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Old 09-28-2001, 12:10 PM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Apr 19 2001
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Rep Power: 24 Chippp will become famous soon enough
The article in TanInfo November 2001Clearly shows how tanning beds that include facial tanning lamps are an unnecessary risk to clients, The use of such lamps in not needed in a properly designed tanning unit and of high enough risk that they should never be used.The low pressure fluorescent lamps do not pose this risk. only the high pressure facial type lamps.Unlike the common fluorescent lamps most tanning unit use which are safe as is, without special filter glass. The facial, high pressure lamps are extremely dangerous as they emit levels of uvb and uvc and infra red rays that you should never be exposed to ever, that cause skin damage and severe burns. To make these lamps usable special filtering glass must be in place to filter out all these harmful rays. If the glass cracks, or is loose, or slips out of place, or is not properly maintained or replaced, will cause damage in the way of burns . The client must rely totally on the knowledge , concern and honestly of the salon owner to see that these lamps are fully protected at all times and that in no way can the filters every come loose or break or be replaced with anything other then the manufactures original filters.The salon owner in this case did not have a clue that 4 of her tanning beds were "defective" due to not being properly maintained, causing the filter glass to slip out of place causing, burns including second-degree burns to seven clients faces.The end result clients damage to their faces and the salon owner receiving a notice from a client that she would be suing.How can you protect your clients from this?If a clients dislodges the filter glass or breaks or cracks it then does not report it , and I am sure they won't, I pity the next clients to use the unit.If the salon owner is short or money or brains and the filter glass has some problem, clients look out!It is safer in any case to only use tanning beds or booths that do not include high pressure {facial} tanning lamps.Remember if the tanning unit is designed properly these lamps never need to be used in the first place.Clients look out for your own safety, some salon owners can't.
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Old 09-28-2001, 03:18 PM   #2 (permalink)
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please tell us how a proper bed is designed, I am dying to know.please back up talk with examples,or just keep quiet.
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Old 09-28-2001, 03:29 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Chipp This goes to show all of us that the Salon must be totally professional and dilligent on maintaining their equiptment. I am so for national regulations for all salon owners I run a very upscale facility and am truly tired of competing with non professionals. It degrades are entire industry, that committed professionals are trying to bring out of the darkages. Lets unite together and bring our consumers the care and commitment they are looking for. Not just a cheap place to tan.
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Old 09-28-2001, 04:43 PM   #4 (permalink)
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corvette, its very clear YOU have MUCH to LEARN.Any design that includes an unnecessary risk it just plan reckless at worst, careless at best.
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Old 09-28-2001, 07:12 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Chippp you sure sound like a person with an agenda. Does all your competition include facial tanning lamps in their beds, hurting your bottom line? I can't imagine a world if our forefathers thought like you. There would be no autos because a horse will get you there and the public must rely totally on the knowledge, concern and honesty of the auto manufacturers, auto owners and repair people to see that these autos are safe at all times and that in no way can the auto ever become unsafe and hurt someone. In fact, if you look around, what could there be that you could not use your argument to oppose. It's like saying get rid of all tanning beds. They may hurt someone and you always have the sun.Steve Miller
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Old 09-28-2001, 11:12 PM   #6 (permalink)
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WOW! You must have a lot of time on you,re hands, that was the most uneducated blah-blah I have heard in a long time! You should be glad you are not located anywhere near my salon. 4 Ultrabronz and 16 vhr beds all withyou,re so called unsafe high pressure facialswould put a serious hurt to you're biz!What kind of dollars are you putting in you're register with entry level lowpressure equipment without facials!!!!
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Old 09-29-2001, 10:17 AM   #7 (permalink)
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For those who have just tuned in... Chippp is a booth fanatic and bashes tanning beds and acrylics and everything about them every chance he gets. I return you to our regularly scheduled debate.
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Old 09-29-2001, 12:21 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Chippp, this report comes out of Canada. In a tanning booth one of the fan blades in the top of the booth decided to detach itself from the post the blade flew right through the plastic cage and hit the customer that was tanning. Not to mention the 40 - 50 pieces of plastic from the cage. I guess I don't have to say that if fans are not properly maintained or replaced this could cause damage to the customer with flying fan blades The client must rely totally on the knowledge, concern and honestly of the salon owner to see that they are fully protected at all times from flying fan blades and that in no way should a fan blades every come loose or break. If the salon owner is short or money or brains and the fan has some problem, clients look out! Remember if the fan was designed properly this would never happen. Clients look out for your own safety, don't tan anywhere near a fan.Steve Miller
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Old 09-29-2001, 07:58 PM   #9 (permalink)
I love Derf!!
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Hah Hah Hah, good come back stevemiller
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Old 09-30-2001, 07:26 AM   #10 (permalink)
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I went mystery shopping at the competition the other day and tanned in a stand up. How would you sanitize the straps (all of those hands have touched them!) and the floor? My face also became distinctly red several hours later...
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