View Full Version : Sun Doctors

  1. Tan America coms switch?
  2. Sungate tanning bed
  4. Intelliatan Timers
  5. Ergoline sun angel
  6. Ergoline sun angel
  7. Dr Muller Icon
  8. Ultrabronz 924
  9. Ergo 650 Classic acrylic change
  10. ISO L33 ER 4 out of 6 Facials out
  11. Sunvision 24S Wolff - all lights stopped working !
  12. Hapro luxura 620 experience.?
  13. Bed Tech - Ovation 5400 - Des Moines
  14. Dr Mullerr Orbit bank of bulbs out
  15. ballast fuses keep blowing
  16. Ergoline 500 classic E022 error code
  17. Servicer Indiana and surrounding States
  18. Wiring diagram.
  20. ISO of bed technician close to Ohio
  21. Solaris 442 not resetting after multiple sessions
  22. Taking off TMAX 3A
  23. VersaSpa slide bearings
  24. MAGIC 636 TRIAC
  26. S Class
  27. Velocity 918 Help
  28. Ergoline Excellence 800 Misters NOT WORKING :(
  29. Bed Tech of Matrix L33
  30. Royal Sun 46/6 issues
  31. Sontegra 3000X Won't Ignite
  32. Sun Dash 232 Flicker
  33. In need of Bed tech to do a bed move in NJ ASAP!
  34. Need Someone to Install a SunCapsule Stand-up in Palm Springs, CA
  35. X2 Manual Needed
  36. VersaSpa Tech in southern Ontario
  37. Solaris X2
  38. Alisun Sunvision Compact XL
  39. Mystic Meter Electrical Info
  40. looking for a tanning bed tech in California
  41. Snapping crackling and popping, then darkness
  42. Magic 636 drawing too much current
  43. substitute 800w lamp for 1000w lamp
  44. I am looking for a tanning bed tech in TX
  45. KBL Pure Energy Issues
  46. Needed black sun 360hp wiring
  47. Alisun Sun Vision V Compact XL
  48. Ergoline Sound System - External Music Source
  49. Ergoline Passion
  50. Royal Sun Trouble
  51. Repairing an Ergoline main board
  52. Ergoline Avantagrde Manuals
  53. S Class
  54. Sungate v1
  55. ambition 300
  56. Ergoline Classic 600
  57. T-Max timer
  58. Magic 636 lamps
  59. Need New Salon Maintenance person in MA
  60. Suncapsule Capacitor Issue
  61. Ergo Classic 450 tripping Breaker (Deco Lighting)
  62. ICON Problem
  63. Any sun doctors in Philly area?
  64. Mystic HD water leak in cleaning unit
  65. Aqua massage
  67. Velocity HP1000, two lamps wont turn off
  68. SonnenBraune pryzma 1044
  69. Sunvitale shutting down after 30 secs?
  70. magic 636 mister pump
  71. Versa Problem
  72. Need Versa tech - chelmsford, MA
  73. ergoline open sun 1050 re-program
  74. Ergoline PC Rebuild
  75. Sportarredo 35 top canopy
  76. Ergoline advantage 350 turning off
  77. Sportarredo Holiday 45 Facial
  78. KBL Max 10 issue
  79. sungate schematic or pic of board
  80. Matrix L33
  81. Sundome 548V Blowing Lamp When Turned On
  82. Sundome XL-48.. nothing happens when power is turned on..
  83. Star Power 548 Side Tanning Lamps Not Lighting
  84. Luxura 620 error e04
  85. UltraBronz SuperNova will not start. Help please!
  86. Matrix L33
  87. Sungate issue
  89. Brian Oshman has passed...
  90. giantsun/sungate v1
  91. suntana passport 24 help
  92. tanning bed canopy dolly/ moving dolly - where to buy?
  93. ETS Starpower turning on and off really fast..
  94. Sungate Accent Lights
  95. Orbit Parts
  96. wiring start button on versa
  97. Re figuring a sun capsule moving store
  98. Heartland/Tan America Solarix X2 shutting downT
  99. Lamps just turned on by them selves??? Won't shut off...
  100. HELLGATE v1 no voltage output to tmax
  101. X-Calibur tripping breaker
  102. X-Calibur help please
  103. Looking to move a mystic tan in mass
  104. Sunstar 332 Fans Stopped Working
  105. mystic wiring
  106. Ergoline classic 600 pauses during session
  107. Need Tan America help
  109. KBL 4500 Fan Speed Settings
  110. Need Mystic Service Tech- Chelmsford MA
  111. Lower bed temp ?
  112. NEED Salon repair ASAP in MA
  113. Sunstar ZX32 Error 92, constant beep
  114. Sunboard plus keeps running
  115. Sunstorm blower part identification/purpose
  116. troubleshoot Suncapsule
  117. StarPower 548 facial issue
  118. Mystic HD not spraying on first pass, only air
  120. KBL Optima phase conversion
  121. Hollywood Tan HP fan needed
  122. suncapsule interior paint
  123. ETS Velocity 1000
  124. Sunstar 432 Only Partially Starts
  125. Problem with tripping breaker and Tanses Bed
  126. venting a suncapsule cyclone
  127. Bulb /starter trouble
  128. Starpower 52 4F facial lamp holder
  129. Sportarredo Extasy
  130. Matrix L33 shutting off
  131. Technician in Omaha Nebraska Area
  132. SunStar 432 Timer Button not working
  133. ETS Starpower 548-4F Timer Problem #2
  134. ETS Starpower 548-4F Timer Problem #1
  135. Sunvision Pro24S Not Working
  136. Sunstar zx32b and tmax 3a help
  137. Sunvision Pro 28 LE 2F Wolff System-Smell & Pop
  138. SS755 Wiring help for speakers
  139. UltraSun JetPower in Boston, MA needs a tech
  141. Sungate problem
  142. Solaris 175 face tanning bulbs are dim.
  143. Sungate v1 , all lamps come on but the canopy..
  144. Sunstar 432 Wont Start Tmax Mgr Doesn't Recognize
  145. Arcylic when to change
  146. sundash 240G missing harness
  147. Ergoline Passion 34/3
  148. Matrix fans working but not lamps?
  149. no power
  150. Manual Timer Config - Sportarredo Holiday 45
  151. SS755 Error message
  152. Soltron XL-70 Dance
  153. Facial fans and bed fans won't turn off
  154. Running Ergo with Tmax
  155. ETS Sunscape 756 Making loud pulsing buzz
  156. S-Class not cooling down
  157. 3 Facials problems
  158. Sunstar 332
  159. bed will not turn on
  160. bed shutting off early
  161. Problem With Buck Booster
  162. baby-x manual needed
  163. Removing Canopy on Avantgarde
  164. Ultrasun Turbo 25000
  165. bed Tech in Oklahoma
  166. Water Damage Sunstar Model L-zx32b
  167. If in need of an Electrician
  168. Breaker Question
  169. s-class fans come on but lamps do not
  170. Need tech in Alabama
  171. If in need of Tanning repair, I am in Mass
  172. Prosun luxura 48/8 vhr programming
  173. Icon startup problem
  174. Puretan Ellipse III need help
  175. ETS Solaris resetting mid-session
  176. Orbit 44/4 overheating
  177. T Max pro not reading one bed
  178. Sun Italia Magic 636
  179. Lamp keep blowing: I need help
  180. Sunquest Pro 16SH
  181. Voltage of internal TMax timer
  182. Help with Sportarrado N'JOY
  184. Ergoline Affinity 660 flashing display
  185. ETS 548-4F Timer Problem
  186. Sundome 548V Panel of Bulbs out? HELP
  187. Completely lost
  188. Sunvision V180 XX - 4 Bulbs in a row out
  189. South Beach Standup 23-46 4 VHR fan issue
  190. Disengaging Ergoline 650 Canopy Safety Brake
  192. Sunquest bed...something very wrong
  194. montego bay cobra won't turn on
  195. Mymyst sticking at top
  196. Reset for Matrix L58
  197. Suntan xl180
  198. Montego bay v56
  200. Sundash 226 Timer/Parameter Help
  201. montego bay wolf bed
  204. SunCapsule Super Cyclone Manual
  205. Older Sundazzler
  206. 2005 ETS 755 Sunscape: 2 of 5 Facials not coming on
  207. Tanning bed tech Philladelphia Area Wanted
  208. ERGOLINE 600 HELP
  209. Ergoline 240 HELP
  210. older Sundash (Help 4)
  211. intan tanning bed wiring diagram
  212. Lamps Glowing in the Center
  213. NEEDING HELP ASAP!!!!!!!
  214. Need a Tech in SE Michigan.
  215. stupid question on cayenne
  216. Sunquest Pro 24RS -- PLEASE HELP !!
  217. Ultrabronz 950 Not Lighting
  218. Odd Lamp issue
  219. Sundazzler paramiters
  220. Prosun Luxura X5 34Spr
  221. Starpower 52 4F Canopy Bulbs All Out
  222. Soltech Pro 20 Shutting Down 6 minutes and beyond.. timer problem??
  223. Fans stopped on older VIP 3000?
  224. Mystic 3000 question.
  225. Does anyone know anything about Starpower 52 4F models?
  226. Overhead fan stops working in middle of session
  227. Sunstar 32ZX won't start
  228. Changing prosun beds from 3 phase to single
  229. Electrical Contractor
  230. tmax to UWE tropical
  231. Installation specialists
  232. Solart 50 Manuel
  233. sunal crs bed does not come on
  234. Sundash 240G
  235. Need help with Ultrabronz Supernova Please....
  236. Solarforce 652v
  237. Ultrabronz 818 Ballast
  238. Ergoline Inspiration 450 E025 Error
  239. Auvl Dr Mueler Icon Display giving a funny message
  240. Fans won't start they just hum
  241. Ignitor on Acclaim
  242. Sungate V1
  243. Manual needed for older Sunal
  244. dr muller orbit - "pop" then funny smell according to customer
  245. Solar Pacific Flips Breaker
  246. How Do I Remove timer from Sunvision Pro 24 Sp Tanning Bed?
  248. 1999 ultra sun 4000/0 help
  249. Need Help With a Dr. Kern Bed
  250. error code 102 ergoline
  251. Erogoline 350 help
  252. Ergoline Ambition 200
  253. Bed Doctor Columbus Ohio
  254. Very old Wolff SCA tanning bed
  255. Any "bed doctors" in Chicago (near Midway)
  256. i need help with mystic sparyer
  257. My Myst solution remaining
  258. Technosun Infinity 360 - HELP!
  259. T-MAX Timer
  260. HELP Sonnenbraune Leaving Stripes!
  261. Tropical Rayz Tanning bed
  262. MT Innovation Reads "H7" Help!
  263. sunvision timer changed max tan time
  264. Wolff System error
  265. Sun Series 424 SL Users Manual
  266. Addressing a p90 to tmax after power failure
  268. ergoline 800
  269. Salontouch won't recognize versaspa
  270. Alisun Sunvision 466 xxl
  271. Water Pump For Mystic Innovation Box?
  272. Buzzing buck boost
  273. New Matrix L28 Dec fuse keeps blowing help!!
  274. Slide hook that supports canopy issues on my Sungate V1, any help?
  275. Wiring schematic needed for Hollywood Tans HP 15 minute tower, PLEASE help
  276. Need help with a sunburst
  277. Need Sonnenbraune pryzma 1044 Tanning Bed Manual
  278. Wiring diagram for Sungate V1 and V2
  279. Lock out mode?
  280. Ergo 850 keeps shutting off giving me e040
  281. SolarForce 648 Shoulder Tanners Not Working
  282. Help sundash r32 error
  283. Wolff Series IV 424sl...with Genesis H418 120W Lamps ??
  284. Buying a Sonnen Braune Klassik Series 732 Tomorrow
  285. Ergo 650 Classic E040.... help?
  286. Sundash 226GF Help!
  287. sunstar zx32 timer shows 8.8.
  288. Manual needed Sonnenbraun 3200/3
  289. PLEASE HELP Intellitan Plus Sundash R32B
  290. dr kern cx320 timer control
  291. SS 755 Facials
  292. Ergoline Classic 600 main PCB board help
  293. timer malfunction - bed not working
  294. SunStar 432 error 93
  295. Tanses 55 Sun Fx Manual
  296. Sticky links to pictures
  297. Solaris 175 Ballast tray alarm
  298. Ergoline 26 hand held remote control wiring problem
  299. Sunstar ZX32 3F Section NOT working
  300. 200 amp panel booster
  301. Vertical Solutions XS Power stand up booth TOTALLY shuts off when starting!! Help!
  302. Ambition 200 fan speed
  303. sunvision pro 30 help needed
  304. Mystic Inovation problem
  305. Does a salon need ac if the beds all have ac in them?
  306. Cosmos bed not lowering canopy
  307. ignitor
  308. orbit 44/4
  309. Miracle Sun Saturn
  310. Serial Numbers/DOM on Dr. Kern Tandome
  311. ergoline 300 classic problem
  312. Ergo Passion 34/3 Face bulbs INOP. Any ideas?
  313. Link for evolution 600 manual
  314. classic 600 phase conversion
  315. sunquest 1995 41 bulb
  316. tecate 6124hd capacitors
  317. Installed buck boosters now tripping breaker. Need advice????
  318. Sundash Radius 200 (SR- 48) & T-Max 3a Timer Help!
  319. TA Santa Barbera no power at t max or radio
  320. Repairs to Mystic Tan Blue Box Can/USA
  321. Windows 7 and serial ports
  322. Ergoline MP3 Player Question
  324. Help: Prosun 500 will not start
  325. Looking for someone to service beds in St Louis, MO
  326. Tan America 42 bulb w/ 3 facials getting to much voltage
  327. Need wiring diagram for sunup 4800-1500m
  328. HelpSunquest PRO 24SF fan problems
  329. Solaris 442 Canopy Fails to start.
  330. Sportarredo Bed - Help?
  331. Sundash 240 G Canopy Won't Stay Open...
  332. Intellitan L 36 error code
  333. formostar pads
  334. Older Puretan Hawaii Bed Main Power Wiring
  335. megaSun Tower Space 2000
  336. Soltron XL70 (2004) - base lamps not working
  337. Ergoline Ambitions 3000??
  338. Sunstar 432 No Facials Display Board
  339. Sontegra Fan Replacement
  340. Magic Tan MT3000
  341. Speaker in Mystic Innovation is out.
  342. Burning smell
  343. Tan America 42 bulb laydown--HELP
  344. Solaris 442
  345. Sunvision 28le
  346. ETS 432-3F Timer Problem
  347. Solaris timer / keypad issue?
  348. control board problem
  349. Wiring a Sundash 240G to a Database 10000 timer?
  350. Dr. Kern Private Sun
  351. Lamp not turning on in sungate
  352. Sontegra Double Shot (beds keep going down :( )
  353. TECH NEEDED North Idaho or Eastern WA
  354. UB Supernova HELP!
  355. UltraSun Timer POPPED!
  356. Bed shutting off early
  357. Electric company ruined my bed??
  358. Please help, bed not working
  359. water dripping in Magic 636
  360. problem with Magic 636
  361. Iowa tech needed
  362. sunbed problem-need help please
  363. Starter question
  364. Wiring a bed from three phase to single 220v
  365. Venus 360
  366. Help! I need an Exhaust Fan!
  367. Sun Storm
  368. replacing hi pressure lamps
  369. erg excellence 700 fan running on
  370. Sunquest Pro 24 SF
  371. 1999 ULTRSUN 32 lamp 3 facial timer question
  372. Speed 175 System Error P
  373. Infinity Sun Spa...Please Help!!!
  374. Starpower 548 Lamp and Starter Blowing Out
  375. Need help with bulbs flickering out
  376. Units not turning on. Do they need timers?
  377. I need help with my ProSun Lumina 34/3
  378. Prosun Luxuria 34/3 VHR wiring diagram?
  379. Ovation 134 performance problem
  380. Wanted: Technical/service manual for Sunal D-4600
  381. Urgent!!! Need help with Bed Tanses t-52
  382. Starpower 52 4F shoulder tanner unit problem
  383. Sfinx 48/10 Airco Schematics
  384. Face lamp is out! HELP
  385. Velocity 918 HP Questions
  386. Sundash R-26P Bed
  387. Ergoline Advantage 400 Error
  388. ETS SS755 Sunscape shutting off, need a service tech in Tennessee
  389. Sundash 240G on Database 10000
  390. sundome 48
  391. Sun Doc SE Michigan
  392. UWE Cayenne Tmax Dry Contact Jumper
  393. Help! Mystic Tan Blue Box Problem
  394. Sunvision 400 main breaker tripping
  395. HP Bulbs not working
  396. Sunquest pro 24 RS shuts down bulbs early
  397. jklewis
  398. lohmann-werke SWAK20
  399. Ovation 3400 - Facial not working
  400. Matrix L33 issues
  401. t-max manager help
  402. Saturn error code?
  403. dr muller fault help plz
  405. forever tan perfect 16.
  406. Bed not coming on at all??
  407. Sun Vision 540 series turns off after 2 secs
  408. Hollywood Tans replacement fan
  409. Need Help with bulbs turning on
  410. Velocity 918 Filter Glass Cracked!!!
  411. Timer Questions
  412. Disassembly instructions advantage 4oo
  413. Information on Sun Tana Sun System Sun-lite
  414. Help with 2004 Solaris 442
  415. Need help-Sunstar ZX32
  416. Wiring a T-Max Timer to a Sundash R16 Bed
  417. Please help with Sunquest ZX41 2F
  418. Velocity Problem!!!!!! Please help!!!!
  419. DIVA 7
  420. Solar Pacific Wiring Diagrams??
  421. Electrical Shock when touching bed!
  422. Sunvision Pro24s, fans come on but lights dont?
  423. lumina c single phase
  424. Sun Italia body cooling not working
  425. How to wire TMax G2 timer
  426. classic leg tanner problems
  427. Replacing Lamps on old Sunal bed
  428. Prosun 24 plus will not turn off????
  429. Speed 175 System Error 8
  430. helios has detected a date problem
  431. sunvision zx30
  432. Any Tan America bed techs servicing Madison, WI and surrounding areas?
  433. Mastersun 360 fans not working
  434. Sometimes it works sometimes it does not!
  435. Canopy Shut off
  436. MAX 10 wont work
  437. Sundome 548V Panel of Bulbs out? Help please
  438. Sunstar ZX32 t Power On Problems
  439. ss755 facial tanner issue
  440. wiring diagram montego bay viper
  441. Ergoline Passion 34/3 problem
  442. need 2007 santa barbara manual
  443. buck booster wiring
  444. uwe s-class capacitor problem
  445. Ergoline 488
  446. SS 755 Problem
  447. Sonnenbraune 732 Timer questions
  448. Ergoline open sun pilot
  449. Power issue?
  450. King 420 HP not working
  451. Prosun lumina 36 blow fan fuse
  452. Ergo Ambition 300 facial tanner ?
  453. tripped breaker
  454. Help with performance of old Wolff System bed
  455. Bought bed/ missing component
  456. Alphasun Elegance Turns off
  458. a little help.
  459. please help with wolff bed
  461. Sundome column of lamps not turning off with unit
  462. Megasun KBL T200 & VibraNano Problems
  463. Quantum 851 Remote Wiring????
  464. blue moon fuse?
  465. sundash genesis 200
  466. Dr. Kern Summersun N2400F questiions.- By the way i'm new here!
  467. 1993 Alisun Wolff System Type E-24H not turning on
  468. Sunvision 560 Need help swiching on
  469. How to connect Solar Storm to T max 3A?
  470. Question??? Ellipse III lamps wont start
  471. Deep Scratches
  472. Solaris speed 175 system showing -error code 9- what does it mean!?
  473. sunvitale tanning bed
  474. Matrix L58 Bulbs not firing
  475. burns on feet from tanning
  476. Suncapsule SuperSonic no voltage?
  477. Need to assembly Alisun Sunvision 560-hemel
  478. Hollywood Tans Mymyst Problem
  479. UWE canopy motor out
  480. sunquest pro 16r
  481. Sunquest pro26 sx 2f
  482. Please Help!
  483. SunQuest Pro 16SE
  484. "Burned" dr.muller
  485. Blue Moon Problem...
  486. heartland 2m suddenly powered out
  487. Eagle signal timer
  488. Sollux 32.3 setting up Tmax 3w Timer
  489. Need info on installing Dr Muller orbit in my house
  490. I need help w/my524e sonnenbraun.
  491. Solart 50 problem after lamp change
  492. Ergo Excellence 800 lamps out
  493. s-class problem
  494. Mystic 5000 repair needed
  495. Matrix L33
  496. Wiring Diagram for V1 Sungate
  497. Suncapsule Lighting Issues
  498. Magic 636 problem
  499. Need help in Chattanooga TN
  500. erg excelence 700 blown fuse
  501. Help hooking Ergoline into T-max system
  502. Eletrical question please help
  503. Help Please! 2 Heartland 6400 Ovations won't come back on after power outage!
  504. Circuitboard needed ASAP!
  505. HELP! Manager not showing 2 beds
  506. ballast fuses keep blowing
  507. Competition 232 wire diagrams
  508. montego bay cobra canopy wont work
  509. Need help with Wolff series II mdl WSS-24
  510. 2001 sun ergoline
  511. manual for a Sun Ergoline 2001 model SS240
  512. ergo 700 E105
  513. Need help troubleshooting and info on bulb wattage
  514. ergo parts
  515. Heartland Bravo 154/3 wiring question
  516. air filters?
  517. Need help putting my stand up together...
  518. Sunstar Speed 175 and Tmax 3A Please Help!
  519. BRIAN...
  520. dr kern help needed
  521. can someone pls help tell me who makes this bed
  522. ETS Bypass Plug
  523. Tan tech in/near Wisconsin
  524. Sunstar 332 Facial socket cracked
  525. Puretan Ellipse III Facial Lamps
  526. Sontegra baby X-need advice
  527. High pressure reflection
  528. Help with Solarium strength
  529. sunrise 3500 won't turn on
  530. T-Max and Solarwind 5000 question
  531. Delta service / needs a Buckbooster?
  532. Prosun 34/3 vhr wiring HELP!!!
  533. tan tech in arkansas
  534. Shocking
  535. 1993 Sundash 32 lamp
  536. Where can I buy a new mystic tan filter?
  537. matrix user guide
  538. older sundash beds early 90's
  539. lamps wont turn off!!!
  540. Holiday 45 and tmax
  541. HT 60 booth kicks bed breaker
  542. ergo 800 error code 62
  543. Ovation 3400/ facial lamps
  544. Help with Wolf Series II
  545. Holiday 45
  546. LP3 48 Face Tanners
  547. Puretan Ellipse III Canopy Problems
  548. Help!
  549. VIPER VXF or COBRA UXF? level 2 bed?
  550. Ergo 600 Hinge/Springs
  551. Capacitor for Cyclone
  552. Running Sonnenbraune 726/1 to single T Max 3A
  553. Ambitions 300 problem
  554. Please Help with ELITE tan bed issue
  555. Sundash 226 turns off after it a couple minutes
  556. I need this bar for a ergoline classic 600
  557. Sundash 226GF
  558. in need of ergo 650 parts
  559. bed not turning on but time still counting down
  560. 2007 Dr Muller 44/4 Long Keeps shutting off then back on during a session. PLS HELP!
  561. Sungate Main Board
  562. T-Max 3A timers on beds with timers built in
  563. Ergoline 600 install pictures
  564. Bed question
  565. Ergo Affinity 500 Facials shut down
  566. help!!! new to this
  567. 1997 ProSun Tanning bed-Help!
  568. wiring schematic
  569. Lamps not turning on on 3 beds
  570. Orbit Onyx
  571. Sunstar Db5
  572. Need MYSTIC parts
  573. Need to purchase Sunstar Timers
  574. Tanning Tech/Electrician Needed in Michigan (734)
  575. Timer question for Mr Brian
  576. Hp quartz
  577. Salon Closed, NEED HELP!
  578. Helios won't recognize bed
  579. Do I need to replace the ballast
  580. Intellitan 4 buttom remote timer displays -36
  581. Sun Capsule Euro Series 48 Cooling Fan
  582. Sunquest Pro 16 RS Power Problems
  583. Two Beds Exactly the same - one burns
  584. Ergo 450 Q
  585. Starship Dressing Room Lights Out
  586. How to add new beds into Helios??
  587. Sundash R26 Voltage and Receptacle Requirements
  588. Starpower lamps not working
  589. older sundash emergency switch
  591. Puretan Ellipse III wiring diagram
  592. Pittsburgh Repair
  593. lamp holders / starters
  594. Sonnenbraune Silver
  595. Intellitan dead
  596. Dr.Mueller 44/4 single phaze convertion?
  597. Velocity 918 HP problem
  598. Acrylics, are they all the same?
  599. ERGO bed doesn't power up
  600. Have you had this 424 problem?
  601. Question about 240 wiring to alisun provision 41
  602. need a bed tech in Maumee, OH
  603. Ergoline Evolution 600 Disassembly
  604. sun series 424
  605. Wolff Series II shuts off
  606. Buckbooster over heating
  607. Exhaust fan for standup?
  608. Another 818 question
  609. Changing the time on Ergoline Ambition 300
  610. Bed flickers
  611. lamps not turning on
  612. Help with Ergoline 650/Intellitan timer
  613. Boosting Voltage - Ergoline Classic 600
  614. 1 lamp not igniting!
  615. volts and converting
  616. Fried disconnect
  618. what plug does this units use?
  619. Brian here is a couple pictures
  620. UB 818
  621. SonnenBraune 35/3 Conversion from 3 Phase?
  622. Need a contactor that I can't find anywhere...
  623. Tanning bed help
  624. SALON CLOSED all afternoon.
  625. Changing face tanning bulbs
  626. Mega power problem fans?
  627. can I substitute bulbs for speed 175/205
  628. Ultrasun Service Light
  629. 2007 Sundome 548 Problem
  630. Chronos Conversion 3 phase to single
  631. Acrylic is getting hot by legs?
  632. Sunsport Magic Mattress Three Phase to Single
  633. electrical panel reqirements help
  634. wiring diagram
  635. Sonnenbraune Diva 7 & Body Scan 4500 Phase Conversion
  636. Sonnenbraune Klassik series 732
  637. t-max hook up sonnen Braune 844
  638. 2003 Matrix L33
  639. Suncapsule Starship Dressing Room Overhead Lights
  640. Tanning While Preggo?
  641. BULBS NOT INITIATING!!! Sunvision 28/3F
  642. Tanning bed timer
  643. Ergo 500 shutting off
  644. Needing Help on my ProSun bed
  645. Booster help for Sundash 332 Pro-1 facial
  646. Need a Tech - Austin TX
  647. Help my face!
  648. Wiring question
  649. Dr Kern Viva Select 34-3 - Problems
  650. Ergo Ambitions canopy adjustment?
  651. Problem with QSens on X5 Prosun Bed
  652. Puretan ellipse IV HELP!!!!
  653. I need help that only Brian o can do!!!
  654. Buck Booster Wiring Diagrams For Beds and T-Max
  655. Would A Kind Soul Please Help Me With A Wiring Problem?
  656. bulb fluctuation when facials on
  657. Sundash Radius 252 help
  658. What Would Cause This???
  659. starpower 52/4, brand new facials not rating
  660. Flickering bed
  661. Need Alisun Manual
  662. MAGIC TAN 3500 not sparaying solution
  663. Need help with a Timer
  664. 110 amp breaker
  665. Prosun Luxura 48/8 Shuts off
  666. Help with a tanning 'project'
  667. Fingernail Polish on Acrylic!!!
  668. sunvision pro 26 rs
  669. wiring t-max to cyberdome
  670. Sonnenbraune 732 Parts Question
  671. sonnenbraune model 3200/3 bench
  672. Sun Storm Canopy
  673. Ergo 300 lamps won't come on
  674. Sundash Radius 200 Help!
  675. Sportarredo LP3 and 3A timer...
  676. Facial bulbs and fan won't shut off...EVER!
  677. Beds not showing up on manager pro
  678. fixing equipment
  679. Cari
  680. sunvision zx30
  681. pyzma issues
  682. manual for a sundash genesis 232
  683. Ergoline Classic 600 E041
  684. 1997 Sunstar ZX32T timer issue
  685. two bulbs out on sunco 30xs power
  686. 1996 40 Lamp SunBronze bed...HELP needed!!
  687. Magic Tan MT 3500 Problem
  688. PureTan Ellipse lll facial bulbs out???
  689. Need New Acrylic?
  690. Mystic Tan Install
  691. help with an external timer
  692. Quantum 851 Stand Up bed
  693. tan america dead
  694. .75 KVA buck booster
  695. Please help!
  696. Lohman-werke bed capacitor plugs
  698. Quantum 851 stand up bed
  699. I Need Help
  700. sunvision pro 24 (6 of 24 bulbs not working)
  701. Questions about Sunstar ZX30 3F
  702. 98 sunstar zx32 timer board
  703. Manager Pro
  704. Classic 600 Question
  705. 2 lamps out, ZX30
  706. Need help with starpower 52 4f
  707. Sungate V2 Shutting off randomly
  708. Solaris 542
  709. sun liner 3200 goes on and off
  710. Question on a sollux
  711. Puretan Aruba bed
  712. Sonnenbraune Wolff System Ballast Problem
  713. facial does not work
  714. Sonnenbraune 844
  715. Help with intellitan timer
  716. Sunliner won't turn on
  717. Matrix L33 cuts off mid session....
  718. Need advice and possibly a tech in the NC area
  719. burned lamp holder
  720. my bullb have tow different colors
  721. Euro sun capsule VHR
  723. Looking for a reputable service tech in Michigan
  724. ballast problems??????
  725. T-max problem
  726. Bulb problems with ultra high pressure bed
  727. Can SPORTARREDO Maximultysun to TMax??
  728. facial lamp lights after 5 minute delay???
  729. Facial Out on and off! Help
  730. Electronic timer needed for Sunstar ZX32-3F
  731. Need help with a 99 Solaris Speed 175 internal timer
  733. Problems with Ergo 350 beds
  734. Best Bulbs?
  735. metal burning odor coming from cooling fan
  736. Assistance Needed!
  737. Xtreme Sun 40 trouble
  738. Starpower 52 4f speakers
  739. Need help replacing fans in Klafsun Classic
  740. CAn I mix timer parts?
  741. Solaris 175 Speed System Error 14
  742. SCA WOLFF SYSTEM SERIES II will turn on and shut back off
  743. need pistons
  744. mystic out of prime
  745. Tan America Timer By Pass
  746. Summer Image spray tan
  747. Sundash error code L31-Help
  748. wellsystem relax
  749. Connecting SUNDOME 548V to DB 10000
  750. Mystic Tan, (mystic meter cylinders)
  751. Where can I find the paint color for a Dr. Muller Orbit?
  752. facial bulbs
  753. Puretan Tanfit24 Tripping Breaker
  754. Help with SunQuest Super ZX 30-2F
  755. several questions about Ultrabronz 818
  756. ergoline
  757. t-max and timer strangeness
  758. Confused on bulbs!!
  759. Sunvision 32/3f. 15 minute.
  760. Purtan Quantum 851 CODE 3P????
  761. Ovation 3400 Facial Unit
  762. Sonnenbraun Wolff 628
  763. SUNQUEST PRO 24S 2001 MODEL
  764. Sundash 232s,communication problems
  765. facial plates exploded during session
  766. 2 bulbs out
  768. T-Max instalation problems
  769. Convert a 12 min TMax 3a to 20 min
  770. Hex beds keep on buring bulbs
  771. Facial bulb just 'hums' in Wolff ZX 32
  772. Misters won't work
  773. My N'Joy doesn't work.
  774. HELP! My bed quit working...
  775. Choke ballasts to electronic?
  776. Urgent Help, I'm puzzled????
  777. Velocity 918 Bulb starts after 5-8 mins?
  778. Saturn Problem?
  779. Lamps Turn Off Early but Timer and Body Fans Stay On
  780. Need tan tech Grand Rapids Mi are
  781. Matrix L33 file 1 error message
  782. Sunstar 432 on board TMax question
  783. Tech in MI needed PLEASE
  784. Bed wont turn on
  785. I need a bed Tech in AZ
  786. need help with wiring!
  787. sunvision 28let bed timer problem
  788. Wire, breaker size for tanning bed
  789. XL 48 Sundome Speed System 2004
  790. Heraeus 400 watt clip in failures.
  791. Wiring a Sundash r-18n
  792. One Lamp Not working. Please help.
  793. sunstar 332 cutting off
  794. Puretan Tanscene 28
  795. Need Help ASAP
  796. Help Ergoline Ambition 250's
  797. sundash genesis
  798. Communication chip or timer board
  799. Looking for a tech in No Calif
  800. PLZ HELP! Ques. about my tanning bed -
  801. Hex stopped working
  802. Tanning Bed technician
  803. sungate communication cable
  804. possible problem?
  805. Connecting Tmax to Sonnenbraun Pryzma
  806. Jefferson Electric auto transformer Help PLEase!
  807. Puretan Quantum 851 standup wiring issues
  808. ProSun 34/3 VHR
  809. Trouble connecting T-Max Model 3A timer to SonnenBraune Wolff System 628
  810. SUNVISION V6000
  811. schematics sheet for .75 KVA GE buck booster
  812. Having trouble with Hex
  813. Capacitor purpose
  814. I need to find a better service tech in my area
  815. 1993 sonnenbraunne wolff 524e
  816. Tan America VIP3000 Top Female Ballast Plug Wiring
  817. how to take apart a 650
  818. timer port connector
  819. Another Sunstar 432 problem: bed shutting off
  820. Sunstar 432 not powering up?
  821. Help needed asap please
  822. "Sealed" face tanner glass, how to clean?
  823. Puretan bed not starting bottom lights
  824. 250 volt, run a bed?
  825. Upgrade facials....
  827. ergoline 650 help
  828. Puretan parts?
  829. Sunstar 332 ignitor probelm?
  830. 1989 Suntana Wolff System
  831. Mystic Spray Booth not working AGAIN!!!
  832. Meter Q
  833. 650 Shoulder Fan not Working
  834. Dr. Mueller Orbit Control Wiring
  835. Need SunStar ZX44 3F Bench end side plate foot side.
  836. DIVAS
  837. 650 Fan/Heat Problem
  838. Gray Tape Rempoval from acrylic?
  840. Lamp Holders Burning / Melting?
  841. Puretan Impact gas shocks
  842. Merrittan sun systems
  843. Luxura 48/8 Manual
  844. soo confused, amps/voltage/3 phase/1 phase!
  845. Ergo Error
  846. Strange Odor & Dead Fan in Matrix
  847. Ovation 164 stopped after BuckBooster Install?
  848. Technical Support for UltraSun bed
  849. Who deals in ABB control parts?
  850. UWE Tropical went off in middle of session never to come on again... !!????
  851. Has anyone removed all facials from beds?
  852. 400w Facial lamp sparks but wont light??
  853. Database 1000 won't start beds
  854. Tan America Catalina shutting off
  855. Sungate/Future Ind. Problem
  856. Soleil Soltech Salon 28 Help
  857. Ovation 164 Facial Lamp Holders
  858. Manual for Sonnenbraune Model #844/4
  859. cleaning under the acrylics
  860. New bed, lamp issues.....
  861. pro sun wiring for timer
  862. Need Service on UltraSuns in Houston
  863. Service Tech NEEDED
  864. 3 Phase elec question
  865. 2003 Classic 450 Bench Acrylic
  866. HELP!!!!
  867. 2003 Sunvision ZX30 time problem
  868. 98 Sportarredo summer 75 canopy problems need detailed wiring diagram!
  869. troubleshooting
  870. Help with Magic 636
  871. One Facial bulb MUCH brighter than the others
  872. i need a puretan ellipse III wiring diagram?
  873. Sunvision 24s Blows fuses
  874. t-max pro communication prob
  875. Sunstar Speed 175 Bed Questions
  876. Sungate problem
  877. sundash2
  878. sundash2
  879. Ergo 650 Error E022
  880. sundash 232 disassembly
  881. Sportarredo 3-phase to single phase?
  882. My Prosun stops in the middle of session
  883. Tan America Santa Barbra Bed
  884. I need help with a Sonnen Braune 735
  885. Power surge fried 2 Ergo 450's
  886. supernova HELP
  887. UV meters
  888. Acrylic Change
  889. need a little guidance
  890. Starpower 52 4F - Top is Dead!
  891. Sonnenbraune Klassik 732 bulbs will not come on
  892. SUnquest will not light up
  893. HELP-Tanning booth making popping sounds
  894. Sunquest Pro 26rs - buzzing timing, uneven voltage readings
  895. off season specials
  896. ***HELP*** Bed keeps turning on and off
  897. Sunquest pro26 sx 2f Help Please
  898. Ultrabronz Question
  899. Help....Ergo 650 Error
  900. South Beach unit help
  901. sundash 226
  902. Venting Tanning Beds
  903. Error on Matrix L33
  904. Sun Dome/ Stand alone mode
  905. Bed smells like it is burning....
  906. sunstar speed 175 acrylic gets hot any ideas
  907. Sunquest Pro 24xl
  908. Did my ergo just blow up?
  909. esb 2400 grade flickering on and off
  910. Montego Bay
  911. Help with Tanfit 16
  912. HELP...........PLEASE
  913. orbit 2.0 support acrylic
  914. UPGRADING TO A 160w PLUS!
  915. Retrofitting a Classic 600 with AC
  916. Prosun Luxura 40/3 Help.
  917. sunvitale wiring manual
  918. Sungate??
  919. Fans go on and off
  920. Prosun Luxura Error: "overtemp 3"
  921. rdc end caps
  922. Best Repairman !!!!
  923. Should I repair my own tanning salon equipment?
  924. Sunquest 1993 41 model help!!!!
  925. Acrylics for Soltron Beds?
  926. Need service tech. Northern N.J.
  928. Help -Does Anybody know Mystic Check Valve Part #
  929. Help with Mystic Tan
  930. Help with Blue Moon
  931. Help with Mystic Booth
  932. Montego Bay Wolff - Help
  933. 3 phase to one phase, not working, help??
  934. Tanning Bed shock
  935. Older bed, Puretan Hawaii 2/Longbeach? Need help please.
  936. Liability Insurance
  937. Need help with tanning bed
  938. Help with contactor please
  939. Help with Dr. Kern 5012
  940. Is My Bed Worth Anything Now?!!
  941. 5 suncapsule VHR panels won't light up.
  943. HELP SUNDASH 232
  944. Classic 650
  945. New bulbs, acrylic clean, still not tanning?
  946. One Panel doesn't light up
  947. Can Yellow Color on Bed Be Removed?
  948. Sonnebraune Wolff 628 (WON'T STAY UP!)
  949. service techs in arkansas northern
  950. ovation 3400 error code f4
  951. StarPower keeps shutting down??????
  952. Sunvision Elite 32 - Error code 88 on startup
  953. Dr kern Viva overheating?
  954. sunquest 41 2f fans HELP
  956. Lamps Flickering
  957. Buck Boosters upside down
  958. owner's manual??
  959. ultrasun HELP!! Lights go on and off
  960. viper tripping breaker
  961. Does anyone Know what .7 error message is?
  962. s-class
  963. Lights will not come on with our Sunvision 28
  964. 100w in a 160w booth...
  965. sunstar zx30 timer/ bed not working
  966. SR 48 Sundash standup circuit board
  968. Supernova/Ultra Bronze Canopy
  969. Emosol Bed not sure if this is right forum
  970. Fan wont shut all the way off!!
  971. Need SunStar ZX44-3F Parts ASAP
  972. Wiring Diagram for SCA Wolff 424SL
  973. magic tan mt3000
  974. 2004 Magic default Vent conrtoll
  975. HELP! Sportarredo Olympic
  976. Ergo 800 Error
  978. Salon Flooded
  979. OLD Uvalux bed....common questions PLEASSSSE
  980. Facial Bulb
  981. It came in pieces!
  982. Sonnenbraune Body Scan 4500 Display Lights?
  983. Help with CCS 4 sending time to bed
  984. sun dash platinum r26p
  985. Blue Dream 42 acrylic
  986. Sonnenbraune 844/4 Help
  987. Sungate Help...
  988. hp facial issues
  989. Sportarredo Summer 75 not working with TMAX
  990. Starpower Facial Lamps Blowing
  991. Ultrabronz 818 - converter question
  992. exhaust motor
  993. Sundash R-40SS Timer HELP
  994. elixer cooling fan not working
  995. Royal Sun - Heat Problem
  996. UltraSun manuals
  997. Intellitan ccs IV not working
  998. Mystic Issue...
  999. TMAX stopped working. Error 70
  1001. vitasun starline 38/3
  1002. Got wood?
  1003. Sunvision Pro24S to T-Max 1A Help!
  1004. Temperature Control on E450
  1005. Sundash II genesis - flashing ( Help 4 )
  1006. Installing Wolff Cyber Dome
  1007. Prosun Lumina fan stays on
  1008. power everywhere no lights or fans
  1009. ULTRA BRONZE 818
  1010. Fix a Mystic Meter
  1011. ETS beds shutting off and on!!!!
  1012. Sonnenbraune Pryzma and 732 End Caps
  1013. Heartland's Ovation 6400 and TMax PRO
  1014. Main Contactor on Bed Not Working?
  1015. Philips 6000SX help!
  1016. Magic Tan 3500
  1017. timer for tanning bed at home
  1018. Tanses 32 cooling fans always on
  1019. Ergoline e450 not working!
  1020. Puretan Ellipse lll
  1021. UWE help
  1022. looking for wall switches for fst timer
  1023. Mystic Cleaning Cycle
  1024. I need some help
  1025. SunCapsule VHO Timer Issue
  1026. ETS Facial Turning on & off
  1027. T max 1 A
  1029. Facial lamp not working in Sunvision Elite
  1030. Orbit Schematic
  1031. T-Max Issue
  1033. Wiring..20amp to 30amp plug conversion
  1034. Programing tmax for new chip
  1035. need timer for forever tan wolff 2400
  1036. non tanning lamp question
  1037. Sundash 232 timer
  1038. Beds not starting - HELP??
  1039. suntana
  1040. sunstar part
  1041. Mystic not working
  1042. Intellitan Communication Error
  1043. Powerwave Hydromassage draining?
  1044. Ergoline 240 "help 2"?
  1045. Electrical Issues
  1046. How Much Power to Bed?
  1047. SunVision Pro 24s
  1048. SuperSonic issue
  1049. '95-'96 Sunvision Pro 28/3f
  1050. Sonnenbraune Klassik series 732
  1051. Sonnenbraune Klassik series 732
  1052. Set Up Bed To Tmax Timer?
  1053. Mystic Nozzle
  1054. End Caps for Sun Star Super zx 44
  1055. ergo 450 e40 error
  1056. uwe cayenne help needed
  1057. sunstar z32
  1058. ETS Star Power 52/4F Help
  1059. bulbs light NO fans very hot!
  1060. Prosun Data Cable??
  1061. Cyberdome 2
  1062. SunStar 432 Fan Problem
  1063. HELP!!!! Manuals........1993 Sunal...
  1064. Please help!! Facial glass on Royal Sun keeps SHATTERING!!
  1065. 1993 Sonnenbraune wolff system 624
  1067. omega
  1068. I have a rejuvasun 332, Help
  1069. Old Vitasun Bed canopy will not stop lowering
  1070. SunDash L37
  1072. Problem with my sun capsule
  1073. KalfaSun Plug IN
  1074. New Technology Lamps
  1075. fixing beds
  1076. Magic tan service center contacts?
  1077. 'Njoy shutting off early
  1078. Spotarredo Ringo Mix
  1079. Facial not coming on
  1080. Mystic Tan
  1081. Bypass Plug for Sunvision bed
  1082. Sportarredo on the fritz
  1083. Store wide issue (Fried Timers)
  1084. Sundash r26p please help
  1085. Mystic Meter
  1086. Possessed Sportarredo Summer 75
  1087. Lamps from URI
  1088. Looking for wall switch
  1089. Sundome Burning?
  1090. 818 fan not working
  1091. Bed won't work
  1092. Suncapsule won't start
  1093. Sonnenbraune 730 problems turning on / Wiring Problems
  1094. Bed won't light up
  1095. Craziest thing I've seen!
  1096. Viper fans
  1097. SonnenBraune 840
  1098. Where's Brian??
  1099. Need bed part
  1100. Sonnenbraune Parts
  1101. Michigan tanning bed tech
  1102. Sonnen Braune 624 manual & parts?
  1103. Breaker size
  1105. Tanning Bed Technician Needed
  1106. tech
  1107. Ergoline 850 Timer Issue
  1108. Ultrabronz 924 Help
  1109. Puretan Elipse III Wiring
  1110. Sonnenbraune Klassic 735/3 Facial not working
  1111. looking for Schott blue cobalt feplacement glass for facials
  1112. Help with hydrolics, please!!
  1113. S&B 730 series 2
  1114. What's Wrong?
  1115. sonnen braune 730
  1116. Bulbs - once and for all
  1117. Help with timer issues
  1118. Sundome
  1119. Matrix L58 help
  1120. HELP WITH 240G!
  1121. Parts for Puretan Beds
  1123. Ultrabronz 818 Eclipse question
  1124. Need help with lamp problem.
  1125. What is melting my lamp holders
  1126. Ballasts
  1127. SonnenBraune 732
  1128. Please Help!!
  1129. bench lamps not lightin
  1130. Filter Glass shattered
  1131. Ultrsun 3500/3
  1132. lamps not working
  1133. manual and/or wiring diagram
  1135. one of 3 facial bulbs work?!
  1136. Ultrasun 3500/3 1999
  1137. problem with 2 lamps not firing up
  1138. 99 uwe black energy problem
  1139. wiring orbit
  1140. TMAX Help!!
  1141. Matrix Lamps Still out
  1142. Replacing Timer
  1143. Ergoline 800 10 min to 12 min
  1144. Relay switch
  1145. top lamps work but bottoms ones don't
  1146. problem with sundash bed
  1147. Matrix Lamp won't light
  1148. Amps
  1149. Tmax to KBL help
  1150. Cooling Fans
  1151. Wiring of bed
  1152. Attention All Service Techs
  1153. Total Salon Buck Booster
  1154. Neon...can you help? Or anyone else?
  1155. electrical question
  1156. UltraBronze 800/2 Issue