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Old 06-04-2002, 08:22 AM   #1 (permalink)
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I wanted to announce that American Royal, Inc. has agreed to help fund the National Advertising Campaign (NAC). I have convinced André of the need for the NAC and the need to come up with ways to fund the NAC.

André has agreed to begin a new NAC funding program in conjunction with the on-line salon only ordering system American Royal, Inc. is introducing today.

American Royal, Inc. will sign up salons that want to help fund the NAC by donating 5% of their purchases to fund the NAC.

The great thing is that the 5% will be over and beyond the maximum discounts the salons are receiving on the products they order.

So if Brand X has a 30% maximum allowable discount then the salon gets the product at the maximum allowable discount. Then American Royal will donate an additional 5% directly to the NAC.

Everyone wins!

The salon still receives the maximum allowable discounts possible!
NAC receives 5% donations from those sales!

This program is limited to salons ordering on line and that have signed up in advance for the NAC program. American Royal, Inc. must verify that the customers are tanning salons or business that have tanning beds for commercial use before they can order from American Royal, Inc.

American Royal, Inc. will give all salons on the NAC funding program, the maximum allowable discount on all brands of indoor tanning products , then will donate an amount equal to an additional 5% discount on those lines to the NAC fund to support pro-tanning advertising and research. All other standard terms and conditions as outlined in the American Royal catalog apply. Call for more details.

Thank You André and American Royal, Inc. for joining the team to support and fund the NAC. I hope salons will take advantage of this program and know of your support to increase their business with a Pro-tanning advertisements and research!
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Old 06-04-2002, 08:32 AM   #2 (permalink)
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This is great.. but others must be involved..
See the posts under "this is my plan for the NAC" in the next thread..
Whos holding the 5% and where.?
No body can make this commitment until a board of trustees is in place...
It's about the $$$$$$..
WAKE -UP Rose Buds...

Plan the plan and work the plan..
Fail to plan.. you've planned to fail!

Been along time since I rock and rolled. And I'm goin to Vegas...so Let's roll................. Zepplin Rules Rock..[ This Message was edited by: fungirlz on 2002-06-04 07:34 ]
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Old 06-04-2002, 10:16 AM   #3 (permalink)
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I got Andre to agree to sent the money to Don Smith at TSO to fund pro-tanning reaserch until the NAC can be set up and incorporated!

Is that OK?

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Old 06-04-2002, 12:17 PM   #4 (permalink)
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This is NEWS!!

And sorry I missed your call Andre - - my crap phones never let me know I have a message UNTIL I try to call out . . . so I was here - - - just never knew you had called

Greg - you remind me of . . . . ME.

At least the older version of ME.

And Christine is 100% correct . . . .

The plan needs even a tiny bit of structure love, and it matches what the Board of Big Dog has been discussing . . .

We too are sick of waiting for all the armies to get their heads out - - - and have decided a similar plan of action to support Don Smith with funding since he seems to be the one best able to advance the causes of this industry.

But Greg - - - you are ALL OVER the place . . .

I admire your zeal - - - have a poopoo-load of it myself . . . .

but you don't create NEW realities and force them down someone's throat - - - -

1~ have you discussed with Don the accounting methods?

2~ has the % of research funding and % of (NOT THE NAC) but grass roots ads funding been discussed??

3~ the Three Beeches have discovered that OurBigDog.com cannot be creating funds for the NAC - - - cause the NAC does not exist - - - - Don Smith Does . . . .

4~ I see the pattern here, I actually see the path too (ask Bruce - I am freekish in this ability) . . . .

Decide how many groups need your support and direction - - - but try to stop confusing the issue ~ ok



there has always been two big problems within this industry - - - Lazy A$$ apathy on one pole . . . . and disorganised worker bees flying into each other on the other pole . . . . Slow down a tad . . . THINK.

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Old 06-04-2002, 02:10 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Quote:the Three Beeches ~Sheila

HEY WOMEN, wait a minute!!!!
Spell it right...******es!

BigDog B.O.D.
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Old 06-04-2002, 02:10 PM   #6 (permalink)
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"Plan the plan and work the plan..
Fail to plan.. you've planned to fail!"

I like that Chris..words to live by..

[ This Message was edited by: MJ on 2002-06-04 13:12 ]
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Old 06-04-2002, 02:41 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Sorry to the beautiful and talented women of tanning, as a man I am prone to get ahead of myself.

I think that the NAC needs to be seperate from the TSO or any on-line board. I think that the board should have members from all let me stress all the boards as well as TSO.

* We need rock solid accounting, where the money is coming from and where it is going.

* It needs to be indepandant from ITA, TSO, any on-line board or any manufacturer so it can be truly non-political.

* we must have the sience of TSO to support this, the call for Don not to be a part of "if Don is in this then I am not doing it" is stupid. We are dead without thier science.

* If we need their science, we need to help pro-tanning reaserch happen. How much, Heck how does 25% sound of the revenue of NAC. (By the way, I just made that % up so it is not written in stone)

* No board member can be a vendor of any product or service that NAC spends dime one on. That stops the NAC becoming the money source for a board members.

What do you think we need to do to make NAC a reality?
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Old 06-04-2002, 05:03 PM   #8 (permalink)
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The proposed NAC is trying to reinvent the wheel when all that is needed is to change a flat tire.

see: http://www.suntanning.com/vboard/showthread.php?s=&postid=41213#post41213

Dogs - Wag your tail!
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Old 06-04-2002, 09:46 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Jim - - - I read your post over on STC . . but I am getting weary following the various "right to give light" brigade.

I like your style - - - your in-depth information and cannot believe that you are still seeking within THIS industry!!!!

If I knew what your now know - - - I would be at 7~11 swilling slurpees

This group (or rather this collection of groups) is only coming to the realization that the Indoor Tanning Association ITA - is not to be depended upon for this purpose of the National Ad Campaign - - - -

You are suggesting a truly Bloody Revolution upon a board of volunteers . . . a little extreme ~ ~ no??

And I think your estimates of the true ching the salons bring into the ITA (both in salon membership -ummmm, uhh - yeah . . . and in Trade Show passes) is not realistic . . . .

The Manufacturers have always paid for their place on this board - - -They have HUGE membership fees, and many also pay the ticket for salon owners to attend the darned shows . . . .

The ITA is not in place to provide us with a National Ad Campaign . . . they were voted in by __________ and actually have minimal time to handle all the issues that are on their plate -- and this is just a reality ck . . . I am not protecting them or even agreeing with their agendas . . .. But it is UNFAIR to scream for a coup when we are only just getting to a point where the Boards are Able to Communicate without killing each other!!!!

Why must we always expect the others to be so much better able to achieve the behavior and status that WE ARE NOT ABLE TO ACHEIVE???

No Jim - Salon Owners need to do this (and if the MFGs / Vendors that support the ITA wish to help this cause - they will certainly reap the rewards) - - - but you cannot chastise them for not being ALL YOU SHOULD BE . . . . .



no matter how we all came to be here - - the past history does need to be buried so that we can all move forward . . . there are promising alternatives with each of the plans out there . . . let's roll up our sleeves and kick some ***!
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Old 06-04-2002, 11:19 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Go Shelia!
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