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Old 05-05-2005, 07:29 PM   #1 (permalink)
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I am wondering if this bothers anyone else.

There is a local tanning salon in my area that advertises they have 120 watt tanning beds vs. 100 watt beds.

The problem is that the tanning beds are Sun Dashes, and while it may be true that the lamps are 120 Watts, the ballast in the Sun Dash beds are only 100 watt ballasts. There is no such thing as a 120 watt ballast in a tanning bed. Same goes for 170 watt. Lamps maybe, but not ballasts. I did a ton of reasearch before I opened my tanning salon, and this is why I chose to go with UWE beds instead of Sun Dash or Ergoline tanning beds.

I feel that it is misleading to a customer when the salon states the customers are getting a 120 watt tan, when they are really only getting a 100 watt tan.

The salon also prints coupons that state 120 watt lamps, which is true, but misleading, because the customer thinks they are tanning in a stronger bed, when they are not.

My understaning is that Ergoline can tell salon owners that the beds are 120 or 170 watt because the lamps really are, but the beds are not. And that so far to date they have not been asked to make any changes to the specification they list on the beds to make future tanning salon owners or potential bed buying customers aware of what they are really getting.

This just really bothers me. I am not saying they are bad beds, because they are not. But as a business owner, I would want to know what I am really getting when I buy it, and I would not tell a customer something not true just so that the felt they are getting tanned in a better bed, when it really is no different than any other salons 100 watt tanning bed.

Anybody else?
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Old 05-05-2005, 07:33 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Some salons give out false info all day long all year. It is your choice if you think education for clients is the right way to go on this subject. However I would not speak about that salon exactly that is doing that by name or thier beds. I would not let it bother you.
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Old 05-05-2005, 08:40 PM   #3 (permalink)
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I agree! I see your point, but it might be a huge waste of energy trying to educate the customer. Misperception is part of the advertising game & Relationships are built on trust and if that is in place, the customer will understand that they can get an equally if not better tan in you beds. (and besides, the service is better!)
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Old 05-05-2005, 09:00 PM   #4 (permalink)
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This is what i know. We have the sundash and we put 100watt lamps in them last year, 400 hours later they sucked. I have the Genesis 120watt lamp back now, 800 hours and they are still kicking butt. Changing them next week and will get another year out of them. If the manufacture calls it a 120watt bed who am i to tell anyone different. I dont feel that it is misleading. You had the chance to buy the better bed and lamp and you passed on it. Now you are crying foul because you cant compete. I know i know service matters and that will keep them coming. You know what keeps them coming a 120watt bed with facial lamps that kick butt for 800 - 1000 hours. I guess your research was flawed a little - better luck next time. I tell you what i will get the true story on these beds. Next time i talk to the guy who put the team together who made the beds i will get back to you. Then i will explian it to you very slowly.
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Old 05-05-2005, 09:06 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Old 05-05-2005, 09:33 PM   #6 (permalink)
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1200ma ballasts are not 100w ballasts. They are 120 watt ballasts. That's why the cook 100w lamps quicker. For those in Rio Linda, that means a 100 watt lamp driven by a 1200ma ballast will consume the same amount of electrical energy (watts) as a 120 watt lamp, but the 120 watt lamp will have a higher UV output and last longer.

So yea, it should bother you because will all else being equal, you'll have to get more expensive lamps to put in those 100w beds to beat the 120w beds. But instead of being "bothered", you need to edumacate yourself and beat your competition at their own game. Ultimately it's UV output that matters, not watts.
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Old 05-05-2005, 09:54 PM   #7 (permalink)
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I am not up on the tech side of the ballast - ill admit. I have not been in a ballast tray in long while. These beds just dont have many problems occur and we have 15. I do now recall the ballast are labeled 120watt. Techno this is really making your "research" not look very good. Was this "research" provided by a rival of ergoline. The team that made this bed took a long while in putting their "research" into it. They also believe in making a product that is darn near perfect. I dont mean Ergoline but Sun industries the original maker of the bed. Techno i also think that poeple making beds for 20 years probably had better "research" than you did. This is a 120watt bed. Do you really think they could label ballast and lamps 120watt for darn near 10 years and never be called on it by another bed maker. OH they did i forgot. The manufacturer of the beds you got told you about it. Face it - you paid for a lesser product and now you are paying for it. Busy season is not a time to complain about sales. My complaint is that i havent got time to go over last months sales yet. Too busy. Next time do better "research".
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Old 05-05-2005, 10:24 PM   #8 (permalink)
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OK.... First of all, I am not complaining about my beds. The beds I have are oustanding. I did not say that Sun Dash beds were bad. I was simply asking a question about the lamps and ballasts. And I was told by the manufacturer that they do not push a true 120 watts.... so don't tell me I don't do my research.

I bought the new Cobra EXF beds by Montego Bay...and they kick butt! It is a 32 lamp bed with 3 400 watt facials. It is my first level bed. As a matter of fact, a ton of people are now coming to my salon that used to tan at the other salon, because they got much tanner when they used their free week on the Cobra beds, than they ever did on the Sun Dash beds. But again, I want to make it clear that I am not saying the Sun Dash beds are bad. I used to tan on them at the salon I tanned at before opening my own.

For those of you who attacked me (top250tansyou), I thought this was a freindly forum. I was simply asking a question. I did my research and was told what I know. I am very happy with my decision to purchase the beds I purchased.

I just don't feel that a bed that has 100 watt ballasts, using 120 watt lamps, should be labled as a 120 watt bed, when it is not. It is not any better than any other 100 watt bed. I am not talking quality of lamps here, I am talking true wattage being pushed through the lamp and UV being produced.

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Old 05-05-2005, 10:29 PM   #9 (permalink)
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And by the way, top250tansyou, I know the ballasts are labeled 120 watt. But I was told by the manufacturer that even though they are labled as 120 watt ballasts, they are only 100 watt ballasts, and to date, they have not beed made to change them so that the true specs are on the bed when shipped to the americas.+
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Old 05-05-2005, 11:33 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Shipped to the americas. What in the **** are you talking about? The Sundash line is made in America. The good North American U S of A. Wait - hold on. Are we talkin about the beds or the ballast. I need to know which - the beds are made here. Where are the ballast made?
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