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Old 12-05-2000, 09:57 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Michael:First of all, I would like to thank you for making a response to my post regarding the NIEHS/NTP meeting next Wednesday (12/13/00) in Washington, D.C. The purpose of this hearing is to discuss the porposed listing of "Broad Spectrum UV, UVC, UVB and UVA" as a known human carcinogen in the 10th RoC (Report on Carcinogens). This listing will strengthen and broaden the listing of "Solar Radiation and Exposure to Sunlamps and Sunbeds" as a known human carcinogen in the 9th RoC.I posted the notice of this meeting on 3 of the 4 forums and your response was the only one! That tells me that tanning salon owners, collectively, could care less about these important matters. Perhaps when enough adverse rulings have been made to affect the pocket book of everyone (owners, distributors and manufacturers) in the industry, we will pay attention to what is happening (of course it will be too late by then!).Perhaps, Michael, it is time for me to start playing more golf while I still enjoy good health. Why should I care about these issues when no one else seems to care?Don
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Old 12-05-2000, 10:37 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Don,In many industries it is the job of a main association for the industry to tackle these issues. It's not that we don't care, but that as an association that's your job. Certainly there should be industry representation from salon owners and I'm sure you could get some. If you have a board of directors with salon owner representation that's what it's for. That's what people should pay you dues for, for the fact that they can't be at every hearing or aren't up on the details. But you are, and your association is. I don't know if you do, but if you don't charge for this. Get a board together to speak for the owners and charge dues for members that you represent. And not that I don't care, and Don this isn't directed sorely at you, but **** how about one you associations out there start to produce some reports or data on other things that this industry could use. How about data and demographics on tanners, annual reports on beds/bulbs etc (kinda like bicycling magazine and other due), a software survey. I mean there's a lot of people here starting a business who come on these boards asking questions that in other industries they'd be able to go to the association and get a wealth of information. Not discounting the FDA regulations, effects of bulbs etc, but there is a need for different data if you ever expect this industry to get out of the relative infancy stage it's in. That creates value, value in your group. I want to see reports like I mentioned above, I want to identify a tanner in the midwest vs. a tanner in the south, etc., I want to see lotion sales by company, by type, by area, etc....Forgive me here for ranting, but I want more information that what's currently out there and it seems that no one cares about that, certainly not at an association.
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Old 12-05-2000, 01:52 PM   #3 (permalink)
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I agree with you Sunboy that TSO needs to be an association that people willing pay dues to belong because the benifits they get from membership. I belive that Don and the TSO board of directors are working on that. TSO is just emerging from ending of their relationship with Looking Fit and I expect TSO blossom into a fantastic organization that salon owners will be excited to be a part of. I think Don's point here is the fact that may salon owners do not seem to care what happens to them beyond the daily activity of their salon. On line poster and readers make up the majority of salon owners that do care. I hope they would express themselves in a show of support for TSO and Don's efforts. ------------------Greg KlesiusSoakin' Up The Rays, Inc.1-800-935-7625WWW.Soakinuptherays.comAwarded the First TSO Seal of ApprovalWWW.naatso.org
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Old 12-05-2000, 02:12 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Greg,I think your right. What I was getting at is that just because there's no one on here voicing support doesn't mean there's no support. Some people would rather show there support through their pocket books, so go after them. Also, let's not forget there are relatively few viewers to ANY tanning site in relation to the number of salons owners out there so just posting something here or ANYWHERE else isn't reaching the full audience out there.I hope your right with TSO.
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Old 12-05-2000, 08:06 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Greg:Thanks for your kind words. You and Roger Brown of puretan have been bullwarks of support for tanning salon owners.Superboy:First of all, there are approximately 30,000 tanning salon owners in the USA. Only 10-15% (3,000-4,500) are involved in the indoor tanning industry and are the ones who (1) go to trade shows, (2) read all 4 trade publications, and, (3) "read" the various posts on the various forums. Then, 10% of that number (300 - 450), are the ones that make "posts" on the various forums and get "somewhat" involved with industry issues. That means that 1% of the total number of owners are the ones who influence the industry! Of that number, 30-50 (0.1%) are "actively" involved in the issues that face us. No one, including me, have any idea how to get the 27,000 "silent" tanning salon owners involved but my hunch is that, while they are not part of the "on-line" community, many of them do read the various trade publications. Therefore, perhaps the 4 trade publications are the best bet to bring about a more professional industry.As for TSO, the "fatal" mistake made (I made it!) was believing that most of the 10% (3,000 - 4,500) and another 10% (another 3,000 to 4,500 owners) were ready to step forward and "make a difference" to our industry. I no longer believe this to be true but perhaps another individual and/or organization can do better than I did to get tanning salon owners involved.As for me, I have written over 20 articles that have TRIED to build up our industry. Each of them have clearly stated that the incontrovertible benefits of sensible, moderate and responsible exposure to UVR outweigh the minimal and manageable risks involved. I have backed up all of my articles with data from peer reviewed scientific publications. For your information, Superboy (whoever you are), it takes 30-40 hours to research and write each article.I have also tried to step forward and do my best to represent the best interests of ALL tanning salon owners regarding the various regulatory issues that have confronted us. If you do not know, Superboy, neither Pat nor I have ever been compensated financially by TSO! (We do have the satisfaction of knowing that we tried to "make a difference" to the best of our abilities.) If I had not "carried the day" at the TEPRSSC meeting in June, FDA would have gotten Amendment 1 approved and they would now be in the process of making mandatory the existing "guidelines" regarding exposure schedules. I would have taken responsiblity if Amendment 1 would have passed (since I was the only one who commented about it at the meeting) and I take great pride in the fact that it was defeated 11-0!In summary, therefore, I can honestly say that I have done my best to "make a difference"! The fact that it has not been good enough and has not been successful is of no consequence. I have tried my best and given it my all and so my heart and mind are at peace.Perhaps it is now time for others to step forward and see what they can do.Don
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Old 12-05-2000, 08:14 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Sunboy:Forgive me for using the wrong "handle" and accept the fact that I am getting senile!Don
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Old 12-05-2000, 08:29 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Don,No problem.What I was suggesting is that if you offered different things you may get a wider audience. You probably don't know how to reach those 27,000 because you don't know if that's even the figure. I've seen 5 different figures spouted about. If your only able to capture the interest of 10% of an audience then you need to look at your product, what you offer, rather than just bank on 10%.I in no way meant to trivialize what you do. It's an important service, one I would pay for. What would be important to the other 90% to make them be a part of TSO? That's my point. You are one of the few and the proud I've observed in this industry that has visionary tendancies. Your just focused on one thing. Surround yourself with people in TSO who care about other things and you'll create a wider audience.I think your figures are a bit high, I think the amount would actually be lower. Ever think of trying to quantify your market and then go after it? Your getting frustrated because it seems as if your banging you head against a wall and you are because you don't really know for certain the real figures for this industry or anything about those people. If you don't know that, how can you ever reach them if they don't reach out first?Last thought. Your show was/has been great. I'm sad to see it leave. For myself, Nick and a few others who don't go to Nashville, how would you classify us? In the upper 90% because our name doesn't show up on a registration list? Offer something more and members will support you.
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Old 12-05-2000, 10:01 PM   #8 (permalink)
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We all need to thank Don for all the hard work he has been doing for us.While some of you think all the articles in the trade mags. need to be about making more money, Don has tried to raise the professional level of our industry. I know Don spends alot of time researching his topics. I use these articles for information to put into my salon news letters and press releases. Once again I would like to take this time in this forum to THANK DON AND PAT for all their hard work.------------------learn not to burn
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Old 12-05-2000, 10:36 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Don you and Pat are the best....Thankyou!Bob www.tanningprofessionals.com
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Old 12-05-2000, 10:39 PM   #10 (permalink)
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DonI echo the sentiments of the others and feel that you, Pat, Gregg and others have unselfishly given of your time , effort and devotion for this industry because of love and desire and not the almighty dollar--As I have previously stated the only criticism that I have is that the TSO of which I have been amember since Chicago 1999 should be collecting dues--Also as stated I will not be going to Nashville 2001 as a protest to their actions with Looking Fit and the Chicago show-As a protest I would suggest that possibly a show in Scotsdale during this same time frame be held and a tour of JA and/or other Lotion Companies be scheduledI have already spoken to Gregg and am serious about doing private labeling in my salon, maybe other will do the sameIt seems that many slon owners either don't care or are totally blinded by the purpose of ITA--I still would like to see By-Laws of an organization to which I belong--**** the Boy Scouts and Boys Clubs have By-Laws what is the problem with this massive organization that controls the free market they have no By-Laws and have no accounting of their income and expenditures--I am further advised by Bruce that this was an organization formed by manufacturers and distributors that let us the salon owners join so that we can give themour money for no purpose but to fund their selective programsDon again thank you Pat & Gregg for your efforts and I as one wish it continues------------------NickProud supporter TSO
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