning bed safe meaning the ingredients will not damage or reduce the effectiveness of the tanningequipment.Would You Bring Your Own Food to a Restaurant:---------------------------------------------Tanners need to understand that bring a tanning product bought from an outside source to a tanning salon is like bring yourown food to a five star restaurant. Do you take a grocery store perm or hair coloring kit to your professional hair stylistand demand they use it to save you a few dollars. Tanning salon owners are tanning professionals with large variety ofpremium quality
tanning products to help you get better results from your tanning sessions at prices everyone can afford.------------------Greg KlesiusSoakin' Up The Rays, Inc.1-800-935-7625WWW.Soakinuptherays.comAwarded the First TSO Seal of ApprovalWWW.naatso.org