- Sunbathing Effective Treatment for PMS
- Sunbathing for Optimized Testosterone
- Scientific Consensus Paper Released
- The rest of the story...
- A DECREASE in pediatric CMM
- Innocent error?
- 2015 The International Year of Light
- Vitamin D from sunbeds?
- No babysitting in SD
- Autism & Vitamin D
- Something is going on.....
- Good FYI article
- Testimonial...
- Sunlight & Ebola
- Now you know....
- Politics trumps science
- Why men should tan
- Wellness study
- Finally...
- Excellent Article
- Vitamin D & Dementia
- Which comes first?
- Message: Avoid UVR Avoidance
- They are coming around....
- A Golden Mean?
- Dallas Buyers Club and the FDA
- High Pressure, tony and Robertk
- D is for dancers
- Anti-vitamin D article refuted
- UVR relaxes blood vessels
- Cancer Patients Tanning
- Tan? Vitamin D? Or Both?
- Blue Light
- A very good read
- Depressed? Get D!
- What did they miss?
- Think about this
- Is a tan a "sign" of health?
- Slash Your Risk of Cancer - by Breaking This Cardinal Rule
- 34% reduction in breast CA
- Autism prevalence in USA
- Good article.
- Tired? Get vitamin D!
- Could the sun be good for your heart?
- New findings by GWU researcher saying tanning beds cause melanoma
- I read that we need Vit D sulphate from UV. D3 supplementss are not as good.
- New Vitamin D Study
- UK GP`s Lack of knowledge on Vitamin D
- Actress Gwenyth Paltrow told to Get SUN to reverse Vitamin D deficiency bone disorder
- Gwyneth Paltrow bone disorder, Doctors told her to GET SUNLIGHT vitamin D-go tanning!
- Dermotologist Undercover Sting!!!
- More Good news
- help me reply to this Professor
- Today on AOL
- 'Cure' is found for skin cancer, claim scientists
- Dr Claims VIT D suppreses imune system? any truth in this?
- vitamin d from spray tan lotion?????
- A Cook says you can't get enough D from food
- Do Lotions block Vitamin D Production?
- Joe Levy "Health Radio" Interview
- The UV Commercials Available through Smart Tan
- Doctors referral
- Kangaroos May Inspire 'Anti-Cancer' Skin Cream
- UConn Dr.s/Scientists Explore Vit D deficiency & high blood pressure.
- Gabriele Stähler on Vitamin D3
- NEW study links vitamin D deficiency to cardiovascular disease and death
- H1N1 Linked To Vitamin D Deficiency
- Washington Times - Sunshine Debate (PRINT)
- Tanning Billboard on the news
- Sign for Vitamin D
- I need help with this one....
- Boston Univ Study - Indoor Tanners have the BEST VIT D Levels!
- H1N1 Shot and Vitamin D
- Sixty million years of evolution say Vitamin D may save your life from swine flu.
- Sunbeds as Vitamin D Sources
- Like a good movie
- Exposure to the sun...
- Skin cancer drug shrink tumors in two weeks.
- Vitamin D 'helps combat cancer' (SKIN CANCER!)
- Great Interview w/ Dr. Cannell
- Vitamin D Requirements Much Higher Than Recommended Amounts
- US Dept. of Health & Human Serv. launch Best Bones Program
- Medical News Today Article on Vit D.
- Vit D / Sunshine New Study of How IMPORTANT FOR 60 Million Years!
- Vitamin D After Total Thyroidectomy to Prevent Postoperative Hypocalcaemia
- Coronary Artery Calcification Linked to Vitamin D Deficiency
- Vitamin D tests may reveal risk for Lupus
- Alarm Bells Over Vitamin D Levels in Kids (CBS)
- Vitamin D on MSNBC with Holick quote
- Joe Levy Audio Clip to share on Vitamin D and Sunshine
- Another UV bashing session on ABC News
- High Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency in HIV-Positive Men
- Kneed sunshine? Scientists find link to healthy joints
- Holick & Gilchrest Virtual Debate
- SunScare Report
- Sun warnings ‘overstated’ as science finds new clue to skin cancer
- New Evidence Links Vitamin D to Cardiovascular Disease
- Study sheds light on Vit D to prevent colon cancer
- By Gregory Plotnikoff, M.D. ...too little sun?
- The Controversy Over Vitamin D & Sun Exposure
- Two sides of the UV coin
- Dr. Kaye zeroed in on my sun phobia
- (psoraisis) It seems to me that there really is such a thing as a healthy tan.
- Yahoo news
- Vitamin D Experts Suggest Bias in Findings of International Cancer Agency Report on S
- Low vit D levels associated with several risk factors in teenagers
- 1 in 7 U.S. Teens Is Vitamin D Deficient
- Healthier and happier in the sun
- Vitamin D: The Super Nutrient
- The Sunshine Vitamin (Paging...Ted Hutchinson)
- Half of Black Teens May Be Vitamin D Deficient
- Need Info Immediately!!!
- Customer recommended by dermotologists
- Just had a nurse sign up for her Vitamin D
- MSNBC: Shedding light on vitamin D deficiency ‘crisis’
- Cancer doctor says get in a sunbed!
- Just a little freaky....
- Questions from a newbie seeking benefits of tanning/Vit. D...
- Vitamin D Insufficiency Linked to Parkinson’s Disease
- Doctor Recommends Avoiding Flu Shot, Taking Vitamin D Instead
- When Daylight Savings Time Stops – Consider Taking Vitamin D
- Vit D article
- Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease
- Vitamin D Prevents Colorectal Adenomas
- Vitamin D levels drop as winter's gloom nears
- Vitamin D Linked to Mortality in Hemodialysis Patients
- Cancer Experts Debate Vitamin D, Sunlight & Risk
- Vitamin D may prevent damage from low levels of radiation
- Holick comes through again.
- Lung airway cells can activate Vit D
- Rain, rain, go away.....
- Low vitamin D common in kids with cystic fibrosis
- Another good vitamin D article
- Dr. Mayer Eissentein's says 50,000 IU's of Vit D
- Dr. Bill Elliott: Vitamin D adds more than just a little sunshine
- You will enjoy reading this
- sun exposure may have an antimelanoma effect
- Lack of sunlight linked to male infertility
- Study links Vitamin D to sperm health
- Prevalence of Suboptimal Vitamin D Status During Pregnancy
- A very good article
- The Sun's Role In Disease Prevention And Control (nice article)
- More vitamin D may mean healthier gums
- IBD, Liver Disease Patients Show Vitamin D Deficits
- About 83 per cent of the women in Valley are suffering from Vitamin-D deficiency
- Vitamin D Can Prolong Your Life!
- Pediatricians Double Vitamin d recommendations
- Vit D could reduce the risk of osteoporosis - in unborn babies
- Lack of vitamin D can affect 36 organs
- Vitamin D a key player in overall health of several body organs, says UC Riverside bi
- Vitamin D and Cancer Prevention, at UAlbany Day on Saturday, Oct. 25.
- Vitamin D deficiency common in patients with IBD, chronic liver disease
- Psychiatric patients at risk of vitamin D deficiency
- YOU Docs: The best vitamin you're not getting
- John Cannell, MD October Vitamin D Newsletter
- Low Vitamin D Levels Raise Breast Cancer Death Risk by 75 Percent
- anti-melanoma effect through activation of the vitamin D system
- Summer sunshine delight (nice article)
- Poor health 'due to wet climate'
- Tanning can have health benefits
- Vitamin D a Bone Booster for Digestive Problems
- Vitamin D supplement
- SPF...does it work? An experiment
- What is osteomalacia?
- Light shines on vitamin D deficiency epidemic
- Northwest Europe....SAD Cases Rise
- iNutrition Launches Cancer Fighting Vitamin D
- Vitamin D shifts into focus
- Time Magazine lists vitamin D as a top 10 medical breakthrough of 2007
- Extra, extra! Get your free vitamin D!
- The Sunshine D-Lemma
- Low Vitamin D May Cause Depression
- Clinical study to examine role of vitamin D in kidney disease
- Mama's, don't let your babies.....
- Sunbathing may prevent multiple sclerosis
- Top 10 Myths About Vitamin D
- UVR does not cause melanoma
- A More Conclusive Study Vit D and Hip Fractures
- A Little Knowledge Can Kill You
- Too many Americans aren't getting enough of the sun-sourced nutrient, researchers say
- Vitamin D's wild days: Who to test, what to take?
- The Sunshine Vitamin
- discuss...
- It's the UVR, stupid!
- Unalaskans need more of sunshine vitamin
- hydroxyvitamin D3 concentrations should be reevaluated
- Death May Be Nearer for People Who Lack Vitamin D, Study Says
- Skin responses to ultraviolet radiation:
- Fat? You need vitamin D!
- Elderly not getting enough vitamin D, study at CU finds
- Can Sunscreen Make You Hypothyroid?
- Schizophrenia researchers welcome new blood
- vitamin D tests in record numbers
- Oops, we DO need the sun
- Can Vitamin D Help People with Mesothelioma? (asbestos)
- Vitamin D Fights Cancer (Jamiaca Gleaner)
- Skin cancer fears may increase risk of bone thinning disease
- Don Here is the Thread We Needed Help With :)
- Why Sunshine is Good For You (on MSN Lifestyle)
- Don't Miss Your Daily Dose of D
- At a Glance: What You Need to Know About Vit D
- Vitamin D for Slowing and Possibly Reversing Lung Cancer
- Sunshine Vitamin
- Vitamin D Benefits Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
- Minnesota women at risk
- how much milk do we need?
- Got enough Vitamin D?
- Skin Cancer Fear May Harm Bones
- Vit D---Should You Be Taking (getting) More of this Vitamin?
- D Seems Short for 'Does a Lot'
- Doctors eye vitamin D link to autism
- Very Nice Article in the WSJ.
- Sunshine on my shoulders (nice article)
- The power of vitamin D, hope for a new disease fighter
- Doctors address vitamin D deficiencies
- overweight people tend to have lower levels of vit D
- Body Makes Pot-Like Substance to Help Skin
- Dose of vitamin D too little, some say
- Don't run from the sun's Vitamin D benefits, experts say
- Creighton University Magazine Article on Vit D...Fall of 2007
- Fox News Health Watch Video in GA on Vit D Deficiency
- Mother's vitamin D status during pregnancy will affect her baby's dental health
- Raise your Melanoma and MRSA protection levels with UVB.
- Showering after your tan loses your Vitamin D??
- Many Toddlers Lack the "Sunshine Vitamin"
- City residents take part in study that shows blacks lack vitamin D
- Vitamin D may Offer Relief in Chronic Back Pain
- Lack of Vitamin D Raises Risk of Death
- Want to be young again?
- This "message" is important
- Want to cut your risk of death in half?
- Vitamin D May Help Patients Survive Cancer
- D-fense!
- Got Vitamin D?
- Vitamin D for Lung Cancer
- More Great News About Vitamin D
- Low vitamin D tied to back pain in older women
- New report finds low vitamin D levels appear common in ‘healthy’ children
- Vitamin D(azzle): Miracle Pill for the Millennium
- Undiagnosed low vitamin D levels extremely common in rheumatology patients
- Vitamin D recommendations for teens may be too low
- Using sunscreen increases a woman’s chances of breast cancer
- Tan or No Tan? The Vitamin D Question
- Low Vitamin D Level in Salon Owner
- Sunshine may be nature's disease fighter
- Vitamin D Reduces Heart Attacks (updated)
- The Sunshine Vitamin Cure-All
- 'Vitamin D essential for strong bones'
- First Successful Use Of Vitamin D Supplement For Childhood Autism
- It's probably Vitamin D in huge doses...
- Study backs vitamin D in cancer fight
- Plainfield doctor touts benefits from Vitamin D
- Too little sun is nearly as bad as too much
- Vitamin D deficiency linked to back pain
- Dr. Briffa: Does vitamin D help protect against type 1 diabetes?
- Dr. Chris Fenn on Vitamin D
- Vitamin D Deficiency: Information for Cancer Patients
- Not enough of the sun
- Make every day a D-day
- The Joint Canadian Tanning Association Lauches TanAwareness.com
- Good Article: Don't Screen Out All the Sun
- Call it corporate lifestyle disease
- 'Sunshine vitamin' aids women, study shows
- Sunny D needed for healthy babies
- Vitamin D is good for more than just bones
- Even another Vitamin D story. CBS & Brea...
- Another one of those "Vitamin D" stories...
- Take Vitamin D for all kinds of reasons....
- Vitamin D Keeps Kidney Patients Alive
- Vitamin D and cancer: maintaining levels key to protection?
- Can Diet &/or Sunlight Modify the Relationship Between VDR....
- Vitamin D deficiency linked to cancer, heart problems
- Vitamin D helps kidney patients live longer -study
- Canada Orders Vitamin D Study
- Depressed elderly found to have low levels of Vitamin D
- Everybody needs more.....
- P53's -- Repeated UV irradiation protects against UV induced DNA damage.
- New Studies Shows Why Calcium and Vit D May Prevent Colon Cancer
- Lack of vitamin D linked to depression in elderly
- Are you a believer?
- a Billion people need to get outside??? for some Vitamin D?? Go to a TANNING SALON!!!
- Cancer Society's May 1 as the inaugural "Sunhats Off Day".
- Vitamin D: Now I'm a believer
- Quik Hit: Vitamin D Does a Body Good
- DR. HOOK- D-list: Get a little sun to keep healthy
- May Vitamin D Council Newsletter
- Too good to be true?
- Exposure to Sun May Help Ward Off Arthritis
- Broken Bones Blamed on Osteoporosis When Vitamin D Deficiency Is the Culprit
- Sun lamps help unborn babies beat osteoporosis
- Canadians underexposed to sunlight!
- But will you go blind?
- Are you vitamin D-ficient?
- Free Vitamin D Calculator Online
- Vitamin D status linked to artery health: study
- Young adults need sun
- Sunbeds and Cod Liver Oil
- Vit D may gaurd against artery disease
- Rickets on the rise as breast-feeding and limiting sun
- Cancer prevention: stopping cancer before it can start
- Volunteers sought to test vitamin D memory effect (Australia)
- Vitamin D and calcium influence cell death in the colon, researchers find
- A New Vitamin D Deficiency Test That Can be Done at Home
- Prevention of Osteoporosis Might Lie in the Letter “D”
- New Research: Vitamin D linked to Vit D Deficienc
- Multiple Sclerosis: Nature, Nurture, or Something Else?
- Cancer Mortality Rates by State
- Many kids, adults lack vitamin D
- Basics of Bones
- Cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer formation and P53 production in human skin...
- Benefits of sunshine should be enjoyed, but carefully
- Feeling pale and tragic? Take Vitamin D
- Skin colour map (indigenous people).
- 3 years ago today...
- Antarctic winter linked to decreased bone density
- New light shed on 'sunshine vitamin'
- Baby’s Soft Spot Linked to Vitamin Deficiency
- Vitamin D Question and Answers, April, 2008
- Tanning is associated with optimal vitamin D status
- Shedding light on skin color
- More womb sun 'makes healthier babies'
- Winning the vitamin D argument
- Anyone notice appetitie reduction with tanning?
- The Virtues of Vitamin D - Harvard Medical School
- Research Promotes Pro-active Vitamin D Regimen in Patients with Osteoporosis
- All hail vitamin D
- Mainers left in dark, need D
- Vitamin D has also been shown to play a role in apoptosis
- Is Shunning the Sun a Medical Mistake?
- D Day
- Fighting cancer with vitamin D
- Vitamin D Beneficial for Bone Health, MS, Cancer and Winter Depression
- MUSC doctors look at vitamin D's effect on early-stage prostate cancer
- Why Anti-Tanning Propaganda Takes Lives
- Vitamin D deficiency common even in Southern states
- Getting vitamin D is tricky even in sunny South
- Vitamin D supplements cut risk of child diabetes - study
- UMaine Researchers Highlight Anti-Cancer Benefits of Vitamin D
- Are you vitamin D deficient?
- Natural Ways to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
- Osteomalacia/Rickets/Soft Bones
- Catch some rays to get vitamin D
- Vitamin D-calcium combo provides long-term benefits for men
- US Med Student Video on Vitamin D
- Dr. Cannell/ Vitamin D Council Videos
- The vitamin D miracle: Is it for real?
- Feeling pale? Try a little vitamin D
- D'fence
- Research reports keep rolling in on the importance of vitamin D
- Stress for Success: Sunlight is a good source of vitamin D
- Diabetes and cancer are both expanding almost exponentially in the world
- 11 Ways to Slow Aging AOL
- San Diego Seminar on Vitamin D
- A controversy is brewing over vitamin D (Forbes Magazine)
- Vitamin D
- Another Article Saying to Use Tanning Beds for Vit D
- Very Nice Article to Print.
- The connection between cancer and vitamin D
- 50% of Americans are Vit D Deficient
- Association of Activated Vitamin D Treatment and Mortality in Chronic Kidney Disease
- Consequences of Lack of Sun (they mention using tanning beds)
- Vitamin D may lessen the pain for those on Arimidex/Breast Cancer
- Go ahead, get some sun; it'll do a body good
- Vitamins: D for disease-free
- Great Video on Vit D and Heart Disease
- Humorous Debate
- Many vitamin D deficient in winter
- “Exposure to lamps that emit UVB radiation is an excellent source for Vitamin D3
- Boning up on the sunshine vitamin
- The Latest Word on Vitamin D
- We Need to spend more time in the sun...
- News Media Clip on Vit D and Sunshine
- Moving south could help keep you from developing cancer
- Lack of Sun Could Put Your Health in Danger
- The UV Foundation Announces February is 'Vitamin D Deficiency Month'
- Vitamin D deficiency explains cancer disparities between blacks and whites
- Sun's benefits make comeback
- Study warns over high incidence of vitamin D deficiency
- 5 Year Study on Calcium and Vitamin D
- EU-funded Melanoma project seeks to explain behaviour in the sun
- Vitamin D plays role in fighting diseases
- Health Watch: The sunshine vitamin
- Vitamin D as cancer fighter?
- Stanford University researching Vitamin D's role in cancer
- Lack of sunshine blamed for vitamin D deficiency
- Oprah talks about being vitamin d difficient!
- Dr Malallah prefers Sun Exposure over Vit D Supplements
- An Interview with Dr. Donald Trump (Video)
- A day without vitamin D is like a day without sunshine
- Grant for Vitamin D Study
- Vitamin D deficiency causes preeclampsia during pregnancy
- Sunbathing Comes Out From Under A Cloud
- The Unsensored Family Guide to Vitamin D
- Very Positive Video
- Demystifying Vitamin D: Experts available to clarify the facts
- NBC News Video on Vit D and Sun
- Vitamin D deficiency linked to heart, stroke risk
- Vit d and sun on CBS tonight
- Yahoo tonite
- Sunshine a recipe for Good Health
- No need to suffer a SAD winter
- Big Year for Sunshine Vitamin
- Sunlight may save kids' sight
- Experts Update Food Pyramid for Older Adults
- Vitamin D Important for Brain Function
- Give the Gift of Tanning
- Skin complexion link to Vit D deificiency
- Lack of sunlight may increase the risk of lung cancer, a study suggests.
- Don Smith or somebody can you help me with this one?
- Vit D3 Study on 200 Women
- Vitamin D: It is important to know your levels, especially in winter
- "mind-boggling"
- Evidence suggests vitamin D deficiency endangers migrating populations
- Vitamin D fights cancer - Dr. Donald Trump
- Power of Vitamin D
- Newstarget, good read...
- Vitamin D a Miracle Nutrient
- Darkness causes cancer and......
- Wait until you read this one....
- Good research
- Doctors Seeing Increased Cases of Bone Disease in Children
- Is the sunshine vitamin the way to beat asthma?
- Vitamin D Question and Answer
- Tanning Bed available by Individual Owner
- Vitamin D may curb type 2 diabetes risk
- Scientists hail the ‘sunshine vitamin’
- New Findings on Vitamin D
- Break a bone ... not
- A Little Wine, Sunlight Help Boost Women's Health
- Deficiency In Exposure To Sunlight Linked To Endometrial Cancer
- VIT D May Reduce Colorectal Cancer Mortality
- What's the Real Story on Vitamin D?
- lower levels of vitamin D in their blood we saw more back pain
- Low Vitamin D: One Sign of Sunlight Deficiency
- Dr Sorenson!!
- Opioids & Tanning Addition
- Low Vitamin D Levels May Worsen Osteoarthritis of the Knee
- Study shows Aussies missing out on sun exposure
- Sunbathing 'slows ageing process'
- Dr. Oz on Oprah says 15 mins of sunshine EVERYDAY :)
- Often called ‘sunshine vitamin,' vitamin D helps bone strength
- Vitamin D deficiency could be more common
- Vitamin D Society Declares November 'Vitamin D Awareness Month' in Canada
- Don't Forget to Turn your Clocks Back as we Enter the Vitamin D Winter
- Yahoo
- Experts have been arguing about flu shots for decades
- ...sometimes your vitamin is a steroid hormone
- Welcome Dr. Jeffrey Dach MD & Thank You for Your Expertise Here
- We need more sun, claims controversial dermatologist
- Young Athletes and Vitamin D
- Cancer society calls for major vitamin D trial
- How to Manage Vitamin D Deficiency
- Vitamin D May Prolong Your Life
- Let the sun shine
- Sunlight Exposure May Half Advanced Breast Cancer Risk
- October is Breast Cancer Propaganda Month: Pinkwashing, Breast Cancer Action & Vita
- Exposure to sunlight may decrease risk of advanced breast cancer by half
- Doctor: Vitamin D Deficiencies Rampant
- how sunlight can save your life
- Vitamin D explosive new player in heart health
- Vitamin D important for your total health
- Vitamin D: A D-lightful health story
- Get some sun and enjoy some fats, already!
- Vitamin D Inadequacy May Exacerbate Chronic Pain
- Old but good
- AGE 25 Important Yrs. for Vitamin D
- Study says season of cancer diagnosis affects survival rate
- Black Women Fare Worse Than Whites With Breast Cancer
- The 'Sunshine Vitamin' is Critical during the Winter Season
- The effects of seasonal variation of 25-hydroxyvitamin D
- Kashmiri Women Facing Vitamin D Deficiency
- Sunnier outlook may help fight against prostate cancer
- Dr. Judith Richman Vit D Video on the Today Show
- Vitamin D Gets an 'A' For Great Nutrition
- Vitamin D Deficiency Prevalent
- The Dr. Writes about Vitamin D
- Dr. Mercola On The Positive Of Having A Tan
- What gives us sunburn protects crayfish against bacteria
- Take more vitamin D, mothers told
- Looking Fit Article
- Vitamin D Needs
- As Vitamins Go, D, You Are My Sunshine
- Heavier people may need more vitamin D, whether from the sun or supplements
- Low vitamin D linked to higher risk of hip fracture
- Don't be SAD
- It's time we saw the light
- Vitamin D’s benefits are no surprise
- Vitamin D might be factor in longer life
- We have underestimated the importance of Vitamin D
- Finnish men tested for link to low Vit D and Infection
- New Vit D Research Could Confuse Millions
- Vit D even gets in the middle of US/China battle
- Vitamin D, calcium protect against cancer in women
- Vitamin D :: Patients with type 2 diabetes show signs of vitamin D deficiency
- Vitamin D and Stem Cells (study to be released)
- Sunshine: It does you more good than harm
- Amuzing Article
- Sunshine for Beautiful Skin Care
- Vit D could mean fewer cancers
- "The Great Debate" GREAT ARTICLE!!!
- Vitamin D's Crucial Role in Elder Mobility
- Calcium & Vit D for Bone Fractures
- Is Vitamin D the New Aspirin (or Statin)?
- Study Shines More Light on Benefit of Vitamin D in Fighting Cancer
- Dr. Norton Mentions the Importance of Sunshine
- Calcium, vitamin D are critical to stopping bone loss
- Vitamin D for treatment of scleroderma
- Short & Sweet "Sun Exposure Linked to Vitamin D"
- Evidence Mounts For Protective Effect Of Vitamin D
- Born under a bad sign? Maybe
- Vitamin D 1-Hydroxylase Gene Mutations
- Albuminuria, Vitamin D Linked
- FDA Tanning (Anti-Tanning?) Information
- Tanning Bed Good Source of Vit D
- Tan More Less DNA Damage?
- Could Tanning be Healthy?
- Vitamin D deficiency might be linked to breast cancer risk
- One dose of vitamin D boosts TB immunity
- The Elephant in the Living Room?
- Is vitamin D important for preserving cognition?
- “Shedding Light on Osteoporosis'
- Exposing Big Pharma
- Caffeine plus exercise can fight skin cancer, study shows
- Coming to America?
- “Burning to know,” GREAT ARTICLE!
- Can you guess.....
- Low Vit D tied to High Blood Pressure
- Holick's new paper
- Sun exposure in childhood may lower MS risk
- The New Relationship between Sunlight & Cancer
- Sunshine Could Help Prevent Cancer & Diabetes
- Low VitD may increase metabolic syndrome
- Low Vit D could result in bad allergy reaction to bee stings
- costs associated with completely blocking the sun's rays
- Blackraspberries May Protect Skin From Sunburn
- New Study Confirms Vit D for Colon Cancer Reduction
- Sunscreen ads lack evidence
- Low Vit D Levels in Children
- Are You Getting an ‘F’ in ‘D’ Sufficiency
- Researcher Sees Link Between Autism & Vitamin D
- NZ's sunsmart attitude is likely behind the low Vitamin D levels
- Breast Cancer: Vitamin D – or sunshine – helps keep it away
- Let's all steal some sunshine (it's good for us)
- They have (inadvertently) told the truth
- Vitamin D for cancer
- Dr. Holick, Tanning Industry Speak At Massachusetts Hearing
- The sunscreen myth: How sunscreen products actually promote cancer
- Vitamin D...prevention of type-2 diabetes
- Additional Vitamin D proven to be way to reduce risk of cancer
- 15 confirmed cases of rickets found in Ottawa
- Can Sunscreen Make You Hypothyroid?
- Rickets- among middle class
- Ditch Unhealthy Habits
- Why it’s time we saw the light
- Eye opening information
- "Everybody Needs Sunlight"
- Children 'put at risk of rickets'
- Response
- Healthy exposure
- UV exposure brings benefits
- Inuit live in very cold climates, why do they have dark skin?
- Vitamin D Boost for Heart Health
- Exposure for two hours a week needed in winter
- Experimental Dermatology
- Sunscreen Ingredients Healthy or NOT so healthy?
- Canadian Cancer Society announces national program to prevent cancer using vitamin D
- Consumers be warned: Most sunscreen products actually *promote* cancer
- Vitamin D in big demand
- Vitamin D vindication for Fabutan President
- At least some sunlight is necessary to stay healthy
- Oldy but a Goody
- Cancer study sparks mini-vitamin D frenzy
- Manufacturers, retailers prepare for Vitamin D demand
- D is for Defense
- Vitamin D Cuts Cancer Risk in Study
- Vitamin D dramatically cuts cancer risk: study
- Vitamin D lowers cancer risk
- The benefits of tanning
- just posted Good news!
- Swimming With Media Sharks
- Live Webcasts
- Sunglasses, Sunblock, Sunbeds & Cholesterol!
- Sunlight is the best form of vitamin D
- Indoor tanning can overcome Canadians' susceptibility to vitamin D deficiency
- Skin Care and the Sun
- Exposure to Sun for Diabetics 'benefits heart'
- Vitamin D may fight cancers
- Sunshine Can Actually Be Good For You
- Vit D and Breast Cancer
- Intake of vitamin D and calcium associated with lower risk of breast cancer before me
- Using Salon Tanners for this study. UPDATED 7/24/2008
- Autism and Vitamin D
- Misinterpretation Of Data And Teens
- Letter To The Editor ~ Timmins
- Article tells it like it is!
- curcumin, inhibits skin cancer cell proliferation and tumor formation
- Vitamin D casts cancer prevention in new light
- New Study Released on Low Vitamin D in Seniors
- Hi, some questions about tanning, vit d, etc
- Low Vitamin D Levels AGAIN Linked to Cancer Risk
- "The Wonder Drug"
- Seen the Better Homes & Garden for May?
- Vitamin D Linked to Blood Pressure
- Long, but very interesting....
- Hey Engfant, did you write this?
- Sunscreens Can be Damaging
- Lifestyle blamed for rickets come-back
- So can sunshine beat heart disease?
- Vitamin D the real culprit in the Pet Food Recall?
- Skin Cancer Cream
- Sunshine & Asthma
- The Derms to blame...
- Can Sunlight Help Smokers?
- March 22, 2007 Harvard Gazette...Men need SUN!
- 2004 ~ Sunbathing can help prevent more than 25
- Vitamin D detector would have strong supporters, but vehemently opposed by sunscreen.
- Another UV Opinion
- Fifteen facts you probably never knew about vitamin D and sunlight exposure
- Vitamin D again linked to lower breast cancer risk
- Fellow fat losers: Sunlight does so much for you
- I'm soooo tired of this crap!
- New Zealand to study whether changes in diet and sunshine hours affects their health.
- Harvard / Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Study: Tanning Protects Against Skin Cancer
- How Sunshine Can Help Your Newborn Baby
- Possible customer scenario...help
- Vitamin D and Your Health
- Get Outside! Vit D for Colon Cancer Prevention
- Dose of Sunshine Might Prevent Diseases
- What nudists, Schlitz beer and vitamin D have in common
- March issue/ Mayo Clinic Health Letter
- Vitamin D deficiency widespread during pregnancy
- BREAKING NEWS, BREAKING NEWS! ~ February 22, 2007
- Vitamin D: Cheap wonder drug?
- Sunshine is a significant source of vitamin D
- Vitamin D pill offers hope in fighting cancer
- Calcium/Vitamin D to reduce stress factures
- Effect of Vitamin D on Breast Cancer Risk, Fetal Genetic Abnormalities Test
- A dose of D may banish winter blahs
- Light that can Cure YOU
- Vitamin D Intake May Cut Risk of Colorectal Cancer
- Vitamin D3 provides the skin with protection from harmful microbes
- CTV runs positive Vitamin D story
- Skin Cancer
- 2 new studies back vitamin D for cancer prevention
- Weight Loss – Adequate Calcium and Vitamin D intake improves Cholesterol Levels
- Exaggerated warnings about the sun’s harmful effects
- Sunlight and Melanoma (Positive Artical)
- Are tanning beds safe? - A positive article!!
- Vitamin D Protects Skin?? EXCELLENT ARTICLE!
- Let the vitamin D shine in!
- Tanning for psoriasis
- Hip Fracture in Older Women
- Article I found in magazine
- Pill Popping Nation
- Vitamin D May Lower Risk Of Multiple Sclerosis
- Important New Health Benefits Of Vitamin D especially From The Sun
- FDA Updates Health Claim
- Seven for 2007: Seven things you should know about breast cancer risk, Harva
- Clarification!
- Vitamin D can slow down bone loss due to binge drinking
- Dr. Mercola: Depressing Truth About Vitamin D Deficiency
- Sun Rays Boost Immunity
- Vitamin of the Year.... Vitamin D
- High-dose vitamin D to be tested as prostate cancer treatment
- Cancer Incidence and Mortality and Vitamin D in Black and White Male Health Professio
- Breast and ovarian cancers: the impact of Vitamin D and flavonoids
- JAMA - Vitamin D May Help Prevent MS
- ABC News Online - Sunshine offers ray of hope for elderly bones
- Lack of Vitamin D - The Real Reason Flu Hits In Winter
- vitamin D deficiency in black men may be higher incidence of and mortality from cance
- Vitamin D--The New Superstar
- Deficiency in D Adversely Affects Brain Function
- Dr. Mercola makes it into Tanning Trends Magazine
- Damaged DNA? Take vitamin D
- Teens and Vitamin D in U.S. News Health Watch
- The ABCs of D in U.S. NEWS & World Report
- Tanning improves sex life!
- Vitamin D Deficiency Is Associated With Low Mood and Cognitive Performance in Elderly
- Seniors and Vitamin D by: James P. Richardson, M.D.
- Vitamin D Deficiency in Pediatric Patients with IBD
- Solar Power for optimal health
- Vitamin D and the flu
- How Sunlight Can Save Your Life ~ Part 2
- How Sunlight Can Save Your Life ~ Part 1
- Advice To Avoid Sun Should Be Lifted - Cancer Experts
- Indoor tanning not just about looks
- Tan Responsibly
- Light Can Help Alleviate Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
- Vitamin D Videos about cutting cancer risk
- PCMAGAZINE.COM even says get some SUN!!
- Revelations About Vit D / Dr. Gittleman
- Vitamin D and Cancer
- IT’S D-LIGHTFUL (New York Post)
- 'Hoodies' bad for your health: Blocking Vit D in Youths
- Univ of Miami Dr's Video on why you worry about Vitamin D
- Can a tanning bed be healthy?
- UV Exposure for Asthma
- Catching Some Rays
- The Antibiotic Vitamin (DR. John Cannell)
- Doctor sends in clients!!
- CANCERactive: Vitamin D
- A Closer Look at Vitamin D (article)
- UV Exposure helps to prevent heart attack.
- Link Between Ovarian Cancer, Vitamin D Status Seen Worldwide
- Dr. Mercola mentions using tanning beds.
- Canadian research sees gender split in mulitplesclerosis
- Study suggests vitamin D may help slow breast cancer
- Seasonal Affective Disorder sends millions into winter depression each year
- Vit D wards off the flu
- Under the weather? Blame it on clouds
- 7- Dehydrocholesterol 7 ??
- Most Vitamin D Pills in the USA aren't the same as what UV helps with.
- Sunlight brings relief for asthma symptoms
- Vitamin D Targets Thrombosis In Cancer Patients June 2006
- Milk and Sunshine May Prevent the Onset of PMS
- Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy: an ongoing epidemic
- Check this out!
- Canadian article
- General Positives
- Study Suggests Vitamin D May Help Fight Breast Cancer
- Natural Sunlight
- Let the Sunshine In
- Welcome Postive UV
- New Study - TANNING reduces the risk of 16 different cancers
- Vitamin D
- An exclusive interview with Dr. Michael ...
- How Commercialism Has Twisted Proper Sun Care
- Relying on fish for YOUR Vitamin D?
- UV training and Informational Sites
- Tanning helps cancer - 1 million patients in study!
- Vitamin D and Epidemic Influenza (more good news)
- Get more vitamin D to prevent cancer
- OHSU researchers: high doses of vitamin D
- Cancer survival is dependent on season of diagnosis and sunlight exposure.
- UV Positive ~ A rerun
- New Study May Have UV Good News
- Vitamin D May Cut Pancreatic Cancer Risk By Nearly Half
- From Reader's Digest - September 2006
- UV Foundation
- Sunscreens can damage skin, researchers find
- Fantastic article -
- Vitamin D a potent Antibiotic?
- Positive article on Tanning
- What's wrong with a little sun?
- Melanoma Overdiagnosed?
- Light for dummies
- Vitamin D deficency common in the US
- Video: Sun tan controversy
- FW: Release: American Cancer Society says "no UV' message is wrong
- What Are The Benefits For Tanning?
- Welcome to the Vitamin D Society
- sunlight Vitamin D
- Vitamin D and men
- Vitamin D3 and MS
- Why Dr.'s Won't Rock The Boat
- Hot Debate over Vitamin D
- Vitamin D Protects Against Tuberculosis
- How to get vitamin D?
- UV, Vitamin D & health Conference
- Professor Barbara Gilchrest of Boston University
- Vitamin D, new drug fight prostate cancer
- Indoor Tanning Facts
- What Should You Know About Vitamin D?
- Fabutan President challenges dermatologists
- Indoor Tanning Association Responds to Flawed Study!
- Good News (that we already knew :) )
- An Interesting Article on Tanning
- Questions & Answers on vitamin D
- CNN Headline - Vitamin D Cuts Cancer
- Get Some Sun...
- Fabutan and Competition Bureau reach agreement on Vitamin D health benefits from ultr
- A good read on UV exposure
- Health and economic benefits from sun exposure are much greater than risks: study
- The Vitamin D Paradox
- Are You Getting Right Kind Of Vitamin D?
- UV or not UV: That\'s the question for Maine teens who want tans
- Positive Reading
- The Tuskegee Experiment Vitamin D Newsletter
- Good News for a change
- Another Dissident Dermatologist
- Kids \'need more sun\'
- Small but Positive Article
- Tanning for PMS?
- Another Vit D article
- Harvard school of Public Health
- Docs Note The Benefits Of Sunshine
- A little sun is good
- Some Good News ~ Thanks for Sharin\' Sherin
- Vitamin D good for Prostate Cancer?
- Demise of the Sun-Haters
- NEWS ~ Oldie but a goodie.
- NBC News: Are Americans Getting Too Little Sun?
- The Indoor Tanning Association (ITA) Responds to World Health Organization Recommendations
- The vitamin D controversy and the sun
- Sunlight Exposure Helps Beat Cancers, Vitamin D Deficiency and Other Chronic Diseases
- Great Info..
- This is awesome article
- Tanning beds issues, concerns and answers?
- uv exposure benefits article
- Positive
- OMG - News reporting Sun light Good for Cancers...
- Another Positive Tanning/Vitamin D Article
- good news form The journal of the National cancer Institute
- Something Positive (for a change of pace)
- A Few Observations About Light
- vitamin D could reduce the risk of cancer by a third
- Great info on UV--Dr. Grant
- Multiple Sclerosis and tanning
- NICE article in Newsweek
- Harm Seen from Vitamin D Deficiency
- Tanners Have Higher Vitamin D Levels, Bone Mass
- Vitamin D & Mental Illness
- Nobody even mentioned Vitamin D!!!!
- Something Positive?
- UV Positive
- Good NY Times Vitamin D Article
- Rickets, Dr. Grant Article
- medicalnewstoday.com 04/23/04
- Dr. Michael Holick and Mark Jenkins on Good Morning America this AM
- WOW! POSITIVE PRESS! I cant believe it
- Sunbeds are not associated with melanoma in the U.S.
- Breaking News! The other side of the story...
- Don't Avoid Sunlight!
- Tanning and folic acid deficiency...important info and link.
- Vitamin D fights cancer
- Interesting article on UV & S.A.D.
- The Positive Effects of the Sun And Tanning
- My Recent Exchange With the Canadian Dermatology Association
- UPI Positive Press on Tanning
- Good Health Says....
- Vitamin D and stronger muscles
- Great New York Times article
- Sunbathing Helps You and Everyone! by Dr. Bernarr Zovluck
- Positive Effects of Sunlight... National Post, Canada
- Good News!: \"Spontaneous\" Gene Defect Causes Most Melanoma Cases.
- Dermatology Archives
- Good News in Canadian issue of TIME
- NTD"S (Neural Tube Defects : A Coincidence?
- Is Tanning A Sign Of Skin Damage?
- Vitamin C: It's not just for breakfast
- Tanning is good for you
- Tanning not associated to melanoma
- Wolff studies
- Sunlight, sexuality and mental health
- Does Sunlight Exposure Increase or Decrease Cancer?
- Response To Anti-Tanning Article
- Good New for MEN that tan........Tanning will Reduce your cancer risk!!!!
- UV Rays fight T-Cell Lymphoma