View Full Version : New To The Tanning Business

  1. Your newest paper substrates happen to be designed with regard to performance and als
  2. Frequent Tanners
  3. Odyssey lamps wont turn on. Please help me!
  4. Need to move my salon..please advise on moving the equipment
  5. HELP!! Need info on Spa Lite Infinity Sun spray tan machine.
  6. I'm starting my own Mobile Spray Tanning business.
  7. Sunless Salon
  8. Seven Room Salon
  9. Need Phone number for OWNER of TanTrack.
  10. Minutes/points vs sessions and monthly packages
  11. Selling Facebook Ads Activated Account with its own VPS
  12. Don't Be Afraid to Post
  13. Why did you start?
  14. Great Advice, Appreciated
  15. What I learned during the first year of owning a tanning salon
  16. Electrical - a quick primer for salons
  17. Grand opening specials
  18. New or Old ?
  19. Steve-bashing and SMU Consulting
  20. TMax Manager Pro and TA beds
  21. Is it to Late?
  22. Adding beds to a small space advice please.
  23. Timer System
  24. Purchasing an existing salon...
  25. Sound System
  26. how to clean the tops of the beds
  27. Potential Salon Purchase - Need Input
  28. Potential new owner with a couple of questions (reported from general thread)
  29. Thinking about purchasing a salon in CA.
  30. Bed is overheating
  32. Opening a Salon in IL, please help.
  33. Sonnenbraune Klassik 732
  34. Bed suggestions
  35. upgrades
  37. Pricing Advise
  38. Slow season deals
  39. Salon Location for a new salon
  40. Sunless/UV Mix
  41. Is a new salon a good idea?
  42. Considering Buying Salon - What is this equipment worth?
  43. Correlation between outside temperature and tanning use
  44. What software to buy? all advice welcomed
  45. salon touch software crashing
  46. Critique my business model..
  47. New to the business and the forum!
  49. Active Monthly Clients
  50. I need help!
  51. Suggestions Needed!
  52. Manufacturer of the IS spa lite machine.
  53. Need help with Sportarredo N'Joy.
  54. Honest Opintion
  55. Equipment Question
  56. Tanning Business purchased - need help adding services
  57. Just purchased two storage units full of tanning equipment
  58. Opening a new salon
  59. Starting New Business, Help!
  60. which one to go for???
  61. Ohio Rules
  62. Possibly purchasing a new tanning salon in Canada
  63. Going to take over salon?
  64. First Health Inspection coming up
  66. Acrylics cracking on the bench
  67. Existing Salon Closed 18 Months UK
  68. Need help :)
  69. Ventilation in Hot Area
  71. Ideas on purchasing existing salon
  72. Need Help - Looking for Used HP Bed
  73. Whats it worth?
  74. Lotion sales advice?
  75. New Salon Questions
  76. Operating system kicked the bucket
  77. Is this a good business to buy?
  78. Insurance Advice
  79. Eager but nervous
  80. Sun Tan City newest "deal"
  81. What was he thinking!!!!
  82. Salon / Gym combo concept
  83. WARNING! Don't buy JK Products Tanning Beds (Ex. Sun Ergoline, Sundash, ETS etc.)
  84. Is Tanning trending down, up or going even?
  85. Sunease 2000 Software
  86. Have you converted to "points?"
  87. Need Advice
  88. New salon owner help! :)
  89. What is the slowest month for tanning?
  90. Should I lower prices?
  91. Please help!!!
  92. New To The Business. Need Advice
  93. Retail
  94. Salon Size
  95. Starting a salon in Colorado?
  96. help!
  97. Mystic spray booth
  98. Royal Sun, Luxura, or Onxy by Pro Sun
  99. Looking into a space for my tanning salon
  100. New to Business... info on power needed
  101. Good Mix?
  102. I purchased an existing salon and am looking for advice.
  103. Buy a salon
  104. Existing Salon Purchase
  105. What is up with Saturdays??
  106. Young, New, Motivated Salon Owner - NEED SOME ADVICE!!
  107. Should I buy this salon!?
  108. Help: Looking at Buying Salon
  109. Business Opportunity
  110. Is this right??!
  111. Want to sell clothing/cover ups/accessories..
  112. looking for your 2cents
  113. Advice for a fitness facility?
  114. Does water message work in the salon?
  115. Post card mail out
  116. Want to open new salon
  117. 8 Months in... Do my numbers make sense?
  118. Adding to Massage Clinic
  119. HELP! Odyssey lamps won't turn on
  120. busy season now slowing for everyone??
  121. Tanning for Fitness Facility
  122. Would love advice re: buying a salon SOS
  123. New to the business, got some questions.
  125. Buying second salon. Advice?
  126. disclaimer forms
  127. What would you pay for this salon?
  128. Looking for a salon
  129. Best Tanning Bed for a start up
  130. help!
  131. Need help det. to buy exsisiting salon
  132. Mentor in the Washington Oregon Area
  133. Am I missing something?
  134. To Buy Or Not To Buy?
  135. Need help with choosing beds with low amprage
  136. Opening Tanning Salon near a major gym/shopping complex. What do you think?
  137. Grand Re-Opening
  138. Help with salon value!!!
  139. I'm a newbie and need major advice
  140. UWE tropical foot fan not coming on.
  141. I've made it a year..
  142. tanning tax form720
  143. Airbrush Training
  144. sundash beds
  145. Salon equipment outdated?
  146. FREE Demographic Report & Floor Plan
  147. just took over small tanning salon, saying hi
  148. Help me analyze this salons financials?
  149. Dr Mueller fans not working!!
  150. Purchasing a SunTanCity / 270k
  151. Is anyone else slow this month?
  152. Established salon for sale. Should I do it?
  153. HELP with facial lamps burning out!!! PLEASE
  154. Business Plan
  155. Should I buy this tanning salon?
  156. Help with determining a Salons worth & what should be changed
  157. Looking for a manual for a PureTan California 36
  158. I'm wanting to Lease a Tanning Salon
  159. Looking to purchase business - help identifying beds?
  160. JASON
  161. Why would you want to buy a tanning salon ?
  162. Anyone know these tanning bed models ?
  163. Salon Names
  164. Buying a turn key salon, would like to start EFT packages. Your advice?
  165. Another "Should I Buy?" Thread
  166. small start up
  167. Please: Need help with Sonnenbraune Euro28 purchase
  168. I am opening a tanning salon and need HELP PLS
  169. Salon interested in offering airbrush tanning
  170. My friend is selling his salon
  171. Potentialy Taking Over A Salon and Needing Your Help! (Long)
  172. Tanning Beds interior tempature is too hot
  173. Should I purchase a H2o Massage bed?
  174. How do I build a client base?
  175. Mystic, Airbrush, or both?
  176. Buying my first Salon
  177. Tips to know BEFORE you buy a salon!!
  178. New to the tanning biz-need advice!
  179. What Are These Beds Worth?
  180. Cracked blue filter on HP? How to tell? HELP!!
  181. Hello All
  182. email list?
  183. Equipment Worth?
  184. 24 hour tanning booth
  185. Problem with lamps
  186. Buying a Salon...good or bad idea?
  187. Advice for opening a new tanning salon
  188. If you could only buy one bed?
  189. Does a tanning salon require a lot of personal time???
  190. Buying a salon
  191. start up cash
  192. buying a salon
  193. Mobile Tanning Safety
  194. This Bed Any Good??? Help!
  195. Some input on insurance
  196. Spray tanning or beds for hair salon?
  197. Thinking about opening a business
  198. mystic
  200. Business slowing down, already?
  201. Buying an existing Salon
  202. honest opinions appreciated
  203. What is this salon worth ?
  204. How do I figure out ...figures?
  205. Looking for tanning beds/equipment to oufit a new salon
  206. Financing a tanning salon, how can this be done?
  207. Buying a new salon. have questions.
  208. Hello From Russia :-)
  209. new to the biz... seeking advice please
  210. Want to Buy my first Tanning Salon Good deal or not???
  211. solar meter
  212. Taking over salon and current employees
  213. New to the Business and confussed! please help me :-/
  214. Hey people plz give me some advice on a closed salon im interested in!!
  215. Take Control April 1st
  216. Investors
  217. Tanning Salon Survey
  218. Need Help (Advise)
  219. Tanning Lotions Wholesale
  220. A little advice for a newbie ;)
  221. Picked up a mystic tan 2004 for 7k is this a deal?
  222. teenage tanning banned
  223. Buying an existing salon as opposed to opening a new one.. opinions
  224. Should I open a tanning salon in these times?
  225. Hope to get some feedback in this area...
  226. Looked at a salon.. is it worth it?
  227. Opening a Tanning Salon - ADVICE NEEDED
  228. Build-out advice
  229. NEED HELP.. Tanning solution for hvlp
  230. What is the best software to use for strictly an airbrush tanning salon?
  231. Georgia Laws
  232. Opening a Business..take step 1
  233. Room Towels
  234. Whatq is an appropriate offer for an existing salon?
  235. Hello & a Pricing Question
  236. Hello & a Pricing Question
  237. Please explain points :)
  238. prosun waterwave and photo light therapy
  239. Help! Need some Sage Advice on Spray Tan Biz
  240. wiring up Tmax timers
  241. Possibly Buying a Salon, please your thoughts
  242. Starting a Spa tanning salon...?
  243. Ultrabronz Supernova 800's High Pressure
  244. Need manual for assembly and disassembly
  245. Looking to verify some information on "Sunfactory"
  246. eft setup question. PLEASE HELP ME
  247. New & Looking for Tips
  248. Help, My husband just bought a salon and we know nothing about the industry.
  249. ETS beds
  250. Need your thoughts on buying an existing tanning salon
  251. Opening soon.. and Cant decided on the last bed to purchase.
  252. succsessful in the tanning business?
  253. wiring up timers??
  254. adding inventory ideas
  255. Cooperation??
  256. Unhappy customer
  257. Opening Feb 1 ! Taking over a great deal need help tho =)
  258. EFT ADVICE!!! Please help me!
  259. I want to open my own salon. I need advice!!
  260. MY story
  261. Need advice on new salon
  262. **at a cross roads**
  263. Looking to buy into an existing National Franchise
  264. SUPLIERS!!
  265. Marketing question
  266. Another New Salon Owner post...
  267. Looking at pre-established salon for sale! HELP!
  268. Nail Tech adding Tanning?????? Help!
  269. what should i offer?
  270. Huge remodel, should the name change?
  271. Matrix/Mystic pricing, marketing, promtions
  272. Opening new salon! Help please.
  273. Purchasing a Salon as an "asset only" sale
  274. credit card machine
  275. UV Free salon.
  276. Tax or Nontaxable
  277. Kiosk style tanning business
  278. what is the best software?
  279. looking for used tanning equipment to buy
  280. S Corp or LLC Which is best for tanning salons?
  281. Advice about buying salon
  282. How do you figure a price for unlimited tanning?
  283. HELP!!! Need A Salon Name!!!
  284. Looking to buy a tanning salon...need help
  285. Airbrush ONLY salon?
  286. Need HELLLLPPPPPP Questions about Square Footage and Lease costs
  287. temp tatooos need license
  288. just acquired a tanning salon and stressed out
  289. I need ideas for tanning salon names that are catchy !!
  290. mobile spray tanning in brazil?
  291. teeth whitening
  292. Training/Employee Manual
  293. How to ship a tanning bed
  294. Any Ideas for Cool Promotions?
  295. Recommended Suppliers
  296. Lotion suppliers
  297. Electrical Breaker Question
  298. EFT! and Member ship costs... HELP!
  299. need help with tanning specials,tanning lotion specials? need some ideas please!!
  300. New to the business and need some help, desperately!
  301. spectrometer reading?
  302. Opening a new tanning salon and I have a few questions.
  303. Considering opening a new salon
  304. New salon area analysis
  305. What Fake Tan Products should I consider
  306. Getting burnt out
  307. Buying used equipment?
  308. Incorporating your salon
  309. Starting a mobile sunless tanning business!!
  310. Seriously considering, would like some Input
  311. What type of spray tan unit to purchase
  312. What does the future hold?
  313. Canada Insurance Advice.. pleeease :)
  314. lotion sampling
  315. Advice of tanning salon business opportunity please!
  316. customer spending habits
  317. Guidance please
  318. Will You Share Your PCA Please?
  319. Newcomer Purchasing Existing Salon??
  320. New Owners Bring New Name = Better Business?
  321. value of used beds
  322. In house credit? Are we salons or banks?
  323. a few questions..(help asap please)
  324. I am need some help finding a user manual
  325. How to dispose old beds
  326. Tanning Lines
  327. Airbrush Tanning questions
  328. Need Opinion and Advice - Should I or Should I not
  329. Heartland Tanning Beds??
  330. Trade Shows and expo's ?
  331. Buying a salon_Equipment value?
  332. Bringing tanning back to a SMALL town
  333. New Salon w/Massage therapy service as option.
  334. Tanning Salon Names
  335. How to find investors/funding for salon start-up
  336. Tanning Saloon in Argentina. Need equipment.
  337. opening a new salon
  338. Does anyone know the leasing co for Planet beach?
  339. Where can I get shelves like this
  340. Want to add Protien Shakes/Juice Bar counter at my salon
  341. Please Help??
  342. Dr. Muller Omega High Pressure ?
  343. several basic questions about a new salon
  344. High Pressure bed question
  345. Another Question about Beds
  346. Question about Mystic
  348. Lamps-Need Help Please!
  349. Newbie here have a few questions..
  350. Bring My Mobile Spray Tanning Biz to Hair & Nail Salons?
  351. Buying an existing salon. Would really appreciate your advice/help!
  352. business plan
  353. Need some info
  354. Just another question
  355. Starting a New Tanning Salon - Need advice
  356. Bulb Installation
  357. HELP! Shipping issues!!
  358. Bran-New to the Tanning world looking for advice/help
  359. New To business
  360. Here's our deal - need input !!
  361. Buying an existing salon...need advice!
  362. What to do for beds?
  363. Opening New Salon/Spa
  364. Which 2 bed combo to start with?
  365. newbie looking for answers from the tanning salon vets ..
  366. Just Came on today :)
  367. Tanning bed options for startup?
  368. How can I increase the chances in me getting a job at a tanning salon?
  369. Bed levels
  370. To buy or not to buy..an existing salon?
  371. Help! Bronzing Bed???
  372. EFT's
  373. New name for existing salon
  374. A little help please
  375. New Salon - Getting Into the Business
  376. Oh no...Not another should I buy this salon thread?
  377. Pricing for customers
  378. lamps
  379. Have older beds. Should I upgrade yet?
  380. new stickers/lettering for older beds?
  381. Acrylics
  382. Should I add a stand up bed or not ?
  383. What Tanning Booth To Use! Building a new salon
  384. Does Everyone Hate running A Salon?
  385. Versatile Partnering
  386. New to this...please help!!!!
  387. Pricing help
  388. Should I buy??
  389. Helios V12 Really Worth It?
  390. HELP ME!!! Maybe Purchasing First Salon!!
  391. Who Leases Beds and Pros/Cons of Leasing
  392. Where to get customer cards and release forms
  393. Finding that investor:
  394. Is my gun broke?
  395. Buying Existing Salon Advice
  396. So I took over a salon......
  397. Working out of a salon..
  398. Grand Opening Ideas and Specials
  399. Busy Season
  400. How Much do I offer? Existing Salon.
  401. signs?
  402. need pricing on Tan America Beds
  403. Having a hard time getting the market value on used beds in our current negotiations
  404. Greetings from Mass!
  405. Investment needed
  406. Salon Insurance
  407. Help, are these beds a good deal
  408. Help!!!
  409. Suggestions for computer system
  410. What would you offer???
  411. Need to know how to price salon
  412. Tanning Salon Websites
  413. How much do you think salon is worth?
  414. Do you want to open a salon?
  415. Starting a new salon! Help!
  416. Upgrades... Need Some Help Please..
  417. First time post
  418. Help with spray Technique
  419. I know I have asked this before
  420. Starting a mobile airbrush tanning business
  421. Still on the fence about buying existing salon
  422. Franchise or Pre-owned
  423. solution problem
  424. Am I crazy?
  425. Taking over a salon
  426. Buying a Tanning Salon
  427. Need help with negotiations ...
  428. Oxygen Bar
  429. Looking for Spray Tan Release Forms
  430. Another Newbie Wanna-be looking for advice
  431. What to do about higher gas prices
  432. lightning
  433. Employee Benefits
  434. Looking at purchasing - Input appreciated
  435. Advice on Buying a salon
  436. lamps?
  437. Beds??
  438. need help with picking a mobile airbrush
  439. Firt time salon owner-brand new building
  441. Changing bulbs
  442. How to use lotions..
  443. Points? sessions? or minutes?
  444. So nervous! spray tanning my 1st client tomorrow
  445. $23.99 per month??? how to stay in business???
  446. Buying an existing salon
  447. Introducing myself... (with questions, of course!)
  448. Looking to buy an existing salon
  449. buying an existing salon
  450. Adding a bed to my gym
  451. specials???
  452. New Salon
  453. Bad time to start up a SMALL airbrush tanning business?
  454. Completely on the fence, should I buy this tanning salon?!?
  455. Ambition 300 or Soltron Kiss which one?
  456. please help
  457. Adding Tanning Bed Staff Affraid of MRSA and MORE
  458. WHich Bed would you start with KBL or Solaris
  459. Airbrush Tanning ...Does it make $$$$?
  460. Newbie needing ideas
  461. Is there potential
  462. really quick ? buckbooster?
  463. High Desert - California! Looking to start mobile tanning!
  464. Suggestion...
  465. Purchase Agreement
  466. What do you think of this???
  467. What kind of Mother's Day Packages work?
  468. Opening a Tanning Salon in the MiddleEast...any thoughts?
  469. ??????
  470. Help with Machine
  471. Wholesale T-shirts
  473. helios-no membership, software free???
  474. new to the business... heartland ?
  475. Want to purchase an existing salon....need feedback
  476. What is recommend if I don't have software?
  477. Salon Purchase - Rent To High - What to do?
  478. Ok - I need SPECIFIC spray tanning machine advice!!
  479. some advises please for new guy
  480. FDA and European Standards
  481. Adding Tanning to existing business
  482. Should we enter the business now???
  483. How to compete against a franchise?
  484. InSun
  485. Where to order jewelry?
  486. Florida Salons
  487. so many options! I am confused!
  488. T100...any good??
  489. newbie stud, lookin 4 advice get most of gettin indoor tan on...thanks ladies
  490. watertown ny
  491. Location
  492. Salon Location?
  493. Helio's information
  494. Help please
  495. New Salon (Business Plan Question)
  496. Demographics Input
  497. Questions about my proposed compensation plan
  498. Please Reply
  499. Fivefold Question
  500. Training/employee manual
  501. Help Me Start A Tanning Salon
  502. Putting in a new salon
  503. New-advise on this lineup??
  504. Client programs
  505. Business credit
  506. building lease info
  507. buy new or used beds?
  508. Where should I display lotion??
  509. which is a better line-up for new salon
  510. Heartland/Tan America
  511. Finding an Image
  512. over whelmed
  513. moving/swapping beds 4 remodel
  514. Purchase of existing salon HELP!!
  515. advice on existing salon purchase
  516. leasing new tanning beds
  517. advice on existing salon purchase
  518. cooling lotions
  519. Hiring an airbrush technician. Advice?
  520. Dear Newbies:
  521. remembering client's names
  522. Purchasing an Established Salon
  524. Newbie here with a great opportunity
  525. Retail suggestions?
  526. ADMINS? need help registering
  527. Insurance
  528. Need Help
  529. Smart Tan - Yay or Nay?
  530. Lotion Differences???
  531. Check out my Logos! (I need feedback)
  532. Process on buying beds from this site
  533. Is there a BTU output on tanning beds?
  534. Dinair
  535. I haven't opened and I'm operating on a profit! But I need to make a lease contract!
  536. Why was I talked out of higher level?
  537. can someone tell me how i can get away from selling minutes
  538. Tanning Salon License
  539. I got a place!!! (pics)
  540. Great Opportunity... but I need some info!
  541. Asking the Landlord for extra Electric/HVAC
  542. Introduction!
  543. Demographics
  544. More Pricing
  545. Film on the acrylics
  546. Dumb question #139
  547. Is there a way to finance w/o leasing?
  548. Leasing - Does it make sense for you??
  549. Now you guys have me worried....
  550. Here we go again! New salon HELP!
  551. Thinking about adding a hair stylist to the salon
  552. Do you have an example of a flyer?
  553. Should I do a grand re-opening??
  554. What else do i need to find out?
  555. Purchasing salon...what needs to be done?
  556. Tanning and Pro-active
  557. Need to know if this is a good deal
  558. Lotion question
  559. Opening a tanning salon
  560. Uprgrading to HVLP, Rapid Tan II ? Please help
  561. Tanning Salon + College Campus
  562. Another newbie possibly purchasing a salon
  563. Will a 600V power cord handle a a 35 amp bed?
  564. Tanning salon in the caribbean?
  565. BEST place to buy tanning lotions for my new salon?
  566. Why sanitize a tanning bed?
  567. New Salon LA
  568. What's a typical day like in a tanning salon?
  569. sundash intellitan plus
  570. My first question
  572. Need Manager for Houston area
  573. EFT/Membership
  574. Mobile Airbrush tanning
  575. Equipment Dilemma
  576. HElp!
  577. new kid on the block
  578. Don't buy beds before you have a complete plan!!!
  579. More Pricing ???'s from Newbie
  580. Need Help w/Introduction Letter For Newspaper.
  581. ProSun beds?
  582. does anyone know this ebook?
  583. Bed Lineup Help Needed!
  584. Advice on bed lineup !
  585. Sonnerbraune Beds
  586. is this a good idea?
  587. Need help on MBA Project
  588. advice on buying
  589. Lots of questions... newbie... opening salon soon?
  590. Is the Sundash 26 a good bed?
  591. Can I get some Opinions?
  592. Starter beds
  593. Tanning & Video Store
  594. Ready to go to the bank
  595. Follow-up to Buying a Salon (Opinions? thread)
  596. Ownership Transfer
  597. Which bed do you prefer for starter biz?
  598. Newbie with questions
  599. I need advice for new salon!
  600. Need opinions
  601. Opinions?
  602. Manufactors
  603. WARNING!!!!
  604. Need Advice on location
  605. HVLP Release/ Consent Form
  606. Best Beds
  607. A rumor being spread
  608. No Happy Ending Here!
  609. EFT & Credit Card Merchants
  610. Refer a Friend?
  611. Advertising????
  612. Equipment Mix
  613. How to start a Mobile Tanning Biz.
  614. Newbie Decision: We decided - NO
  615. Stating a tanning salon and from the UK
  616. hi im new
  617. Return on Investment
  618. Financial Templates
  619. Just scouted Hollywood Tan here in San Diego
  621. Gray Spots????
  622. Sporterrado
  623. This doesn't sound like a good idea...
  624. Help me find the value of these beds
  625. Buying existing salon - a few questions...
  626. Howdy all
  627. busy season question
  628. Client disclosure/release forms
  629. Best Mobile Tan Solution?
  630. Help?!
  631. Foreign Sunless Only Salon
  632. How much can a tan tech expect to make?
  633. lotion for the following year
  634. Any comments on Ryco Beds?
  635. Owner financing..i know its been done before
  636. Off Season Income
  637. Spraying Technique - forgot something to add
  638. Reviewing the numbers for a salon
  639. Renting Space to Hairdressers
  640. Spray Tan Technique
  641. Buying A Used Tanning Bed
  642. Buying A Used Bed
  643. New and need help
  644. What about these Beds
  645. Is this good inventory thinking of buying existing salon
  646. When Opening a New Salon Or Buying An Existing Salon
  647. 240 watts
  648. new salon, not much business
  649. Purchasing An Existing Salon Can Be A Smart Investment
  650. Existing Employees
  651. Distributors
  652. Buying a Bed
  653. Working on opening new salon
  654. Planet Beach Franchise
  655. Low cost Modular Walls
  656. Strictly Spray Tan
  657. Which salon to buy 35K vs. 75K
  658. Purchasing an existing salon
  659. Coupons
  660. Trying to get into the mobile sunless biz?
  661. tanning salon in Kuwait
  662. Buying a 14 yr old salon
  663. salon services
  664. airbrush tanning
  665. A question by a customer
  666. Hello I'm new
  667. Skin Types
  668. Industry Magazines
  669. A sensitive issue /question
  670. How to Purchase an Existing Salon
  671. Finance advice
  672. thinkin of buyin existin biz need advice
  673. I'm a noobie
  674. A New Finance Program for Vetrans
  675. Hello
  676. Anyone in here in New Mexico?
  677. Startin new salon...Need a little advice
  678. electric bill
  679. games
  680. Need advice on beds!
  681. EFT Forms
  682. residential tanning beds
  683. Desktop Tanning Center
  684. Used bed salesmen,,,good or bad?
  685. Tanning Trade Show in Vegas still?
  686. Vitamin D and Sun Exposure
  687. Negative press about tanning/indoor tanning
  688. NTTI Manuals
  689. Question about looking fit
  690. Looking Fit Industry at a Glance
  691. Ergoline??????
  692. New Salon...Ergoline?????
  693. Hey everyone
  694. what are they worth??
  695. Customer Spending
  696. first salon location??
  697. Tampa Bay Tanfastic
  698. Software opinions needed
  699. client info cards
  700. Automatic Debits
  701. Lotions for a small salon
  702. I'm new & buying some beds
  703. Managing Cash Flow
  704. Staying Cool
  705. Some honest opinions please.
  706. I need help with pricing asap please!!!
  707. Importance of Advertising
  708. Future Salon Owner
  709. Adding Pro Sun bed to Hair salon
  710. Bronze Biologic
  711. What is up with PURETAN?
  712. How to verify income
  713. new salon >> What beds?
  714. Aquired old beds......need lamps and acrylics
  715. EFT's / Demographics
  716. Lotion Sales %
  717. Get your Salon ready for busy season
  718. Aussie Newbie to Spray Tanning
  719. need swimsuits and clothes help
  720. Need some AC and Electrical advice??
  721. Texas Newbie - which beds to buy???
  722. Texas Newbie - Questions
  723. HELP
  724. Setting your prices
  725. Ideas for a new management market letter
  726. I Need Someones Help, ANyone!
  727. Electrical & AC Requirements
  728. Tanning products info
  729. Rhondajeand4
  730. Looking into opening a salon would love input.(long)
  731. What is this Ergoline Equipment worth
  732. Calling all Veterans
  733. Hemp
  734. need another bed choice??
  735. Waiver Forms!
  736. demographics
  737. profit and loss statements
  738. Need major solarium advice... LONG post
  739. need bed & clothing suggestions
  740. Buying an exsisting salon
  741. Does anyone have any advise/opinions on Eurowalls, Tanwalls, or modular walls at all?
  742. Looking for a front counter
  743. Optional Marketing Company
  744. What is a Buck Booster?
  745. Advertising for "under new mgt"
  746. Tanning Bed pricing list anywhere?
  747. Just Looking...
  748. Opinions on beds
  749. Spray tanning units
  750. I think I've come to the right place.
  751. tanning walls question
  752. FYI, update
  753. question for a new business
  754. scared...thinking of backing out!
  755. Tanning World Expo 2006
  756. First few months revenue?
  757. Demagraphics question
  758. Demagraphics question
  759. SCARED
  760. soltron beds
  761. Advertising
  762. Spray Booths vs. Spray Systems
  763. Advertising?
  764. When you opened.....
  765. tanning beds
  766. The Sunbed Association Uk website
  767. Existing salon needs new beds
  768. What is The Youngest Age A Salon Can allow A person On The Sunbeds????......
  769. Am I an idiot or is this a good idea?
  770. Tanning Salons in Resort Towns
  771. Would like to chat with someone from Alabama
  772. Lotion Lines for a new salon to carry?
  773. UV or not UV? That is the question!
  774. Questions
  775. lotions
  776. buying used?
  777. need a catchy name for my business
  778. Hi everyone
  779. Lease question? help needed
  780. Best Bed cleaner?
  781. VersaSpa
  782. stand, lay, or spray
  784. Brand New Owner with Questions!!!!!!
  785. Nervous new Salon owner....
  786. When buying an existing salon, how do you transfer funds for existing memberships?
  787. Base Bed Standard
  788. The price is right ?
  789. grand opening specials
  790. should i hire a consultant...
  791. Neon Open Sign
  792. Newbie Mistake
  793. New Salon... before mine
  794. tools for the newbies...
  795. business myth busterss...
  796. check it out...
  797. what would you do??
  798. memberships and eft's
  799. EMail Marketing
  800. Bed Choice
  801. Background Check Essentials
  802. lease agreement
  803. need some help
  804. Mixing Beds
  805. Lease negotiations?
  806. opening a tanning salon-help
  807. Good deal on Lamps??
  808. AAC EFT Company
  810. Newbie really needs your input!
  811. Floor Plans & Demographic Reports
  812. MA regulations
  813. Free Demos
  814. Does Your Old Salon Need Help?
  815. The Dream and Struggles of Opening a New Salon
  816. New OWner LOOKing for the Best Quality beds Money isnt a problem
  817. Thinking about opening new tanning salon
  818. Amputee
  819. Salon Advice Needed
  820. Retubing / relamping advise please
  821. AC Needs----Please answer quick!!!!
  824. "Stuff" for our place!
  825. What am I going to name my salon????
  826. Help with Business Plan
  827. ERGOLINE?
  828. UK lease recommendations
  829. Opening a new salon--looking for beds and advice!!!
  830. Tommy's DIY - Understanding "Branding"
  831. Help Need 2 Raise Capital to Cash Flow
  832. bed utilization??
  833. Credit Card machines and vendors?
  834. mystic meter rebuild
  835. Electrical Work Needed Done Before End Of June
  836. New Owner Needs newer Stand-up On terms
  837. Researching to open a new salon--help!
  839. Need new bed!
  840. Tommy’s DIY – Naming a Salon
  841. I want to open a tanning salon and i'm interested in profits and start up costs? help
  842. One question.... kinda...
  843. LLC formation question
  844. determining ones self worth
  845. Is the juice worth the squeeze???
  846. Old Subject-New Thread-Estimated Gross Revenue
  847. Good deal or bad deal?
  848. Start - Up Newbies Question
  849. can you test bulbs life without any history?
  850. I'm a big dummy....
  851. I need front desk timer
  852. Client Cards
  853. Salon Name?????
  854. to the newbies please read!
  855. Where to buy lotions
  856. 25 thousand to invest in new beds what would you do?
  857. New Salon
  858. Designing a Website
  859. Software
  860. Floor decisions
  861. bookyourselk.com
  862. My thoughts and findings
  863. Franchise Under Fire
  864. State Regulations in Tennessee?
  865. Front Desk
  866. Flooring
  867. Client Cards
  868. Quality Towels
  869. Hiring for experience???
  871. Is this Salon a buy or pass?
  872. MedSpa services?
  873. Serious Question, not a Joke...
  874. tanning package price?
  875. My First Complaint
  876. I know you have probabaly heard this before
  877. employee manuals
  878. Planet Beach??
  879. Snooze you lose!
  880. Where to find research DATA/INFO
  881. Here to learn..please learn me something
  882. gross per bed and product sales
  883. Young gun: step 2
  884. Accessories
  885. only one bed... which one????
  887. Quickbooks and Salon Software
  888. TanTrack
  889. Up or down
  890. Extreme possibilities or total failure?
  891. A young gun....
  892. Thinking about buying a business?
  893. supernatural spray solution
  894. GOOD BUY?? HELP!
  895. Tanning Salon Add-Ons????
  896. HELP! Dream or Nightmare?
  897. Income
  898. Tanning Salon Franchise Information
  899. Accessory Items
  900. Almost there and getting slammed with Bed Decisions
  901. urgent please help, i`m orange!!!!
  902. Salon Lay-out Advice
  903. RAISES
  904. Tommy's "DIY" - Startup Speadsheet
  905. Payroll
  906. Startup Costs
  907. Market Trends
  908. Reporting Cash
  909. 24 Hour Policy
  910. Certification companies
  911. mystic vs. beds
  912. Tanning Newbie
  913. Insurance
  914. Is this a good deal?
  915. to franchise or not?
  916. 2 brands of Spray Tan
  917. Disty Expo Today
  918. Expo/Trade Shows ???
  919. Trade Shows
  920. lotion samples and advice please?
  921. new to sunless tanning (waiver)
  922. Tropical Rayz
  923. Tanning veterans: ur biggest mistake?
  924. Grand Opening, how long is to long?
  925. Wanna be needs advice
  926. Uneasy about opening a new Salon
  927. How low is low?
  928. Good Morning & Hello to All!
  929. Going exclusive????
  930. Electric Output
  931. just bought two salons that are up and running!!
  932. looking to open a salon
  933. Help Buying Salon
  934. Hi from the newbie
  935. Hollerations!!!
  936. Anybody do this in a tanning bed?
  937. Opening a salon
  938. Demographics
  939. Lotion: What to buy and from where?
  940. north or south???
  941. Financing Poll
  942. Modular Walls
  943. Sole Proprietorship or LLC?
  944. Financial Projections
  945. Seasons Greetings From the UK!
  946. Opening New Salon Need Marketing Ideas?
  947. lotion displays
  948. Super Salons?
  949. Leasing Company Recommendation/Rates
  950. Newbie starting out
  951. Salon Capacity Forecast
  952. What are some good Beds
  953. Newbie here, does anyone know?
  954. Newbie Hello
  955. swimwear distributers
  956. training for a tan cream tenderfoot
  957. How much lotion should we start out with & one other tanning Q
  958. What's hiding? Worth buying?
  959. themes for rooms and slogan advice
  960. Studio for sale in GA
  961. Opinions/Info
  962. Tommy's DIY - Event Calendar
  963. To buy or not to buy...
  964. Saying Ello all From Cold *** Chicago
  965. Tommy’s DIY – Direct Mail Lists
  966. Anybody use TanPlan for their business plan
  967. Possible Newbie Here?? Have some questions.
  968. air brush tan machines
  969. Spray Tanning Please Help!!!!!!!
  970. Tommy’s DIY – Registering Domain Names
  971. Tommy's DIY - Demographics
  972. Salon Decor and Lotion Placement
  973. Tanning salon 4 sale in NJ dont miss out
  974. Tanning salon 4 sale in NJ dont miss out
  976. Timing and software help !
  977. Do I need a high pressure bed?
  979. Help for all new salons
  980. Is NY a regulated state?
  981. Soon to open a new salon
  982. Minutes vs. Points
  983. New Salons
  984. Unlimited?
  985. Business Loan
  986. Estimating Annual Sales Increase?
  987. wanting advice on buying a salon
  988. ULTRASUN Turbo Power 25000
  989. Location requirements
  990. Books
  991. Anybody using UltraSun equipment?
  992. Please help to choose a bed and a tanning salon
  993. Any advice on UltraSun equipment?
  994. Finding right purchase price
  995. Tanning industry shows?
  996. Free lotion to help you get started
  997. A little help please.
  998. tanning lotions
  999. Is sunless tanning worth the cost and room?
  1000. Softwared - Tan Track
  1001. Anyone with experience in self-service salons?
  1002. need help with NYC regulations
  1003. I need help
  1004. Renting out a tanning room for massage?
  1005. Easy maintenance chairs for tanning rooms
  1006. i am going crazy
  1007. excellent condition 2003 ergoline beds for sale
  1008. anyone have pop up tents for sale
  1009. Am I crazy?
  1010. 240g for an upgrade OK?
  1011. Newbies looking for beds
  1012. New salon--24 vs. 28
  1013. payment of products, lotions
  1014. Still looking and wondering
  1015. Biz Plan Help...
  1016. Interesting Sites for the beginner and old timers>..
  1017. Forming LLC - attorney or online service?
  1018. Semi-new to business
  1019. NICHESOFT - Tan Track Disaster
  1020. Specials for local businesses
  1021. busy hours
  1022. Cleaner for the top of a tanning bed
  1024. advice on starting out
  1025. Trashcans
  1026. Building a New Salon
  1027. Anyone willing to share
  1028. Waiver/Liability Release From
  1029. Stand ups really needed?
  1030. Tanning Bed Disinfectants
  1031. How Many Hours Can a Person Expect To Get From A Tanning Bed?
  1032. HELP PLEASE!!!
  1033. Trouble using a commercial bed in a home setting
  1034. Getting cold feet!!!!
  1035. New competitor claims \"Safer than the sun\"
  1036. Help with starting a new business?????
  1037. MPOS or Helios?
  1038. Accessibility code for bathroom
  1039. Hair Salons
  1040. Tanning Beds Shocking Clients
  1041. Start up business
  1042. want to start a tanning salon
  1043. Looking to Buy Salon How Much ?
  1044. Advice needed about purchasing a salon.
  1045. Another \"sort of\" new guy looking for info on opening a new salon
  1046. what ?\'s to ask owner who\'s selling
  1047. ISO of Ohio Disributor and Supplies
  1048. New buyer...needs help
  1049. waiting for states attorney response
  1050. Advertising - venues & tips
  1051. Start-up considerations
  1052. Average Sessions Per Day
  1053. Limiting Profits - Not Enough Beds?
  1054. buying a salon, is this a good opportunity?
  1055. employee manuals
  1056. I\'m new to tanning- What\'s the difference in beds...
  1057. Build out What did you ask for? and get
  1059. Hi
  1060. which solarmeter?
  1061. FOR MY WIFE
  1063. Buying Beds? Manufacture Direct or Distributor?
  1064. Tommel....
  1065. Question on electric box.
  1066. Buying an existing salon - how much is too much???
  1067. newbie ?????please help
  1068. I know the bulbs are absolutely crucial so....
  1069. Computer systems
  1070. Sunless
  1071. Lamps Question, help please?
  1072. Timers
  1073. Certifications
  1074. Profit Calculator?
  1075. Buying existing salon
  1076. Need more electricity
  1077. Soleil Tanning Beds
  1078. Help with HVLP for a newbie.
  1079. Lotion Pricing
  1080. What does your distributor do for you besides price?
  1081. how to get em in?
  1082. Busy season
  1083. computer cash register
  1084. Can I make $$ ????
  1085. Cost of replacement lamps ...
  1086. Cabinets and desk
  1087. 5 rooms 10x10
  1088. Lighting??????????????????
  1089. designer skin
  1090. eurowalls?
  1091. New To This - -Considering Existing Purchase
  1092. Time Commitment?
  1093. OK TO MIX BEDS?
  1094. Need some advise!
  1095. Tan America??
  1096. Taking the plunge!!!
  1097. 80-90k
  1098. What software are you people running....
  1099. Does anyone know?
  1100. How many people?
  1101. buying existing salon
  1102. When Buying An Existing Salon
  1103. Found Great Electrician Michigan!!!
  1104. Viable business plan?
  1106. tag line
  1107. Feedback on offer to purchase a salon?
  1108. Are these Typical numbers?
  1109. sunless tanning and armpits/feet
  1110. Looking for Existing Salon in Atlanta area
  1111. Tan Track
  1112. Extra lamps
  1113. room names or numbers
  1114. Lease negotiations...
  1115. How many of you?
  1116. Considering an existing salon and would like some input
  1117. My own salon!
  1118. Independant vs. Franchise
  1119. Billing Company...any sugestions?
  1120. Starting Up
  1121. ETS BEDS
  1122. What makes a good franchise?
  1123. Existing Franchise Valuation
  1124. What Do I Do?
  1125. When Does a Tanning Bed Become Obsolete
  1126. Salon owner wanting to add tanning beds
  1127. 20 vs. 15
  1128. A/C
  1129. Need more power captain---------------help
  1130. Need advice on Bed layout
  1131. need direction starting my biz
  1132. Need Help w/ Grand Opening Ideas
  1133. I have question concerning aqua Massage Spa
  1134. Getting Ideas for Tanning Salon, Few Questions.
  1136. considering purchasing an existing salon
  1137. When did you pick your name?
  1138. Dress code
  1139. starting a buisness
  1140. FormoStar
  1141. So noone uses a reception desk?????
  1142. 10 Units or less
  1143. Business Plan Survey
  1144. Online appointments and Tantrack
  1145. T-SHIRTS
  1146. opening a salon
  1147. TanAmerica vs Snotegra
  1148. Free Advertising, Something No One Thinks About.
  1149. egg crate cei;ing tile
  1150. Reception chairs`
  1151. Starting a tanning salon
  1152. tanning lotions and towels
  1153. VANI-T SOLUTION...
  1154. Music in rooms
  1156. Software Problems
  1157. Reception desks
  1159. things that you forgot.....
  1162. Opinions on number of levels....
  1163. Name for my business
  1164. Now Is The Time To Start
  1165. consultant??
  1166. Pay-As-You-Use Hour Program (Tan America)?
  1167. How to create bed levels
  1168. Confused and a little scared
  1169. HEX II lamp replacement
  1170. Questions
  1171. Capital funding HELP!!!!!!
  1172. Bed hookup
  1173. How many beds & what levels???
  1174. Handing Out Price Sheets
  1175. selling lotion to competitions customers
  1176. Eurowalls
  1177. Sunsource Equipment
  1178. EFT\'s
  1179. Take a look at this.
  1180. Newbie in New York Needs advise
  1181. Questions for Business Plan
  1182. lotions for employees
  1183. How much difference is there really?
  1184. Sprays of rays or Apollo?!!?
  1185. Thumbprint check-in
  1186. Please help me decide!!!
  1187. Matrix L58, Matrix L22 and DelRey
  1188. Expiration Date on Tanning Packages?
  1189. Newbie needs help starting sunless
  1191. spray tan poll
  1192. Software for Canada
  1193. 2 levels of hp tanning?
  1194. MED & MMD - Who uses this?
  1195. Hey look!
  1196. $3500. for software??
  1197. Pano and Sun Fabrications
  1198. Lotion Bottle Samplers?
  1199. Small Salon - Realistic Commission Goals
  1200. new promotion ideas????
  1201. Ambition 200 and 300
  1202. MyMistic at the Vegas Expo
  1203. Grand opening ideas
  1204. Help!!! Software decision
  1205. beds from over seas
  1206. Employees Tanning for Free
  1207. duplicate
  1208. owner had baby, wants to sell
  1209. Opening a Middle Age Salon
  1210. Opening a new salon
  1211. Small Town = Small Salon? How much is too much?
  1212. When to open, August or November?
  1213. Sportarredo Holiday or Heartland Ovation?
  1214. This is so cool.
  1215. Price for body stickers?
  1216. Sample Packettes as Coupon
  1217. Who has both Heartland and Tan America?
  1218. Selling Toe Rings
  1219. Why BP\'s are like dbl dating with your younger sister
  1220. Need info
  1221. Need help with bed selection
  1222. Ratio of men vs women in your salons?
  1223. \"Farmer\'s Tan\" - Need Help
  1224. ETS Direct Leasing
  1225. Honest opinions please
  1226. summer Sun XLP 7.0 SL lamps
  1227. Optimal width?
  1228. Which one sounds like better value?
  1229. Opening in August
  1230. New salon questions - buildout and location
  1231. Everybody look here.
  1232. Does anyone have a Juice Bar or Smoothie Bar?
  1233. Need major help about small town tanning salon
  1234. A/C Requirements???
  1235. Lease Negotiations
  1236. Thinking of opening... best beds???
  1237. New Tanning & Day Spa Needs Some Idea
  1238. Fastest & Easiest way to find skin type info
  1239. Consent Forms
  1240. Customer Service
  1241. I Need Help Picking 6 beds
  1242. Realistic Expectations
  1243. Applying for a tanning salon
  1244. build out Costs Part Two
  1245. hex stand up power
  1246. Ergoline evolution 600
  1247. Best way to educate Sales Staff?
  1248. How many of you have ...
  1249. Lobby space ...
  1251. Replacing Facial Lamps
  1252. I just had a spray tan done.
  1253. Salon buying advice please
  1254. Buid Out Costs
  1255. A typical week at the salon
  1256. Spray Gun or Airbrush, which do you prefer?
  1257. Best company to work with
  1258. Best Base Beds
  1259. newbie question??????????
  1260. Thinking of opening new salon
  1261. Puretan
  1262. eft\'s or credit cards
  1263. Leasing vs Financing
  1264. Hollywood Tan
  1265. Advertising poll...
  1266. Help on understanding tanning franchises
  1267. How many tanners per day/week/month?
  1268. Fixed costs
  1269. Tommel
  1270. Buying used beds
  1272. Innovative Lease Services
  1273. Thinking of Starting a Salon... Need some advice
  1274. Salons in South Florida
  1275. airbrush tanning starting up
  1276. Starting the business
  1277. Business Plan: Pricing, Revenue projections questions
  1278. Lotion samples
  1279. EFT recommendations
  1280. Please Help!
  1281. A TANNIGN project from my boss and i need some help
  1282. Ergoline classic 300...
  1283. Ergoline classic 300...
  1284. help.. pleasee ;) college?
  1286. Is the Vegas Tanning expo worth the trip...
  1287. opening a new salon
  1288. lease negotiations...
  1289. All those great FINANCING deals from the leasing companies
  1290. never buy solclass spray cabin!!!!
  1291. Sim Salon
  1292. Great Financing
  1293. eft and unlimited packages for a smaller salon...
  1294. Any Canadian Operators out there?
  1295. Small Business Financing
  1296. Small town operation needing bed advice...
  1297. Intelligent Tanning Systems
  1298. wolff classic by forever tan
  1299. Input on Fair Value for Build Out
  1300. Magic 636 Vs Ergoline 850
  1301. New Salon Advice
  1302. Bed Value ?
  1303. Tanning Salon For Sale, NJ
  1304. Business Plans
  1305. Another newby
  1306. HELP please
  1307. Financing?
  1308. Does Size REALLY Matter? ;)
  1309. Many Questions...
  1310. Sales
  1311. Anyone have the Velocity?
  1313. Acrylic Help Needed
  1315. Tanning Bed-24 or more lamps???
  1316. Acrylic Help Needed
  1317. minutes vs monthly plans
  1318. Intellitan Timer
  1319. Tan America\'s Sunembrace airbrush system
  1320. distributors???
  1321. Differences in Lotions...?
  1322. Welcome
  1323. help!
  1324. Bulb comparison
  1325. Distributor for Magic HP Bed?
  1326. What is the best equipment?
  1328. prosun
  1329. Air Brush Tanning
  1330. Bed Time or Lamp Watts.. how to pick?
  1333. where do i get these from
  1336. Tanning Lotion Sales
  1337. Velocity or Matrix?
  1338. Electrical - Buck boosters
  1340. Cost of Electrical for new salon and Build out ...Thanks!
  1341. Darker Tan
  1342. Tanning Beds
  1343. Salon Software: The Better Choice????
  1344. Maintenance Work
  1345. What Software to Use
  1346. business plan software
  1347. caltan
  1348. Talk Room
  1349. starting a new salon
  1350. Mystic contact details
  1353. Worked in a salon-trying to open my own.......
  1354. airbrush tanning certification
  1355. software
  1356. hydromassage bed
  1357. UV beds
  1359. elec req\'s
  1360. be carefull to solclass compagny
  1361. Supplementing Payroll
  1362. Tanning Bed Rental
  1363. 10 Rooms, what kind of mix
  1364. Mystic Tan Licencing requirements
  1365. Mystic tan marketing
  1366. Best sunless booth
  1367. Help
  1368. Soltron Beds
  1369. Tanning Beds
  1370. Training video\'s
  1371. airbrush or sray booth
  1372. massage beds/hydro beds
  1373. Considering tanning business
  1374. Just starting to research to open a tanning salon
  1375. HELP!! Looking to purchase tanning salon...help me decide if this is a good deal
  1376. need advice from vets
  1377. Mystic Tan
  1378. Newbie hoping for information
  1379. Is the tanning industry over saturated?
  1380. Consent Form Get it here!!!
  1381. need help!!!
  1382. need help with location
  1383. Is The Tanning Salon Industry Over Saturated?
  1384. Newbie here w/ some questions .... ?
  1385. s class beds by uwe,big problems
  1386. conventions
  1389. Need advice on my new tanning venture
  1390. whats with the Dr. Mueller beds
  1391. Airbrush tanning solutions....
  1392. If you had it to do all over again...would you?
  1393. Newbie Here...Needing All The Help I Can Get.
  1394. Leasing Space question
  1395. Pricing strategies... what do I need to charge?
  1396. Leasing tanning beds?
  1397. looking to open tanning salon with 8 beds. How much will cost in electric, ventilation, remodeling ?
  1398. is there a way to find existing tanning for sale?
  1399. which franchise to look for? Are they any good or am i better of starting on my own?
  1400. Star Sp200 Printer & drawer help
  1401. Business plan projection outline needed asap!!!
  1402. How many years to make profit??
  1403. Trying to Start...need help
  1404. Start up Costs? Personal Salary?
  1405. My Logo on Lotions?
  1406. searching for best equipment required for starting bed from remote computer
  1407. what is the best computer system for managing salon, beds , clientel etc
  1408. need advise about best surveillance camera for store
  1409. Tropical Rayz Good or Bad?
  1410. Where do u find all your states regs
  1411. which mystic to should i buy?
  1412. what are the best HP beds out there for the money? looked at ergoline uwe, matrix
  1413. During expo in Vegas and Tenesse which confrence would you advise to listen to?
  1414. who provide best certification program?
  1415. would you buy used bed from ergoline or uwe
  1416. Info about 1998 Puretan bed Tanfit III 28??? Any info??
  1418. Ripped off.
  1419. Looking to open tanning salon. How to get best support?
  1420. how much help and support a tanning company really give you?
  1421. insurance.
  1422. 6 to 8 beds. how many square feets needed ideally
  1423. need to know where best expo for tanning beds
  1424. mystic tan. Is it worth getting a unit
  1425. need to know how you pay employes who work in tanning salon
  1426. New Salon needs machines
  1427. How many beds to start?
  1428. Lip Balm
  1429. Advice needed-please
  1430. Grand Opening was a BLAST
  1431. tmax manager pro security codes
  1432. Ergoline Classic 300 Compatible with T-max Timer?
  1433. monthly money & visits out on suntouch
  1434. opening a new taning salon . Need advise for best beds
  1435. A Few Quick Questions
  1436. does anyone have opinions on financing???
  1437. Hello, Everyone I\'m new!! Need some ?????? answered PLEASE!
  1438. practical guidance and help needed
  1439. SonnenBraune
  1440. classic tan booth????
  1441. slow season
  1442. Sun touch??Helios?? or better idea??
  1443. Sportarredo Beds
  1444. New to Tanning Industry
  1445. What to expect??
  1446. Do Any of you own a franchise?
  1447. trying to buy business
  1448. New to the business just checkin in w/ the pros
  1449. magic tan vs healthtan?
  1450. health tan spa
  1451. Sunless tanning obssesion
  1452. what bed to go with
  1453. Demographics....Real of Ficticious?
  1454. Stain White Hair
  1456. Bulbs go bad with age?
  1457. Medispa
  1458. Minutes VS Sessions
  1459. Starting a new salon
  1460. Tan America vs. Pro Sun.
  1461. how many employees do you need ?
  1462. Helios and T-Max
  1463. New Salon too close ???
  1464. Search and Destroy !!!!
  1465. New salon advice please
  1466. resetting hours on Tmax manager pro
  1468. What do you think?
  1469. New here, info on starting out......
  1470. need Grand Opening help for 2/10
  1471. Anyone use SMU Consulting to start up?
  1472. In order to open a salon???
  1473. Instant Tan yes or no?
  1474. need advice please!
  1475. Mystic tan
  1476. Existing salon relocation
  1477. help! any knowledge on shipping to europe
  1478. Need some info please
  1479. also replacing bulbs
  1480. wanting a job
  1481. replacing bulbs
  1482. New tanning business.
  1483. Real Industry Revenue Expecations?
  1484. Equation
  1485. How big should counter area be?
  1486. Radiation Exposure - Is it safe to work at a Salon?
  1487. Alpha Sun Elegance bed
  1488. More Info regarding 2-salon business
  1489. Buying an existing 2-salon business. Need feedback!
  1490. Expansion Advice
  1491. bottom acrylic Flat vs. Curved
  1492. Help!! I am in need of advice!! new salon
  1493. Just curious...
  1494. Firing FAMILY??
  1495. Tanning in Canada?????
  1496. demographics
  1497. Stained fingers from lotion
  1498. Where can we purchase acrylics for an orbit bed in Minnesota
  1499. If you could design a salon...again...
  1500. Baby\'s Eyes
  1501. World Expo purchase
  1502. How many employees per beds?
  1503. Home Equity Loan Payoff
  1504. Newbie here trying to branch out in Monaco
  1505. salon owners making \"promises\" to me
  1506. Existing salon needs help getting new customers
  1507. Profit? - It must be better than this!
  1508. What to name our Salon? Cast your vote!
  1509. Start up cost of a salon...
  1510. Mystic Hypertan
  1512. Bulbs
  1513. Help with new tanning business
  1514. Preparing to Order w/ Distributor - Now What?
  1515. Super, Ultra, Mega - What does this mean?
  1516. Help, newbie with wiring
  1517. Hiya! Needing help in Scotland!
  1518. How do I pick my beds????
  1519. Remodeling Building & Negotiating Rent
  1520. Is this a good bed selection for a new salon?
  1521. Bronzing lotions
  1522. Trade Shows
  1523. Anyone try Darker Tan Pro Silver Beds?
  1524. francise or no?
  1525. Just decided to open a Salon. Now what?
  1526. Modular walls verses built wall
  1527. new small business
  1528. Opinions on Buying Existing Salon
  1529. New Salon.....Need Interior Design Ideas !!
  1530. Making old beds look new
  1531. Just Opened
  1533. Sunmaster tanning beds
  1534. starter tingle...
  1535. Heartland or PureTan
  1536. Business plan help.....
  1537. NEwbies...wanting to open a seasonal business...
  1538. Shoudl I expect this to be a good thing???
  1539. New salon
  1540. Starting a new salon...Important tip
  1541. I\'m looking to buy a Tanning Salon
  1542. New Salon Opening
  1543. Please read and let me know if I am on the right track!!
  1544. Loans?
  1545. Getting started....
  1546. points system good, bad, or confusing?
  1547. Bulbs HELP PLZ
  1548. Sylvania SUN TANNING LAMP replacement bulb
  1549. Opening in Mexico
  1550. Details
  1551. Would this be a good deal?
  1552. new salon advice
  1553. tanning time
  1554. sollux 36 any feedback on these beds?????
  1555. Stand up unit
  1556. Salon for Sale
  1557. Thankful
  1558. Marketing questions
  1559. Bed prices web site, is there one out there???
  1560. New salon... need slogans
  1561. Need your input and advice!!
  1562. To buy existing business or not?? Need advise please
  1563. survey question .....help
  1565. vertical stripes
  1566. first day opened...is this normal?
  1569. New uv free salon
  1570. planning a salon
  1571. beds
  1572. 2ed Week open / How am i doing
  1573. buying a salon - some advice....
  1574. Question to Architect
  1575. Salon Decor
  1576. Build out and contractor
  1577. Rent + %
  1578. Negotiating a lease- experiences/insights welcome!
  1579. When is Las Vegas Tanning Expo ?
  1580. Let\'s Talk
  1581. is there any aussie?
  1582. Possible Deal
  1583. price packages&membership???
  1584. Tanning and skin Care
  1585. Tanning session Packages
  1586. sell me your Tanning Bible - i have a lot of newbie ?\'s
  1587. NEW to the business OPENING IN 2 WEEKS-HELP!!!!!!!!!
  1588. Can you deduct
  1589. Exsiting client data base, whats it worth...
  1590. Equation
  1591. ETS solar system..$$$ How Much are they worth??
  1592. Need experienced salon owner
  1593. Base Beds--High Pressure
  1597. help on running a salon
  1598. Wanting to open an airbrush tanning salon
  1599. Question about tanning beds...
  1600. Do tanners really care about new model beds?
  1601. Buyer Beware
  1602. Opening A Salon
  1603. Star Power 32 3f
  1604. Tell me about the FLORIDA tanning market....
  1605. START-UP COST????
  1606. New Salon ---need help
  1607. Salon Insurance in NY - hard time finding
  1608. Purchasing existing salons- how to value
  1609. Ohio salons
  1610. Sorry.. newbie questions
  1611. moisturizing feet ,hands
  1612. Time
  1613. NICE BOARD
  1614. Does Nail and Tanning go well together?
  1615. Help i dont know which tan accelerator?
  1616. SunEase 2000??
  1617. New Salons...
  1618. new owner needs advice - salon insurance and software
  1619. Pageant Tan
  1620. Average Usage
  1621. Average Usage
  1622. Manual Card System vs. Computer Software
  1623. Hello All...New Kid On The Block
  1624. Business Guide for a Cost..
  1625. Help Me!!
  1626. Business newbies help....
  1627. EFT programs...
  1628. Article from TT Oct 01 issue...
  1629. Buying a tanning salon, new to industry
  1630. NTTI Training
  1631. advice advice advice
  1632. nego. your Lease
  1633. My store was robbed
  1634. Upgrading the electrical panel......
  1636. Best Location to purchase T-Max timers...
  1637. How to get hooked up with a lotion supplier?
  1638. Direct Marketing Approach
  1639. Opening a salon...bust my chops!
  1640. Questions, questions, Questions!!!!
  1641. hey all FIRST POST
  1642. iam in route to being a tanning salon owner
  1643. montego bay beds
  1644. off season specials
  1645. looking to start or financing grants
  1646. where are all you guys located?
  1647. Salon for Sale - Good Buy or not?
  1648. questions regarding sq footage and personal feedback
  1649. Space for Lease
  1650. ohio salon for sale
  1651. New Salon Location
  1652. Walls
  1653. Leasing vs Buying
  1655. Leasing Info Please
  1657. choking on candy
  1658. Percent of sales
  1659. Airbrushing?
  1660. what are the most popular tanning session length??
  1661. best leasing company
  1662. UWE?
  1663. Feedback On Equipment
  1664. Mystic vs California Tan Solution...
  1665. Good beds to purchase??
  1666. The Real \"Bottom Line\"
  1667. new in biz
  1668. Move the salon
  1669. Trade shows
  1670. funiture
  1671. bronzers, accelerators, tingles???
  1672. New Salon Owner
  1673. Market Saturation
  1674. Manager Salary?
  1675. cash drawer compatible
  1676. Unbiased demographics?
  1677. \'demand\' charge on elec. bill. what is it?
  1678. location, location, location?
  1679. Gift or Pre-paid Cards
  1680. need name for new salo need help
  1681. Overlap time????
  1682. location and beds
  1683. Best selling lotions
  1684. tanning prices
  1685. renovating
  1686. Start up funds
  1687. Suggestions for Help Wanted Ad
  1688. spray tans own existing salon want to buy a spray booth
  1689. Opening new salon...need feedback
  1690. WHITE SPOTS!!!
  1691. Newbie needs guidance
  1692. Three Genesis 232GF For Sale--GREAT BEDS
  1693. Three Genesis 232GF For Sale--GREAT BEDS
  1694. Tanning & Hair Salon 4 sale
  1695. OHIO salon for sale
  1697. starting a new tanning salon????
  1698. Who does make the best beds #2
  1699. which beds to buy???
  1701. bed cost
  1702. Some real advice.
  1703. Help with insurance questions
  1704. Are Sunal good beds
  1705. need some advise
  1706. Need help with front desk
  1707. leasing equipment
  1708. Tanning at the beach
  1709. Salon location and size
  1711. Stand Up Bed
  1712. What Software Program?
  1713. Older Sunal Bed with Twist Timer - Need Help!
  1714. Mike Chunn
  1715. DMX, XM, TFBN,...whats the best satellite radio?
  1716. Business Plans Templates
  1718. Opening a Salon on the East Coast
  1719. Tanning beds
  1720. Can anyone say how old are these Sonnen Braunes?
  1721. Newbie here
  1722. Why?
  1723. How many sunless tanners per day??
  1724. Running out of ideas.....
  1725. Another Newbie, basic same old question; Almost.
  1726. vend-a-tan
  1727. existing business vs. starting new
  1728. Things that could
  1729. TanTech
  1730. questions regarding the biz
  1731. tommel financial
  1732. NTTI
  1733. Sunless Spray booths
  1734. New to airbrush tanning and need some help!
  1735. How to determine price to pay for existing tanning business?
  1736. EAST BOCA RATON, FLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1738. Classic Tan Pulse
  1739. programming timers
  1740. Does anyone know were to get single Teeth whiting strips
  1741. Opening a new salon!
  1742. Salon Business
  1743. Interested in Marketing
  1744. Ideas for additional services
  1745. Teeth whiting strips hmmmmmmmmmm.
  1746. Thinking of adding HP bed in Salon
  1747. Advice Appreciated
  1748. Distributor available by phone for ?\'s
  1749. Executive desk, instead of high counter top?? Need opinions!
  1750. Newbie considering a Hollywood Tan Franchise, Whaddya think?
  1751. Lawsuits and Tanning salons
  1752. Moving into a completed location
  1753. Looking for advice
  1754. Regulations
  1755. newb in MA looking for advise
  1756. question about timers
  1757. WISE CHOISE\'S
  1758. Mobile Airbrush Tanning
  1759. Handicapped Accessible???
  1760. permits and certifications
  1761. Job Opprotunity
  1762. Considering opening a salon Need some research directions
  1763. New to this business
  1766. atlantic tan
  1767. leasing closed salon need equipment
  1768. Getting started in the Airbrush Tanning world
  1769. Any Major Differences?
  1770. Just getting started
  1771. Help from Texas
  1772. one ounce cups with lids
  1773. Prepaid sessions after acquisition?
  1774. Bumed
  1775. Beds
  1776. Business Plans? Grants???
  1777. Purchasing Supplies? Fixtures? Newbie needs HELP!
  1778. Whats with all the avoidance of the real question???
  1779. Considering starting a uv-free tanning business
  1780. Grand Opening
  1781. Salon Name Change....
  1783. Should I take over this 3 year running tanning salon?
  1784. New Start-up owner in Pennsylvania>Beds, Lotion, etc
  1785. Purchase An Existing Salon
  1786. Today\'s image tanning expo
  1787. Percentages
  1788. Should we?
  1789. ETS
  1790. New Building/Beds/Salon Next door to Curves International
  1791. Planet Beach or Hollywood Tans?
  1792. 3 beds what size ?
  1793. Stay At Home Mom Venturing Out in PA
  1794. # of beds to start ?
  1795. Re-launching with Mystic Tan
  1796. Selling With Flyers
  1797. Door Hanger Advertising
  1798. room size
  1799. Request opinions from seasoned salon owners
  1800. Need advice on a business opportunity (buying an existing tanning salon)
  1801. Considering starting a very small salon
  1802. I want to ad tanning beds to my beauty salon
  1803. Found a Building to lease BUT.....
  1804. Skin Cancer
  1806. I want to help someone\'s salon !!!!!!!!!!
  1808. researching the tanning biz..
  1810. EFT Percentage
  1811. Other services
  1812. Tanning bed scam on ebay
  1813. New Salon!!!
  1814. I am NEW
  1815. 600 sq. feet
  1816. I need California Airbrush Business/Certificfation Info. please
  1817. Newbies seeking for help.
  1818. DHA bronzer question
  1819. Maxing out bed
  1820. Body and face products in www.tribalskin.com
  1821. Have a 1yr Premier with AG - Want out - Can I?
  1822. TanningSalonBiz.com? has anyone heard of this
  1823. When is a tanning expo coming to Atlanta, GA
  1824. Research???
  1825. Real Numbers
  1826. starting my business out of season
  1827. Start a salon now or next busy season?
  1828. Grande ESB
  1829. Newbie - customer buying behavior questions
  1830. Michigan
  1831. Anyone out there in southern Cali?
  1832. looking at purchasing 2 salons - are we nuts? what about the price?
  1833. I want 2 open a tanning salon
  1834. Soakin Up The Rays
  1835. Average number of new customers per day/ month?
  1836. Legal consent forms for spray tans...
  1837. MegaSun
  1838. Need some awesome interior/exterior for the Salon?
  1839. Advertising in Local Website?
  1840. Sundash/Ergoline prices please
  1842. Discounted Lotions
  1843. best DHA solution for sunless booths
  1844. front desk and fixtures
  1845. Bad Weather?
  1846. 900 sq feet
  1847. Advertising Suggestions?
  1848. Pre start-up - advice on productservice mix
  1849. equation of demograph used to find prime location?
  1850. Does anyone know about these booths?
  1851. Leasing, Bank vs. Private Company
  1852. indoor tanning seasonality?
  1853. equation of the demographics used to find prime location
  1854. Is a 16-bulb bed adequate?
  1855. Whats the title of this forum?
  1856. interested in starting up a tanning boutique
  1857. Does anyone own a salon and have a full time job?
  1858. Beds and Lotion from the same company?
  1859. Help me name my salon...
  1860. VHR?
  1861. A/C and tons and amps, Oh my!
  1862. Looking to buy a tanning bed.
  1863. looking to open a tanning salon \"advice or thoughts\"
  1864. \"Salon Packages\"
  1865. How do you estimate revenues?
  1866. airbrush tanning-new
  1867. Question regarding self-tanner and tanning
  1868. Ergoline Beds
  1869. Any Coco-Bay, Sun Spritz or Bronz Mist users?
  1870. Working with SCORE/SBA
  1871. Help! I\'m interested in buying a salon too!
  1872. Saving money on start-up
  1873. New start-ups please read.
  1874. Signing a lease
  1875. Washer/Dryer
  1876. International Smart Tan Network
  1877. can children tan?
  1878. advertising on the internet
  1879. Opportunity is calling! Any advice?
  1880. location dilema
  1881. demographic site??
  1882. New to Air brush tanning can\'t decide what lotion,help!!!
  1883. Magic Tan
  1884. Pre-Newbie Needs Advice
  1885. Postcards
  1886. 1 month of free tanning, can it work ?
  1887. Which beds WILL accom. the cosmedico 9k90???
  1888. Bed = how much sun outside
  1889. Need some info on starting up in canada!
  1890. NEVER EVER ..EVER do first tan free...Why you ask????
  1891. Minutes
  1893. Investing in the tanning industry
  1894. Magic Tanning
  1895. Question about beds
  1896. Toying with the idea of opening a salon
  1898. How to sell tanning products in your salon!
  1899. Just saying Hi and my story!
  1900. Need Profess. advice on buying saloon!!!
  1901. music
  1902. Lease space to nail tech or massage
  1903. Phone book ad prices
  1904. What\'s yours look like?
  1905. Marketing
  1906. Professional Advice Requested!
  1907. buying two units, need advice
  1908. help! intested in buying a tanning salon
  1909. Goggles
  1910. Nail Tech in salon wants to tan for free!?
  1911. Why is the lamp wattage different?
  1912. Which would you pick?
  1913. Sun Ease
  1914. Newbie bed question
  1915. Sunless Tan Unit
  1916. Bed maintenance on Sunal Equipment
  1917. NJ Salon Owners Tax Question
  1918. Selling Property Owner on Salon - HELP Quick!
  1919. Anyone Looking for a Unique Flooring Idea for their Salon?
  1920. Clean Beds?
  1921. New to the boards, from Canada
  1922. Quality tanning lotions
  1923. Can you build a nice base tan w/ 10 min bed?
  1924. Does anyone out there use sollux
  1925. Solart?????
  1926. Another Question...
  1927. New Equipment
  1928. Looking for tanning equipment
  1929. Start Up $
  1930. Beds & Bulbs????
  1931. Buying AG wholesale
  1932. NEED SOME GUIDANCE-experts please!!
  1933. employees stealing
  1934. Time Sheet
  1935. PC Marketing\'s 2004 Tanninng Summit
  1936. Sunvision Beds ?
  1937. Need names for tanning package pricing and rooms
  1938. Quick Books
  1940. Insurance
  1941. Salon Size
  1942. To Inc. or not to Inc.
  1943. Re: Tax Season
  1944. Legal Structure Biz
  1945. Massage
  1946. Velocity Bed by ETS
  1947. lease
  1948. Some friendly advise please!!!
  1949. Name change or not
  1951. Bankers Lending
  1952. In house financing
  1953. New owner
  1954. University Deals
  1955. Single Phase Electric
  1956. Sunboard
  1957. New ETS Beds
  1958. I hate to bring up ETS again but....
  1959. Opening Jan. 1st - Need a FUNNY name
  1960. Suggestions for starting out
  1961. health dept just said i can only tan peeps every 48hrs
  1962. Need some help with prices/packages
  1963. SalonTouch vs. others
  1964. UV output
  1965. Red Nail Polish!!
  1966. Deciding on last minute trip to Nashville
  1967. Nashville Newbies
  1968. I need help!
  1969. Changing colors
  1971. Retail Software Help?
  1972. Electrical Requirements
  1973. my electrician just put ugly metal poles down our walls is this normal??
  1974. ETS or not?
  1976. AP Article on Norway Sweden Melanoma Study
  1977. placing order for beds good deal or not?!!!!!!
  1978. Liability
  1979. Re: Forms
  1980. Considering a salon
  1982. where can i find reception desk
  1983. has anyone heard of suncraze beds www.affordabletanningbeds.com
  1984. laundry baskets and other ?s from new owner
  1985. New salon owner here. I have a few questions.
  1986. Finding a slaon
  1987. Purchase price
  1988. Computer
  1989. Helios Software
  1990. Spray Booth Decision -HELP!
  1991. Hi! I am new here! How long does it take to build a good clientele?
  1992. conference
  1993. coupons
  1994. Dress Code
  1995. Business Plan
  1996. Purchase price for a salon
  1997. What exactly are the slow times?
  1998. Catchy EFT name
  1999. Purchase an existing salon
  2000. EFT
  2001. A dumb question
  2002. Do you use a software program?
  2003. start-up costs
  2004. Educating Clients
  2005. legal to leave flyers?
  2006. Education
  2007. I was wondering, what do you all believe is the best looking bed?
  2008. California Tanning
  2009. Tanning Beds
  2010. Walls
  2011. Can Tanning Salon Owners Please Help Me With My Pricing
  2012. Opinions please
  2013. Electric Bills
  2014. I was told not to use the name spa or salon in the name
  2015. Bed Tents - Useful or Nuisance??
  2016. If you only had one promo what....
  2017. What do you think of these personal touches to my company?
  2018. How is this name
  2019. Purchasing New Beds
  2020. I need advise! ;)
  2021. Deciding on UV Free Booth -HELP!
  2022. I would like some help!!!
  2023. I would like some help!!!
  2024. If you had to choose
  2025. new or existing salon??
  2026. The Newbie Section.
  2027. how many bathrooms per bed ???
  2028. tradeshow
  2029. What do i do now
  2030. hallways
  2031. Does this sound right
  2032. question on towels???
  2033. Percentage of customers
  2034. Perfect Tan Beds
  2035. off-season
  2036. Need advise .......
  2037. money question???????
  2038. Where do I start?
  2039. question on leases of equipment
  2040. in need of some serious help
  2041. How many Sq.ft. and what $/Sq.ft. is your tanning salon
  2042. Tanning Salon Partnership
  2043. Tanning in Atlanta
  2044. Opening a new salon.
  2045. Puretan / Tanscene or Tan America?
  2046. Pics of salons
  2047. bed packages
  2048. newbie questions
  2049. childcare in waiting area
  2051. electrical question
  2052. alternative methods of financing
  2053. estimating what a new buisness will bring in
  2054. I Need A Name Too !
  2055. Need Help w/ beds
  2056. Purchasing a salon. Need info, please.
  2057. Franchise or Individual Owner?
  2058. Views on Tanning Beds
  2059. Newbie Here
  2060. question for ya.......
  2061. cost of buying a salon
  2063. Heartland Beds
  2064. Starting a business
  2065. Newbie salon Owner here !
  2066. Purchase existing salon
  2067. Modular Walls
  2068. Bedtime
  2069. Upkeep & Maintenance
  2070. How do you decide on a THEME for a salon.
  2071. Stand Up Tanning Booths???
  2072. Tanning Canopies
  2073. Salon names
  2074. Market Information
  2075. cellphones
  2076. Changing of Bulbs
  2077. minimum investment needed?
  2078. re:What distributor to go with?
  2080. what lotions do you carry
  2081. NEED help determining start up costs!!!!!!!!!!
  2082. Pondering a New Salon
  2083. Credit card processing?
  2084. Would like to work at a salon...questions
  2085. Salon Purchase
  2086. Mega Power and Cosmo Lux Bulbs
  2087. PC Marketing Tanning Summit 2003
  2088. PC Marketing/UWE
  2089. Tan Systems
  2090. Tanning business in this slow economy
  2091. Wierdo customers......
  2092. Am I stupid?
  2093. Need I say...New Salon Owner
  2094. Is this too much rent for a tanning salon?
  2095. Lighting in rooms? Anybody got an opinion??
  2096. What to do on Slow Days
  2097. Go to Nashville
  2098. Lotion sales are so important
  2099. Anyone not using a computer?
  2100. Tanning session packages?
  2101. Franchising-85% Financing Provided
  2102. Cost of buildout? Is $19/sf a good price?
  2103. Disenfecting/Cleaning Beds
  2104. Oxygen aroma therapy during tanning
  2105. More electrical questions for a new salon
  2106. Door for tanning room.
  2107. how many upgrade levels?
  2108. Need advice: Location for a new tanning salong (part 2)
  2109. HVAC question for a new tanning salon
  2110. Electrical setup question.
  2111. Need advice: Location for a new tanning salon
  2112. Banker\'s 1-2 year prospectus
  2113. How does a new person weed through all of this???? What\'s True and What\'s Not??
  2114. help for new owner
  2115. Florida Rays
  2116. Seven Secrets of Success
  2117. Reports, paperwork
  2118. I know
  2119. Small Business School
  2120. bulb life and stability
  2121. Help me!!!!
  2122. service me!
  2123. Dr. Kern Beds???
  2124. Picture of me!
  2125. PIctures/ideas
  2126. Want Good Beds!
  2127. Electric bill
  2128. Seasonal.. across the nation?
  2129. Thank You
  2130. Nashville Show
  2131. www.mytanningsalon.com
  2132. 7 Traits of Biz Owners
  2133. puretan bulbs
  2134. SBA loans for tanning salons
  2135. How busy is busy
  2136. Bath Mats?
  2137. Tanning Salon next to a Gym?
  2138. How much is too much for rent?
  2139. cost per square foot?
  2140. Insurance Info.
  2141. SuperNewbeez need to learn the \'lingo\'
  2142. GA State regulations???
  2143. Basic Truths about new tanners: Indoor Tanning Products
  2144. I am thinking about openning my first salon, just need a lil help
  2145. Contacts for essentials ?
  2146. Why can\'t I register ?
  2147. Beds
  2148. Cover Tattoos & Permanent Makeup too
  2149. Trying To Start A Salon
  2150. Question and Feedback requested regarding this thought
  2151. How can a client pick the best tanning machine to use?
  2152. diva?
  2153. counters
  2154. A Great Location is Your Map to Success
  2155. franchise???
  2156. The Profits
  2157. Evans Leasing Services
  2158. SunMate software?
  2159. BED MIX
  2160. My first tanning experience
  2161. THANKS
  2162. Architecture plans and operating capacity
  2163. The best beds for a salon
  2164. Ten basic tips to opening a salon.
  2165. New salon in Dec/2002
  2166. New to the biz
  2167. tanners
  2168. Daily Customer #'s ???????????
  2169. First Tan Free???
  2170. Acrylic Maintenance
  2171. leasing vs purchasing
  2172. trade magazines
  2173. skin type
  2174. Slow Saturdays
  2175. tan time
  2176. Welcome!
  2177. facial tanning
  2178. tanning pills
  2179. covering tattoos
  2180. Taking over 6 bed salon.... HELP!!
  2181. tanning...weather???
  2182. purchase of new beds
  2183. Got White Spots?
  2184. thinking of purchasing an existing salon
  2185. bible or fact book, which is better?
  2186. LARGE dilemma
  2187. golden, brown tans?
  2188. tanning schedule
  2189. Postcards
  2190. Bankers Leasing
  2191. Insurance Costs
  2192. Creating a Business Plan
  2193. industry information
  2194. start up information
  2195. Has anyone used SkinCheck????
  2196. little white bumps.....
  2197. Sunspots?
  2198. Waiting Area
  2199. Tanning Room Question
  2200. body hair
  2201. Insurance
  2202. When changing out the Lamps do you need to change the starters too?
  2203. looking into a franchise tanning salon
  2204. Newbie----need some insight/info
  2205. SUNVISION 28LX
  2206. Trade mags
  2208. daily tanners
  2209. Opening Nerves
  2210. Are you starting peak season with fresh bulbs?
  2211. Holiday Hours
  2212. GUESTS, PLEASE READ THIS POST............................
  2213. How is business this week?
  2214. Christmas Wish List
  2215. will I go belly up?
  2216. cost price to tan
  2217. Gift Certificates
  2218. Located in Missouri?
  2219. Used Bulbs?
  2220. Need bed recommendations
  2221. Site Selection Opinions Solicited
  2222. Would like feedback on salon owners who own Silver Bullet by UWE
  2223. Scoop on Hollywood Tans regarding Franchising
  2224. If you could do it over
  2225. Random tips?
  2226. Bed Lease nightmare
  2227. Are you super man/woman?
  2228. Have you read the Tanning Bible?
  2229. Anyone know where I can get a good deal on salon towels?
  2230. keeping salon name
  2231. Smart Tan Certification - before or after opening
  2232. Terrified and fearless simultaneously
  2233. Lifespan of beds
  2234. PureTan Vs UWE
  2235. How to handle music in rooms?
  2236. Start up Questions
  2237. To ReneeInc
  2238. Tanning Expos
  2239. I have a tiny problem, help me
  2241. How Prepared Are You??
  2242. Funds
  2243. retail sales
  2244. Helios or Suntouch?
  2245. Perfect Tan..Tan Scene Beds..??
  2246. What does it take...
  2247. Contractor?
  2248. Buying Used Beds
  2249. The Tanning Bible... Real???
  2250. a/c solutions?
  2251. `Tan Lotion?
  2252. MegaMax & Jetsun
  2253. Up & running but help!!!...
  2254. Appointments or Drop In
  2255. Sun touch
  2256. How much Sq. Ft. is required?
  2257. Saran Wrap?
  2258. Mechanical upfit...who pays?
  2259. Complimentary Packs? Any ideas?
  2260. questions
  2261. New Salon Question - Opinions Appreciated
  2262. ETS beds
  2263. research??
  2264. equipment????
  2265. business
  2266. New Beds
  2267. New Biz
  2268. Getting Started
  2269. Clients? What is a good goal?
  2270. Newbee...financial question...start-up cost
  2272. Employee Manual
  2273. Salon Tour
  2274. Phone systems?
  2275. Trying to Decide which Beds to BUY and How much to charge
  2276. Pregnancy
  2277. Essence of Stupid
  2278. Thoughts on Solar Planet?
  2279. What about the "Off Season"?
  2280. Air Conditioning
  2281. New Lamps Needed
  2282. name change?
  2283. Give Me Your Best Name?
  2284. Earnings
  2285. Business Plan
  2286. Taking over a salon
  2287. Backup Files!!
  2288. My first setback
  2289. Just Curious.....
  2290. When you were a Newbie....
  2291. Journals
  2292. When Taking over a salon...
  2293. Location Location Location
  2294. How many?
  2295. How many customer's
  2296. Beds???
  2297. Rent
  2299. Better Value?
  2300. Cash on hand
  2301. Welcome Sonshinetans
  2302. How to determine session price per bed?
  2303. thinking about opening a salon need advice
  2304. Who makes the best tanning bed.
  2305. New Tanning Beds
  2306. what exactly is a high pressure bed?
  2307. cash flow analysis/business plan
  2308. embryo here
  2309. Newbie Here
  2310. EFT's
  2311. Great place for advice
  2312. Where's all the newbies?
  2313. Newbies
  2314. Solid
  2315. come on down
  2316. Tanning Expo's
  2317. Profit Margins
  2318. Start up my own salon ASAP
  2319. Start-Up Costs
  2320. business plan
  2321. salon decor
  2322. type of lights in your salon
  2323. The real value to me