View Full Version : The Benefits of UV Light

  1. Sunbathing Effective Treatment for PMS
  2. Sunbathing for Optimized Testosterone
  3. Scientific Consensus Paper Released
  4. The rest of the story...
  5. A DECREASE in pediatric CMM
  6. Innocent error?
  7. 2015 The International Year of Light
  8. Vitamin D from sunbeds?
  9. No babysitting in SD
  10. Autism & Vitamin D
  11. Something is going on.....
  12. Good FYI article
  13. Testimonial...
  14. Sunlight & Ebola
  15. Now you know....
  16. Politics trumps science
  17. Why men should tan
  18. Wellness study
  19. Finally...
  20. Excellent Article
  21. Vitamin D & Dementia
  22. Which comes first?
  23. Message: Avoid UVR Avoidance
  24. They are coming around....
  25. A Golden Mean?
  26. Dallas Buyers Club and the FDA
  27. High Pressure, tony and Robertk
  28. D is for dancers
  29. Anti-vitamin D article refuted
  30. UVR relaxes blood vessels
  31. Cancer Patients Tanning
  32. Tan? Vitamin D? Or Both?
  33. Blue Light
  34. A very good read
  35. Depressed? Get D!
  36. What did they miss?
  37. Think about this
  38. Is a tan a "sign" of health?
  39. Slash Your Risk of Cancer - by Breaking This Cardinal Rule
  40. 34% reduction in breast CA
  41. Autism prevalence in USA
  42. Good article.
  43. Tired? Get vitamin D!
  44. Could the sun be good for your heart?
  45. New findings by GWU researcher saying tanning beds cause melanoma
  46. I read that we need Vit D sulphate from UV. D3 supplementss are not as good.
  47. New Vitamin D Study
  48. UK GP`s Lack of knowledge on Vitamin D
  49. Actress Gwenyth Paltrow told to Get SUN to reverse Vitamin D deficiency bone disorder
  50. Gwyneth Paltrow bone disorder, Doctors told her to GET SUNLIGHT vitamin D-go tanning!
  51. Dermotologist Undercover Sting!!!
  53. More Good news
  54. help me reply to this Professor
  55. Today on AOL
  56. 'Cure' is found for skin cancer, claim scientists
  57. Dr Claims VIT D suppreses imune system? any truth in this?
  58. vitamin d from spray tan lotion?????
  59. A Cook says you can't get enough D from food
  60. Do Lotions block Vitamin D Production?
  61. Joe Levy "Health Radio" Interview
  62. The UV Commercials Available through Smart Tan
  63. Doctors referral
  64. Kangaroos May Inspire 'Anti-Cancer' Skin Cream
  65. UConn Dr.s/Scientists Explore Vit D deficiency & high blood pressure.
  66. Gabriele Stähler on Vitamin D3
  67. NEW study links vitamin D deficiency to cardiovascular disease and death
  68. H1N1 Linked To Vitamin D Deficiency
  69. Washington Times - Sunshine Debate (PRINT)
  70. Tanning Billboard on the news
  71. Sign for Vitamin D
  72. I need help with this one....
  73. Boston Univ Study - Indoor Tanners have the BEST VIT D Levels!
  74. H1N1 Shot and Vitamin D
  75. Sixty million years of evolution say Vitamin D may save your life from swine flu.
  76. Sunbeds as Vitamin D Sources
  77. Like a good movie
  78. Exposure to the sun...
  79. Skin cancer drug shrink tumors in two weeks.
  80. Vitamin D 'helps combat cancer' (SKIN CANCER!)
  81. Great Interview w/ Dr. Cannell
  82. Vitamin D Requirements Much Higher Than Recommended Amounts
  83. US Dept. of Health & Human Serv. launch Best Bones Program
  84. Medical News Today Article on Vit D.
  85. Vit D / Sunshine New Study of How IMPORTANT FOR 60 Million Years!
  86. Vitamin D After Total Thyroidectomy to Prevent Postoperative Hypocalcaemia
  87. Coronary Artery Calcification Linked to Vitamin D Deficiency
  88. Vitamin D tests may reveal risk for Lupus
  89. Alarm Bells Over Vitamin D Levels in Kids (CBS)
  90. Vitamin D on MSNBC with Holick quote
  91. Joe Levy Audio Clip to share on Vitamin D and Sunshine
  92. Another UV bashing session on ABC News
  93. High Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency in HIV-Positive Men
  94. Kneed sunshine? Scientists find link to healthy joints
  95. Holick & Gilchrest Virtual Debate
  96. SunScare Report
  97. Sun warnings ‘overstated’ as science finds new clue to skin cancer
  98. New Evidence Links Vitamin D to Cardiovascular Disease
  99. Study sheds light on Vit D to prevent colon cancer
  100. By Gregory Plotnikoff, M.D. ...too little sun?
  101. The Controversy Over Vitamin D & Sun Exposure
  102. Two sides of the UV coin
  103. Dr. Kaye zeroed in on my sun phobia
  104. (psoraisis) It seems to me that there really is such a thing as a healthy tan.
  105. Yahoo news
  106. Vitamin D Experts Suggest Bias in Findings of International Cancer Agency Report on S
  107. Low vit D levels associated with several risk factors in teenagers
  108. 1 in 7 U.S. Teens Is Vitamin D Deficient
  109. Healthier and happier in the sun
  110. Vitamin D: The Super Nutrient
  111. The Sunshine Vitamin (Paging...Ted Hutchinson)
  112. Half of Black Teens May Be Vitamin D Deficient
  113. Need Info Immediately!!!
  114. Customer recommended by dermotologists
  115. Just had a nurse sign up for her Vitamin D
  116. MSNBC: Shedding light on vitamin D deficiency ‘crisis’
  117. Cancer doctor says get in a sunbed!
  118. Just a little freaky....
  119. Questions from a newbie seeking benefits of tanning/Vit. D...
  120. Vitamin D Insufficiency Linked to Parkinson’s Disease
  121. Doctor Recommends Avoiding Flu Shot, Taking Vitamin D Instead
  122. When Daylight Savings Time Stops – Consider Taking Vitamin D
  123. Vit D article
  124. Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease
  125. Vitamin D Prevents Colorectal Adenomas
  126. Vitamin D levels drop as winter's gloom nears
  127. Vitamin D Linked to Mortality in Hemodialysis Patients
  128. Cancer Experts Debate Vitamin D, Sunlight & Risk
  129. Vitamin D may prevent damage from low levels of radiation
  130. Holick comes through again.
  131. Lung airway cells can activate Vit D
  132. Rain, rain, go away.....
  133. Low vitamin D common in kids with cystic fibrosis
  134. Another good vitamin D article
  135. Dr. Mayer Eissentein's says 50,000 IU's of Vit D
  136. Dr. Bill Elliott: Vitamin D adds more than just a little sunshine
  137. You will enjoy reading this
  139. sun exposure may have an antimelanoma effect
  140. Lack of sunlight linked to male infertility
  141. Study links Vitamin D to sperm health
  142. Prevalence of Suboptimal Vitamin D Status During Pregnancy
  143. A very good article
  144. The Sun's Role In Disease Prevention And Control (nice article)
  145. More vitamin D may mean healthier gums
  146. IBD, Liver Disease Patients Show Vitamin D Deficits
  147. About 83 per cent of the women in Valley are suffering from Vitamin-D deficiency
  148. Vitamin D Can Prolong Your Life!
  149. Pediatricians Double Vitamin d recommendations
  150. Vit D could reduce the risk of osteoporosis - in unborn babies
  151. Lack of vitamin D can affect 36 organs
  152. Vitamin D a key player in overall health of several body organs, says UC Riverside bi
  153. Vitamin D and Cancer Prevention, at UAlbany Day on Saturday, Oct. 25.
  154. Vitamin D deficiency common in patients with IBD, chronic liver disease
  155. Psychiatric patients at risk of vitamin D deficiency
  156. YOU Docs: The best vitamin you're not getting
  157. John Cannell, MD October Vitamin D Newsletter
  158. Low Vitamin D Levels Raise Breast Cancer Death Risk by 75 Percent
  159. anti-melanoma effect through activation of the vitamin D system
  160. Summer sunshine delight (nice article)
  161. Poor health 'due to wet climate'
  162. Tanning can have health benefits
  163. Vitamin D a Bone Booster for Digestive Problems
  164. Vitamin D supplement
  165. SPF...does it work? An experiment
  166. What is osteomalacia?
  167. Light shines on vitamin D deficiency epidemic
  168. Northwest Europe....SAD Cases Rise
  169. iNutrition Launches Cancer Fighting Vitamin D
  170. Vitamin D shifts into focus
  171. Time Magazine lists vitamin D as a top 10 medical breakthrough of 2007
  172. Extra, extra! Get your free vitamin D!
  173. The Sunshine D-Lemma
  174. Low Vitamin D May Cause Depression
  175. Clinical study to examine role of vitamin D in kidney disease
  176. Mama's, don't let your babies.....
  177. Sunbathing may prevent multiple sclerosis
  178. Top 10 Myths About Vitamin D
  179. UVR does not cause melanoma
  180. A More Conclusive Study Vit D and Hip Fractures
  181. A Little Knowledge Can Kill You
  182. Too many Americans aren't getting enough of the sun-sourced nutrient, researchers say
  183. Vitamin D's wild days: Who to test, what to take?
  184. The Sunshine Vitamin
  185. discuss...
  186. It's the UVR, stupid!
  187. Unalaskans need more of sunshine vitamin
  188. hydroxyvitamin D3 concentrations should be reevaluated
  189. Death May Be Nearer for People Who Lack Vitamin D, Study Says
  190. Skin responses to ultraviolet radiation:
  191. Fat? You need vitamin D!
  192. Elderly not getting enough vitamin D, study at CU finds
  193. Can Sunscreen Make You Hypothyroid?
  194. Schizophrenia researchers welcome new blood
  195. vitamin D tests in record numbers
  196. Oops, we DO need the sun
  197. Can Vitamin D Help People with Mesothelioma? (asbestos)
  198. Vitamin D Fights Cancer (Jamiaca Gleaner)
  199. Skin cancer fears may increase risk of bone thinning disease
  200. Don Here is the Thread We Needed Help With :)
  201. Why Sunshine is Good For You (on MSN Lifestyle)
  202. Don't Miss Your Daily Dose of D
  203. At a Glance: What You Need to Know About Vit D
  204. Vitamin D for Slowing and Possibly Reversing Lung Cancer
  205. Sunshine Vitamin
  206. Vitamin D Benefits Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
  207. Minnesota women at risk
  208. how much milk do we need?
  209. Got enough Vitamin D?
  210. Skin Cancer Fear May Harm Bones
  211. Vit D---Should You Be Taking (getting) More of this Vitamin?
  212. D Seems Short for 'Does a Lot'
  213. Doctors eye vitamin D link to autism
  214. Very Nice Article in the WSJ.
  215. Sunshine on my shoulders (nice article)
  216. The power of vitamin D, hope for a new disease fighter
  217. Doctors address vitamin D deficiencies
  218. overweight people tend to have lower levels of vit D
  219. Body Makes Pot-Like Substance to Help Skin
  220. Dose of vitamin D too little, some say
  221. Don't run from the sun's Vitamin D benefits, experts say
  222. Creighton University Magazine Article on Vit D...Fall of 2007
  223. Fox News Health Watch Video in GA on Vit D Deficiency
  224. Mother's vitamin D status during pregnancy will affect her baby's dental health
  225. Raise your Melanoma and MRSA protection levels with UVB.
  226. Showering after your tan loses your Vitamin D??
  227. Many Toddlers Lack the "Sunshine Vitamin"
  228. City residents take part in study that shows blacks lack vitamin D
  229. Vitamin D may Offer Relief in Chronic Back Pain
  230. Lack of Vitamin D Raises Risk of Death
  231. Want to be young again?
  232. This "message" is important
  233. Want to cut your risk of death in half?
  234. Vitamin D May Help Patients Survive Cancer
  235. D-fense!
  236. Got Vitamin D?
  237. Vitamin D for Lung Cancer
  238. More Great News About Vitamin D
  239. Low vitamin D tied to back pain in older women
  240. New report finds low vitamin D levels appear common in ‘healthy’ children
  241. Vitamin D(azzle): Miracle Pill for the Millennium
  242. Undiagnosed low vitamin D levels extremely common in rheumatology patients
  243. Vitamin D recommendations for teens may be too low
  244. Using sunscreen increases a woman’s chances of breast cancer
  245. Tan or No Tan? The Vitamin D Question
  246. Low Vitamin D Level in Salon Owner
  247. Sunshine may be nature's disease fighter
  248. Vitamin D Reduces Heart Attacks (updated)
  249. The Sunshine Vitamin Cure-All
  250. 'Vitamin D essential for strong bones'
  251. First Successful Use Of Vitamin D Supplement For Childhood Autism
  252. It's probably Vitamin D in huge doses...
  253. Study backs vitamin D in cancer fight
  254. Plainfield doctor touts benefits from Vitamin D
  255. Too little sun is nearly as bad as too much
  256. Vitamin D deficiency linked to back pain
  257. Dr. Briffa: Does vitamin D help protect against type 1 diabetes?
  258. Dr. Chris Fenn on Vitamin D
  259. Vitamin D Deficiency: Information for Cancer Patients
  260. Not enough of the sun
  261. Make every day a D-day
  262. The Joint Canadian Tanning Association Lauches TanAwareness.com
  263. Good Article: Don't Screen Out All the Sun
  264. Call it corporate lifestyle disease
  265. 'Sunshine vitamin' aids women, study shows
  266. Sunny D needed for healthy babies
  267. Vitamin D is good for more than just bones
  268. Even another Vitamin D story. CBS & Brea...
  269. Another one of those "Vitamin D" stories...
  270. Take Vitamin D for all kinds of reasons....
  271. Vitamin D Keeps Kidney Patients Alive
  272. Vitamin D and cancer: maintaining levels key to protection?
  273. Can Diet &/or Sunlight Modify the Relationship Between VDR....
  274. Vitamin D deficiency linked to cancer, heart problems
  275. Vitamin D helps kidney patients live longer -study
  276. Canada Orders Vitamin D Study
  277. Depressed elderly found to have low levels of Vitamin D
  278. Everybody needs more.....
  279. P53's -- Repeated UV irradiation protects against UV induced DNA damage.
  280. New Studies Shows Why Calcium and Vit D May Prevent Colon Cancer
  281. Lack of vitamin D linked to depression in elderly
  282. Are you a believer?
  283. a Billion people need to get outside??? for some Vitamin D?? Go to a TANNING SALON!!!
  284. Cancer Society's May 1 as the inaugural "Sunhats Off Day".
  285. Vitamin D: Now I'm a believer
  286. Quik Hit: Vitamin D Does a Body Good
  287. DR. HOOK- D-list: Get a little sun to keep healthy
  288. May Vitamin D Council Newsletter
  289. Too good to be true?
  290. Exposure to Sun May Help Ward Off Arthritis
  291. Broken Bones Blamed on Osteoporosis When Vitamin D Deficiency Is the Culprit
  292. Sun lamps help unborn babies beat osteoporosis
  293. Canadians underexposed to sunlight!
  294. But will you go blind?
  295. Are you vitamin D-ficient?
  296. Free Vitamin D Calculator Online
  297. Vitamin D status linked to artery health: study
  298. Young adults need sun
  299. Sunbeds and Cod Liver Oil
  300. Vit D may gaurd against artery disease
  301. Rickets on the rise as breast-feeding and limiting sun
  302. Cancer prevention: stopping cancer before it can start
  303. Volunteers sought to test vitamin D memory effect (Australia)
  304. Vitamin D and calcium influence cell death in the colon, researchers find
  305. A New Vitamin D Deficiency Test That Can be Done at Home
  306. Prevention of Osteoporosis Might Lie in the Letter “D”
  307. New Research: Vitamin D linked to Vit D Deficienc
  308. Multiple Sclerosis: Nature, Nurture, or Something Else?
  309. Cancer Mortality Rates by State
  310. Many kids, adults lack vitamin D
  311. Basics of Bones
  312. Cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer formation and P53 production in human skin...
  313. Benefits of sunshine should be enjoyed, but carefully
  314. Feeling pale and tragic? Take Vitamin D
  315. Skin colour map (indigenous people).
  316. 3 years ago today...
  317. Antarctic winter linked to decreased bone density
  318. New light shed on 'sunshine vitamin'
  319. Baby’s Soft Spot Linked to Vitamin Deficiency
  320. Vitamin D Question and Answers, April, 2008
  321. Tanning is associated with optimal vitamin D status
  322. Shedding light on skin color
  323. More womb sun 'makes healthier babies'
  324. Winning the vitamin D argument
  325. Anyone notice appetitie reduction with tanning?
  326. The Virtues of Vitamin D - Harvard Medical School
  327. Research Promotes Pro-active Vitamin D Regimen in Patients with Osteoporosis
  328. All hail vitamin D
  329. Mainers left in dark, need D
  330. Vitamin D has also been shown to play a role in apoptosis
  331. Is Shunning the Sun a Medical Mistake?
  332. D Day
  333. Fighting cancer with vitamin D
  334. Vitamin D Beneficial for Bone Health, MS, Cancer and Winter Depression
  335. MUSC doctors look at vitamin D's effect on early-stage prostate cancer
  336. Why Anti-Tanning Propaganda Takes Lives
  337. Vitamin D deficiency common even in Southern states
  338. Getting vitamin D is tricky even in sunny South
  339. Vitamin D supplements cut risk of child diabetes - study
  341. UMaine Researchers Highlight Anti-Cancer Benefits of Vitamin D
  342. Are you vitamin D deficient?
  343. Natural Ways to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
  344. Osteomalacia/Rickets/Soft Bones
  345. Catch some rays to get vitamin D
  346. Vitamin D-calcium combo provides long-term benefits for men
  347. US Med Student Video on Vitamin D
  348. Dr. Cannell/ Vitamin D Council Videos
  349. The vitamin D miracle: Is it for real?
  350. Feeling pale? Try a little vitamin D
  351. D'fence
  352. Research reports keep rolling in on the importance of vitamin D
  353. Stress for Success: Sunlight is a good source of vitamin D
  355. Diabetes and cancer are both expanding almost exponentially in the world
  356. 11 Ways to Slow Aging AOL
  357. San Diego Seminar on Vitamin D
  358. A controversy is brewing over vitamin D (Forbes Magazine)
  359. Vitamin D
  360. Another Article Saying to Use Tanning Beds for Vit D
  361. Very Nice Article to Print.
  362. The connection between cancer and vitamin D
  363. 50% of Americans are Vit D Deficient
  364. Association of Activated Vitamin D Treatment and Mortality in Chronic Kidney Disease
  365. Consequences of Lack of Sun (they mention using tanning beds)
  366. Vitamin D may lessen the pain for those on Arimidex/Breast Cancer
  367. Go ahead, get some sun; it'll do a body good
  368. Vitamins: D for disease-free
  369. Great Video on Vit D and Heart Disease
  370. Humorous Debate
  371. Many vitamin D deficient in winter
  372. “Exposure to lamps that emit UVB radiation is an excellent source for Vitamin D3
  373. Boning up on the sunshine vitamin
  374. The Latest Word on Vitamin D
  375. We Need to spend more time in the sun...
  376. News Media Clip on Vit D and Sunshine
  377. Moving south could help keep you from developing cancer
  378. Lack of Sun Could Put Your Health in Danger
  379. The UV Foundation Announces February is 'Vitamin D Deficiency Month'
  380. Vitamin D deficiency explains cancer disparities between blacks and whites
  381. Sun's benefits make comeback
  382. Study warns over high incidence of vitamin D deficiency
  383. 5 Year Study on Calcium and Vitamin D
  384. EU-funded Melanoma project seeks to explain behaviour in the sun
  385. Vitamin D plays role in fighting diseases
  386. Health Watch: The sunshine vitamin
  387. Vitamin D as cancer fighter?
  388. Stanford University researching Vitamin D's role in cancer
  389. Lack of sunshine blamed for vitamin D deficiency
  390. Oprah talks about being vitamin d difficient!
  391. Dr Malallah prefers Sun Exposure over Vit D Supplements
  392. An Interview with Dr. Donald Trump (Video)
  393. A day without vitamin D is like a day without sunshine
  394. Grant for Vitamin D Study
  395. Vitamin D deficiency causes preeclampsia during pregnancy
  396. Sunbathing Comes Out From Under A Cloud
  397. The Unsensored Family Guide to Vitamin D
  398. Very Positive Video
  399. Demystifying Vitamin D: Experts available to clarify the facts
  400. NBC News Video on Vit D and Sun
  401. Vitamin D deficiency linked to heart, stroke risk
  402. Vit d and sun on CBS tonight
  403. Yahoo tonite
  404. Sunshine a recipe for Good Health
  405. No need to suffer a SAD winter
  406. Big Year for Sunshine Vitamin
  407. Sunlight may save kids' sight
  408. Experts Update Food Pyramid for Older Adults
  409. Vitamin D Important for Brain Function
  410. Give the Gift of Tanning
  411. Skin complexion link to Vit D deificiency
  412. Lack of sunlight may increase the risk of lung cancer, a study suggests.
  413. Don Smith or somebody can you help me with this one?
  414. Vit D3 Study on 200 Women
  415. Vitamin D: It is important to know your levels, especially in winter
  416. "mind-boggling"
  417. Evidence suggests vitamin D deficiency endangers migrating populations
  418. Vitamin D fights cancer - Dr. Donald Trump
  419. Power of Vitamin D
  420. Newstarget, good read...
  421. Vitamin D a Miracle Nutrient
  422. Darkness causes cancer and......
  423. Wait until you read this one....
  424. Good research
  425. Doctors Seeing Increased Cases of Bone Disease in Children
  426. Is the sunshine vitamin the way to beat asthma?
  427. Vitamin D Question and Answer
  428. Tanning Bed available by Individual Owner
  429. Vitamin D may curb type 2 diabetes risk
  430. Scientists hail the ‘sunshine vitamin’
  431. New Findings on Vitamin D
  432. Break a bone ... not
  433. A Little Wine, Sunlight Help Boost Women's Health
  434. Deficiency In Exposure To Sunlight Linked To Endometrial Cancer
  435. VIT D May Reduce Colorectal Cancer Mortality
  436. What's the Real Story on Vitamin D?
  437. lower levels of vitamin D in their blood we saw more back pain
  438. Low Vitamin D: One Sign of Sunlight Deficiency
  439. Dr Sorenson!!
  440. Opioids & Tanning Addition
  441. Low Vitamin D Levels May Worsen Osteoarthritis of the Knee
  442. Study shows Aussies missing out on sun exposure
  443. Sunbathing 'slows ageing process'
  444. Dr. Oz on Oprah says 15 mins of sunshine EVERYDAY :)
  445. Often called ‘sunshine vitamin,' vitamin D helps bone strength
  446. Vitamin D deficiency could be more common
  447. Vitamin D Society Declares November 'Vitamin D Awareness Month' in Canada
  448. Don't Forget to Turn your Clocks Back as we Enter the Vitamin D Winter
  449. Yahoo
  450. Experts have been arguing about flu shots for decades
  451. ...sometimes your vitamin is a steroid hormone
  452. Welcome Dr. Jeffrey Dach MD & Thank You for Your Expertise Here
  453. We need more sun, claims controversial dermatologist
  454. Young Athletes and Vitamin D
  455. Cancer society calls for major vitamin D trial
  456. How to Manage Vitamin D Deficiency
  457. Vitamin D May Prolong Your Life
  458. Let the sun shine
  459. Sunlight Exposure May Half Advanced Breast Cancer Risk
  460. October is Breast Cancer Propaganda Month: Pinkwashing, Breast Cancer Action & Vita
  461. Exposure to sunlight may decrease risk of advanced breast cancer by half
  462. Doctor: Vitamin D Deficiencies Rampant
  463. how sunlight can save your life
  464. Vitamin D explosive new player in heart health
  465. Vitamin D important for your total health
  466. Vitamin D: A D-lightful health story
  467. Get some sun and enjoy some fats, already!
  468. Vitamin D Inadequacy May Exacerbate Chronic Pain
  469. Old but good
  470. AGE 25 Important Yrs. for Vitamin D
  471. Study says season of cancer diagnosis affects survival rate
  472. Black Women Fare Worse Than Whites With Breast Cancer
  473. The 'Sunshine Vitamin' is Critical during the Winter Season
  475. The effects of seasonal variation of 25-hydroxyvitamin D
  476. Kashmiri Women Facing Vitamin D Deficiency
  478. Sunnier outlook may help fight against prostate cancer
  479. Dr. Judith Richman Vit D Video on the Today Show
  480. Vitamin D Gets an 'A' For Great Nutrition
  481. Vitamin D Deficiency Prevalent
  482. The Dr. Writes about Vitamin D
  483. Dr. Mercola On The Positive Of Having A Tan
  484. What gives us sunburn protects crayfish against bacteria
  485. Take more vitamin D, mothers told
  487. Looking Fit Article
  488. Vitamin D Needs
  489. As Vitamins Go, D, You Are My Sunshine
  490. Heavier people may need more vitamin D, whether from the sun or supplements
  491. Low vitamin D linked to higher risk of hip fracture
  492. Don't be SAD
  493. It's time we saw the light
  494. Vitamin D’s benefits are no surprise
  495. Vitamin D might be factor in longer life
  496. We have underestimated the importance of Vitamin D
  497. Finnish men tested for link to low Vit D and Infection
  498. New Vit D Research Could Confuse Millions
  499. Vit D even gets in the middle of US/China battle
  500. Vitamin D, calcium protect against cancer in women
  501. Vitamin D :: Patients with type 2 diabetes show signs of vitamin D deficiency
  502. Vitamin D and Stem Cells (study to be released)
  503. Sunshine: It does you more good than harm
  504. Amuzing Article
  505. Sunshine for Beautiful Skin Care
  506. Vit D could mean fewer cancers
  507. "The Great Debate" GREAT ARTICLE!!!
  508. Vitamin D's Crucial Role in Elder Mobility
  509. Calcium & Vit D for Bone Fractures
  510. Is Vitamin D the New Aspirin (or Statin)?
  511. Study Shines More Light on Benefit of Vitamin D in Fighting Cancer
  512. Dr. Norton Mentions the Importance of Sunshine
  513. Calcium, vitamin D are critical to stopping bone loss
  514. Vitamin D for treatment of scleroderma
  515. Short & Sweet "Sun Exposure Linked to Vitamin D"
  516. Evidence Mounts For Protective Effect Of Vitamin D
  517. Born under a bad sign? Maybe
  518. Vitamin D 1-Hydroxylase Gene Mutations
  519. Albuminuria, Vitamin D Linked
  520. FDA Tanning (Anti-Tanning?) Information
  521. Tanning Bed Good Source of Vit D
  522. Tan More Less DNA Damage?
  524. Could Tanning be Healthy?
  525. Vitamin D deficiency might be linked to breast cancer risk
  526. One dose of vitamin D boosts TB immunity
  527. The Elephant in the Living Room?
  529. Is vitamin D important for preserving cognition?
  530. “Shedding Light on Osteoporosis'
  531. Exposing Big Pharma
  532. Caffeine plus exercise can fight skin cancer, study shows
  533. Coming to America?
  534. “Burning to know,” GREAT ARTICLE!
  535. Can you guess.....
  536. Low Vit D tied to High Blood Pressure
  537. Holick's new paper
  538. Sun exposure in childhood may lower MS risk
  539. The New Relationship between Sunlight & Cancer
  540. Sunshine Could Help Prevent Cancer & Diabetes
  541. Low VitD may increase metabolic syndrome
  542. Low Vit D could result in bad allergy reaction to bee stings
  543. costs associated with completely blocking the sun's rays
  544. Blackraspberries May Protect Skin From Sunburn
  545. New Study Confirms Vit D for Colon Cancer Reduction
  546. Sunscreen ads lack evidence
  547. Low Vit D Levels in Children
  548. Are You Getting an ‘F’ in ‘D’ Sufficiency
  549. Researcher Sees Link Between Autism & Vitamin D
  550. NZ's sunsmart attitude is likely behind the low Vitamin D levels
  551. Breast Cancer: Vitamin D – or sunshine – helps keep it away
  552. Let's all steal some sunshine (it's good for us)
  553. They have (inadvertently) told the truth
  554. Vitamin D for cancer
  555. Dr. Holick, Tanning Industry Speak At Massachusetts Hearing
  556. The sunscreen myth: How sunscreen products actually promote cancer
  557. Vitamin D...prevention of type-2 diabetes
  558. Additional Vitamin D proven to be way to reduce risk of cancer
  559. 15 confirmed cases of rickets found in Ottawa
  560. Can Sunscreen Make You Hypothyroid?
  561. Rickets- among middle class
  562. Ditch Unhealthy Habits
  563. Why it’s time we saw the light
  564. Eye opening information
  565. "Everybody Needs Sunlight"
  566. Children 'put at risk of rickets'
  567. Response
  568. Healthy exposure
  569. UV exposure brings benefits
  570. Inuit live in very cold climates, why do they have dark skin?
  571. Vitamin D Boost for Heart Health
  572. Exposure for two hours a week needed in winter
  573. Experimental Dermatology
  574. Sunscreen Ingredients Healthy or NOT so healthy?
  575. Canadian Cancer Society announces national program to prevent cancer using vitamin D
  576. Consumers be warned: Most sunscreen products actually *promote* cancer
  577. Vitamin D in big demand
  578. Vitamin D vindication for Fabutan President
  579. At least some sunlight is necessary to stay healthy
  580. Oldy but a Goody
  581. Cancer study sparks mini-vitamin D frenzy
  582. Manufacturers, retailers prepare for Vitamin D demand
  583. D is for Defense
  584. Vitamin D Cuts Cancer Risk in Study
  585. Vitamin D dramatically cuts cancer risk: study
  586. Vitamin D lowers cancer risk
  587. The benefits of tanning
  588. just posted Good news!
  589. Swimming With Media Sharks
  590. Live Webcasts
  591. Sunglasses, Sunblock, Sunbeds & Cholesterol!
  592. Sunlight is the best form of vitamin D
  593. Indoor tanning can overcome Canadians' susceptibility to vitamin D deficiency
  594. Skin Care and the Sun
  595. Exposure to Sun for Diabetics 'benefits heart'
  596. Vitamin D may fight cancers
  597. Sunshine Can Actually Be Good For You
  598. Vit D and Breast Cancer
  599. Intake of vitamin D and calcium associated with lower risk of breast cancer before me
  600. Using Salon Tanners for this study. UPDATED 7/24/2008
  601. Autism and Vitamin D
  602. Misinterpretation Of Data And Teens
  603. Letter To The Editor ~ Timmins
  604. Article tells it like it is!
  605. curcumin, inhibits skin cancer cell proliferation and tumor formation
  607. Vitamin D casts cancer prevention in new light
  608. New Study Released on Low Vitamin D in Seniors
  609. Hi, some questions about tanning, vit d, etc
  610. Low Vitamin D Levels AGAIN Linked to Cancer Risk
  611. "The Wonder Drug"
  612. Seen the Better Homes & Garden for May?
  613. Vitamin D Linked to Blood Pressure
  614. Long, but very interesting....
  615. Hey Engfant, did you write this?
  616. Sunscreens Can be Damaging
  617. Lifestyle blamed for rickets come-back
  618. So can sunshine beat heart disease?
  619. Vitamin D the real culprit in the Pet Food Recall?
  620. Skin Cancer Cream
  621. Sunshine & Asthma
  622. The Derms to blame...
  623. Can Sunlight Help Smokers?
  624. March 22, 2007 Harvard Gazette...Men need SUN!
  625. 2004 ~ Sunbathing can help prevent more than 25
  626. Vitamin D detector would have strong supporters, but vehemently opposed by sunscreen.
  627. Another UV Opinion
  628. Fifteen facts you probably never knew about vitamin D and sunlight exposure
  629. Vitamin D again linked to lower breast cancer risk
  630. Fellow fat losers: Sunlight does so much for you
  631. I'm soooo tired of this crap!
  632. New Zealand to study whether changes in diet and sunshine hours affects their health.
  633. Harvard / Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Study: Tanning Protects Against Skin Cancer
  634. How Sunshine Can Help Your Newborn Baby
  635. Possible customer scenario...help
  636. Vitamin D and Your Health
  637. Get Outside! Vit D for Colon Cancer Prevention
  638. Dose of Sunshine Might Prevent Diseases
  639. What nudists, Schlitz beer and vitamin D have in common
  640. March issue/ Mayo Clinic Health Letter
  641. Vitamin D deficiency widespread during pregnancy
  642. BREAKING NEWS, BREAKING NEWS! ~ February 22, 2007
  643. Vitamin D: Cheap wonder drug?
  644. Sunshine is a significant source of vitamin D
  645. Vitamin D pill offers hope in fighting cancer
  646. Calcium/Vitamin D to reduce stress factures
  647. Effect of Vitamin D on Breast Cancer Risk, Fetal Genetic Abnormalities Test
  648. A dose of D may banish winter blahs
  649. Light that can Cure YOU
  650. Vitamin D Intake May Cut Risk of Colorectal Cancer
  651. Vitamin D3 provides the skin with protection from harmful microbes
  652. CTV runs positive Vitamin D story
  653. Skin Cancer
  654. 2 new studies back vitamin D for cancer prevention
  655. Weight Loss – Adequate Calcium and Vitamin D intake improves Cholesterol Levels
  656. Exaggerated warnings about the sun’s harmful effects
  657. Sunlight and Melanoma (Positive Artical)
  659. Are tanning beds safe? - A positive article!!
  660. Vitamin D Protects Skin?? EXCELLENT ARTICLE!
  661. Let the vitamin D shine in!
  663. Tanning for psoriasis
  664. Hip Fracture in Older Women
  665. Article I found in magazine
  666. Pill Popping Nation
  667. Vitamin D May Lower Risk Of Multiple Sclerosis
  668. Important New Health Benefits Of Vitamin D especially From The Sun
  669. FDA Updates Health Claim
  670. Seven for 2007: Seven things you should know about breast cancer risk, Harva
  671. Clarification!
  672. Vitamin D can slow down bone loss due to binge drinking
  673. Dr. Mercola: Depressing Truth About Vitamin D Deficiency
  674. Sun Rays Boost Immunity
  675. Vitamin of the Year.... Vitamin D
  676. High-dose vitamin D to be tested as prostate cancer treatment
  677. Cancer Incidence and Mortality and Vitamin D in Black and White Male Health Professio
  678. Breast and ovarian cancers: the impact of Vitamin D and flavonoids
  679. JAMA - Vitamin D May Help Prevent MS
  680. ABC News Online - Sunshine offers ray of hope for elderly bones
  681. Lack of Vitamin D - The Real Reason Flu Hits In Winter
  682. vitamin D deficiency in black men may be higher incidence of and mortality from cance
  683. Vitamin D--The New Superstar
  684. Deficiency in D Adversely Affects Brain Function
  685. Dr. Mercola makes it into Tanning Trends Magazine
  686. Damaged DNA? Take vitamin D
  687. Teens and Vitamin D in U.S. News Health Watch
  688. The ABCs of D in U.S. NEWS & World Report
  689. Tanning improves sex life!
  690. Vitamin D Deficiency Is Associated With Low Mood and Cognitive Performance in Elderly
  691. Seniors and Vitamin D by: James P. Richardson, M.D.
  692. Vitamin D Deficiency in Pediatric Patients with IBD
  693. Solar Power for optimal health
  694. Vitamin D and the flu
  695. How Sunlight Can Save Your Life ~ Part 2
  696. How Sunlight Can Save Your Life ~ Part 1
  697. Advice To Avoid Sun Should Be Lifted - Cancer Experts
  698. Indoor tanning not just about looks
  699. Tan Responsibly
  700. Light Can Help Alleviate Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
  701. Vitamin D Videos about cutting cancer risk
  702. PCMAGAZINE.COM even says get some SUN!!
  703. Revelations About Vit D / Dr. Gittleman
  704. Vitamin D and Cancer
  705. IT’S D-LIGHTFUL (New York Post)
  706. 'Hoodies' bad for your health: Blocking Vit D in Youths
  707. Univ of Miami Dr's Video on why you worry about Vitamin D
  708. Can a tanning bed be healthy?
  709. UV Exposure for Asthma
  710. Catching Some Rays
  711. The Antibiotic Vitamin (DR. John Cannell)
  714. Doctor sends in clients!!
  715. CANCERactive: Vitamin D
  716. A Closer Look at Vitamin D (article)
  717. UV Exposure helps to prevent heart attack.
  718. Link Between Ovarian Cancer, Vitamin D Status Seen Worldwide
  719. Dr. Mercola mentions using tanning beds.
  720. Canadian research sees gender split in mulitplesclerosis
  721. Study suggests vitamin D may help slow breast cancer
  722. Seasonal Affective Disorder sends millions into winter depression each year
  723. Vit D wards off the flu
  724. Under the weather? Blame it on clouds
  725. 7- Dehydrocholesterol 7 ??
  726. Most Vitamin D Pills in the USA aren't the same as what UV helps with.
  727. Sunlight brings relief for asthma symptoms
  728. Vitamin D Targets Thrombosis In Cancer Patients June 2006
  729. Milk and Sunshine May Prevent the Onset of PMS
  730. Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy: an ongoing epidemic
  731. Check this out!
  732. Canadian article
  733. General Positives
  734. Study Suggests Vitamin D May Help Fight Breast Cancer
  735. Natural Sunlight
  737. Let the Sunshine In
  738. Welcome Postive UV
  739. New Study - TANNING reduces the risk of 16 different cancers
  740. Vitamin D
  741. An exclusive interview with Dr. Michael ...
  742. How Commercialism Has Twisted Proper Sun Care
  743. Relying on fish for YOUR Vitamin D?
  744. UV training and Informational Sites
  745. Tanning helps cancer - 1 million patients in study!
  746. Vitamin D and Epidemic Influenza (more good news)
  747. Get more vitamin D to prevent cancer
  748. OHSU researchers: high doses of vitamin D
  749. Cancer survival is dependent on season of diagnosis and sunlight exposure.
  750. UV Positive ~ A rerun
  751. New Study May Have UV Good News
  752. Vitamin D May Cut Pancreatic Cancer Risk By Nearly Half
  753. From Reader's Digest - September 2006
  754. UV Foundation
  755. Sunscreens can damage skin, researchers find
  756. Fantastic article -
  757. Vitamin D a potent Antibiotic?
  758. Positive article on Tanning
  759. What's wrong with a little sun?
  760. Melanoma Overdiagnosed?
  761. Light for dummies
  762. Vitamin D deficency common in the US
  763. Video: Sun tan controversy
  764. FW: Release: American Cancer Society says "no UV' message is wrong
  765. What Are The Benefits For Tanning?
  766. Welcome to the Vitamin D Society
  767. sunlight Vitamin D
  768. Vitamin D and men
  769. Vitamin D3 and MS
  770. Why Dr.'s Won't Rock The Boat
  771. Hot Debate over Vitamin D
  772. Vitamin D Protects Against Tuberculosis
  773. How to get vitamin D?
  774. UV, Vitamin D & health Conference
  775. Professor Barbara Gilchrest of Boston University
  776. Vitamin D, new drug fight prostate cancer
  777. Indoor Tanning Facts
  778. What Should You Know About Vitamin D?
  779. Fabutan President challenges dermatologists
  780. Indoor Tanning Association Responds to Flawed Study!
  781. Good News (that we already knew :) )
  782. An Interesting Article on Tanning
  783. Questions & Answers on vitamin D
  784. CNN Headline - Vitamin D Cuts Cancer
  785. Get Some Sun...
  786. Fabutan and Competition Bureau reach agreement on Vitamin D health benefits from ultr
  787. VITAMIN D
  788. A good read on UV exposure
  789. Health and economic benefits from sun exposure are much greater than risks: study
  790. The Vitamin D Paradox
  791. Are You Getting Right Kind Of Vitamin D?
  792. UV or not UV: That\'s the question for Maine teens who want tans
  793. Positive Reading
  794. The Tuskegee Experiment Vitamin D Newsletter
  795. Good News for a change
  796. Another Dissident Dermatologist
  798. Kids \'need more sun\'
  799. Small but Positive Article
  800. Tanning for PMS?
  801. Another Vit D article
  802. Harvard school of Public Health
  803. Docs Note The Benefits Of Sunshine
  804. A little sun is good
  805. Some Good News ~ Thanks for Sharin\' Sherin
  806. Vitamin D good for Prostate Cancer?
  807. Demise of the Sun-Haters
  809. NEWS ~ Oldie but a goodie.
  810. NBC News: Are Americans Getting Too Little Sun?
  811. The Indoor Tanning Association (ITA) Responds to World Health Organization Recommendations
  812. The vitamin D controversy and the sun
  813. Sunlight Exposure Helps Beat Cancers, Vitamin D Deficiency and Other Chronic Diseases
  814. Great Info..
  815. This is awesome article
  816. Tanning beds issues, concerns and answers?
  817. uv exposure benefits article
  818. Positive
  819. OMG - News reporting Sun light Good for Cancers...
  820. Another Positive Tanning/Vitamin D Article
  821. good news form The journal of the National cancer Institute
  822. Something Positive (for a change of pace)
  823. A Few Observations About Light
  824. vitamin D could reduce the risk of cancer by a third
  825. Great info on UV--Dr. Grant
  826. Multiple Sclerosis and tanning
  827. NICE article in Newsweek
  828. Harm Seen from Vitamin D Deficiency
  829. Tanners Have Higher Vitamin D Levels, Bone Mass
  830. Vitamin D & Mental Illness
  831. Nobody even mentioned Vitamin D!!!!
  832. Something Positive?
  833. UV Positive
  834. Good NY Times Vitamin D Article
  835. Rickets, Dr. Grant Article
  836. medicalnewstoday.com 04/23/04
  837. Dr. Michael Holick and Mark Jenkins on Good Morning America this AM
  838. WOW! POSITIVE PRESS! I cant believe it
  839. Sunbeds are not associated with melanoma in the U.S.
  840. Breaking News! The other side of the story...
  841. Don't Avoid Sunlight!
  842. Tanning and folic acid deficiency...important info and link.
  843. Vitamin D fights cancer
  844. Interesting article on UV & S.A.D.
  845. The Positive Effects of the Sun And Tanning
  846. My Recent Exchange With the Canadian Dermatology Association
  847. UPI Positive Press on Tanning
  848. Good Health Says....
  849. Vitamin D and stronger muscles
  850. Great New York Times article
  851. Sunbathing Helps You and Everyone! by Dr. Bernarr Zovluck
  852. Positive Effects of Sunlight... National Post, Canada
  853. Good News!: \"Spontaneous\" Gene Defect Causes Most Melanoma Cases.
  854. Dermatology Archives
  855. Good News in Canadian issue of TIME
  856. NTD"S (Neural Tube Defects : A Coincidence?
  857. Is Tanning A Sign Of Skin Damage?
  858. Vitamin C: It's not just for breakfast
  859. Tanning is good for you
  860. Tanning not associated to melanoma
  861. Wolff studies
  863. Sunlight, sexuality and mental health
  864. Does Sunlight Exposure Increase or Decrease Cancer?
  865. Response To Anti-Tanning Article
  867. Good New for MEN that tan........Tanning will Reduce your cancer risk!!!!
  868. UV Rays fight T-Cell Lymphoma