- Your newest paper substrates happen to be designed with regard to performance and als
- Frequent Tanners
- Odyssey lamps wont turn on. Please help me!
- Need to move my salon..please advise on moving the equipment
- HELP!! Need info on Spa Lite Infinity Sun spray tan machine.
- I'm starting my own Mobile Spray Tanning business.
- Sunless Salon
- Seven Room Salon
- Need Phone number for OWNER of TanTrack.
- Minutes/points vs sessions and monthly packages
- Selling Facebook Ads Activated Account with its own VPS
- Don't Be Afraid to Post
- Why did you start?
- Great Advice, Appreciated
- What I learned during the first year of owning a tanning salon
- Electrical - a quick primer for salons
- Grand opening specials
- New or Old ?
- Steve-bashing and SMU Consulting
- TMax Manager Pro and TA beds
- Is it to Late?
- Adding beds to a small space advice please.
- Timer System
- Purchasing an existing salon...
- Sound System
- how to clean the tops of the beds
- Potential Salon Purchase - Need Input
- Potential new owner with a couple of questions (reported from general thread)
- Thinking about purchasing a salon in CA.
- Bed is overheating
- Opening a Salon in IL, please help.
- Sonnenbraune Klassik 732
- Bed suggestions
- upgrades
- Pricing Advise
- Slow season deals
- Salon Location for a new salon
- Sunless/UV Mix
- Is a new salon a good idea?
- Considering Buying Salon - What is this equipment worth?
- Correlation between outside temperature and tanning use
- What software to buy? all advice welcomed
- salon touch software crashing
- Critique my business model..
- New to the business and the forum!
- Active Monthly Clients
- I need help!
- Suggestions Needed!
- Manufacturer of the IS spa lite machine.
- Need help with Sportarredo N'Joy.
- Honest Opintion
- Equipment Question
- Tanning Business purchased - need help adding services
- Just purchased two storage units full of tanning equipment
- Opening a new salon
- Starting New Business, Help!
- which one to go for???
- Ohio Rules
- Possibly purchasing a new tanning salon in Canada
- Going to take over salon?
- First Health Inspection coming up
- Acrylics cracking on the bench
- Existing Salon Closed 18 Months UK
- Need help :)
- Ventilation in Hot Area
- Ideas on purchasing existing salon
- Need Help - Looking for Used HP Bed
- Whats it worth?
- Lotion sales advice?
- New Salon Questions
- Operating system kicked the bucket
- Is this a good business to buy?
- Insurance Advice
- Eager but nervous
- Sun Tan City newest "deal"
- What was he thinking!!!!
- Salon / Gym combo concept
- WARNING! Don't buy JK Products Tanning Beds (Ex. Sun Ergoline, Sundash, ETS etc.)
- Is Tanning trending down, up or going even?
- Sunease 2000 Software
- Have you converted to "points?"
- Need Advice
- New salon owner help! :)
- What is the slowest month for tanning?
- Should I lower prices?
- Please help!!!
- New To The Business. Need Advice
- Retail
- Salon Size
- Starting a salon in Colorado?
- help!
- Mystic spray booth
- Royal Sun, Luxura, or Onxy by Pro Sun
- Looking into a space for my tanning salon
- New to Business... info on power needed
- Good Mix?
- I purchased an existing salon and am looking for advice.
- Buy a salon
- Existing Salon Purchase
- What is up with Saturdays??
- Young, New, Motivated Salon Owner - NEED SOME ADVICE!!
- Should I buy this salon!?
- Help: Looking at Buying Salon
- Business Opportunity
- Is this right??!
- Want to sell clothing/cover ups/accessories..
- looking for your 2cents
- Advice for a fitness facility?
- Does water message work in the salon?
- Post card mail out
- Want to open new salon
- 8 Months in... Do my numbers make sense?
- Adding to Massage Clinic
- HELP! Odyssey lamps won't turn on
- busy season now slowing for everyone??
- Tanning for Fitness Facility
- Would love advice re: buying a salon SOS
- New to the business, got some questions.
- Buying second salon. Advice?
- disclaimer forms
- What would you pay for this salon?
- Looking for a salon
- Best Tanning Bed for a start up
- help!
- Need help det. to buy exsisiting salon
- Mentor in the Washington Oregon Area
- Am I missing something?
- To Buy Or Not To Buy?
- Need help with choosing beds with low amprage
- Opening Tanning Salon near a major gym/shopping complex. What do you think?
- Grand Re-Opening
- Help with salon value!!!
- I'm a newbie and need major advice
- UWE tropical foot fan not coming on.
- I've made it a year..
- tanning tax form720
- Airbrush Training
- sundash beds
- Salon equipment outdated?
- FREE Demographic Report & Floor Plan
- just took over small tanning salon, saying hi
- Help me analyze this salons financials?
- Dr Mueller fans not working!!
- Purchasing a SunTanCity / 270k
- Is anyone else slow this month?
- Established salon for sale. Should I do it?
- HELP with facial lamps burning out!!! PLEASE
- Business Plan
- Should I buy this tanning salon?
- Help with determining a Salons worth & what should be changed
- Looking for a manual for a PureTan California 36
- I'm wanting to Lease a Tanning Salon
- Looking to purchase business - help identifying beds?
- Why would you want to buy a tanning salon ?
- Anyone know these tanning bed models ?
- Salon Names
- Buying a turn key salon, would like to start EFT packages. Your advice?
- Another "Should I Buy?" Thread
- small start up
- Please: Need help with Sonnenbraune Euro28 purchase
- I am opening a tanning salon and need HELP PLS
- Salon interested in offering airbrush tanning
- My friend is selling his salon
- Potentialy Taking Over A Salon and Needing Your Help! (Long)
- Tanning Beds interior tempature is too hot
- Should I purchase a H2o Massage bed?
- How do I build a client base?
- Mystic, Airbrush, or both?
- Buying my first Salon
- Tips to know BEFORE you buy a salon!!
- New to the tanning biz-need advice!
- What Are These Beds Worth?
- Cracked blue filter on HP? How to tell? HELP!!
- Hello All
- email list?
- Equipment Worth?
- 24 hour tanning booth
- Problem with lamps
- Buying a Salon...good or bad idea?
- Advice for opening a new tanning salon
- If you could only buy one bed?
- Does a tanning salon require a lot of personal time???
- Buying a salon
- start up cash
- buying a salon
- Mobile Tanning Safety
- This Bed Any Good??? Help!
- Some input on insurance
- Spray tanning or beds for hair salon?
- Thinking about opening a business
- mystic
- Business slowing down, already?
- Buying an existing Salon
- honest opinions appreciated
- What is this salon worth ?
- How do I figure out ...figures?
- Looking for tanning beds/equipment to oufit a new salon
- Financing a tanning salon, how can this be done?
- Buying a new salon. have questions.
- Hello From Russia :-)
- new to the biz... seeking advice please
- Want to Buy my first Tanning Salon Good deal or not???
- solar meter
- Taking over salon and current employees
- New to the Business and confussed! please help me :-/
- Hey people plz give me some advice on a closed salon im interested in!!
- Take Control April 1st
- Investors
- Tanning Salon Survey
- Need Help (Advise)
- Tanning Lotions Wholesale
- A little advice for a newbie ;)
- Picked up a mystic tan 2004 for 7k is this a deal?
- teenage tanning banned
- Buying an existing salon as opposed to opening a new one.. opinions
- Should I open a tanning salon in these times?
- Hope to get some feedback in this area...
- Looked at a salon.. is it worth it?
- Opening a Tanning Salon - ADVICE NEEDED
- Build-out advice
- NEED HELP.. Tanning solution for hvlp
- What is the best software to use for strictly an airbrush tanning salon?
- Georgia Laws
- Opening a Business..take step 1
- Room Towels
- Whatq is an appropriate offer for an existing salon?
- Hello & a Pricing Question
- Hello & a Pricing Question
- Please explain points :)
- prosun waterwave and photo light therapy
- Help! Need some Sage Advice on Spray Tan Biz
- wiring up Tmax timers
- Possibly Buying a Salon, please your thoughts
- Starting a Spa tanning salon...?
- Ultrabronz Supernova 800's High Pressure
- Need manual for assembly and disassembly
- Looking to verify some information on "Sunfactory"
- eft setup question. PLEASE HELP ME
- New & Looking for Tips
- Help, My husband just bought a salon and we know nothing about the industry.
- ETS beds
- Need your thoughts on buying an existing tanning salon
- Opening soon.. and Cant decided on the last bed to purchase.
- succsessful in the tanning business?
- wiring up timers??
- adding inventory ideas
- Cooperation??
- Unhappy customer
- Opening Feb 1 ! Taking over a great deal need help tho =)
- EFT ADVICE!!! Please help me!
- I want to open my own salon. I need advice!!
- MY story
- Need advice on new salon
- **at a cross roads**
- Looking to buy into an existing National Franchise
- Marketing question
- Another New Salon Owner post...
- Looking at pre-established salon for sale! HELP!
- Nail Tech adding Tanning?????? Help!
- what should i offer?
- Huge remodel, should the name change?
- Matrix/Mystic pricing, marketing, promtions
- Opening new salon! Help please.
- Purchasing a Salon as an "asset only" sale
- credit card machine
- UV Free salon.
- Tax or Nontaxable
- Kiosk style tanning business
- what is the best software?
- looking for used tanning equipment to buy
- S Corp or LLC Which is best for tanning salons?
- Advice about buying salon
- How do you figure a price for unlimited tanning?
- HELP!!! Need A Salon Name!!!
- Looking to buy a tanning salon...need help
- Airbrush ONLY salon?
- Need HELLLLPPPPPP Questions about Square Footage and Lease costs
- temp tatooos need license
- just acquired a tanning salon and stressed out
- I need ideas for tanning salon names that are catchy !!
- mobile spray tanning in brazil?
- teeth whitening
- Training/Employee Manual
- How to ship a tanning bed
- Any Ideas for Cool Promotions?
- Recommended Suppliers
- Lotion suppliers
- Electrical Breaker Question
- EFT! and Member ship costs... HELP!
- need help with tanning specials,tanning lotion specials? need some ideas please!!
- New to the business and need some help, desperately!
- spectrometer reading?
- Opening a new tanning salon and I have a few questions.
- Considering opening a new salon
- New salon area analysis
- What Fake Tan Products should I consider
- Getting burnt out
- Buying used equipment?
- Incorporating your salon
- Starting a mobile sunless tanning business!!
- Seriously considering, would like some Input
- What type of spray tan unit to purchase
- What does the future hold?
- Canada Insurance Advice.. pleeease :)
- lotion sampling
- Advice of tanning salon business opportunity please!
- customer spending habits
- Guidance please
- Will You Share Your PCA Please?
- Newcomer Purchasing Existing Salon??
- New Owners Bring New Name = Better Business?
- value of used beds
- In house credit? Are we salons or banks?
- a few questions..(help asap please)
- I am need some help finding a user manual
- How to dispose old beds
- Tanning Lines
- Airbrush Tanning questions
- Need Opinion and Advice - Should I or Should I not
- Heartland Tanning Beds??
- Trade Shows and expo's ?
- Buying a salon_Equipment value?
- Bringing tanning back to a SMALL town
- New Salon w/Massage therapy service as option.
- Tanning Salon Names
- How to find investors/funding for salon start-up
- Tanning Saloon in Argentina. Need equipment.
- opening a new salon
- Does anyone know the leasing co for Planet beach?
- Where can I get shelves like this
- Want to add Protien Shakes/Juice Bar counter at my salon
- Please Help??
- Dr. Muller Omega High Pressure ?
- several basic questions about a new salon
- High Pressure bed question
- Another Question about Beds
- Question about Mystic
- Lamps-Need Help Please!
- Newbie here have a few questions..
- Bring My Mobile Spray Tanning Biz to Hair & Nail Salons?
- Buying an existing salon. Would really appreciate your advice/help!
- business plan
- Need some info
- Just another question
- Starting a New Tanning Salon - Need advice
- Bulb Installation
- HELP! Shipping issues!!
- Bran-New to the Tanning world looking for advice/help
- New To business
- Here's our deal - need input !!
- Buying an existing salon...need advice!
- What to do for beds?
- Opening New Salon/Spa
- Which 2 bed combo to start with?
- newbie looking for answers from the tanning salon vets ..
- Just Came on today :)
- Tanning bed options for startup?
- How can I increase the chances in me getting a job at a tanning salon?
- Bed levels
- To buy or not to buy..an existing salon?
- Help! Bronzing Bed???
- EFT's
- New name for existing salon
- A little help please
- New Salon - Getting Into the Business
- Oh no...Not another should I buy this salon thread?
- Pricing for customers
- lamps
- Have older beds. Should I upgrade yet?
- new stickers/lettering for older beds?
- Acrylics
- Should I add a stand up bed or not ?
- What Tanning Booth To Use! Building a new salon
- Does Everyone Hate running A Salon?
- Versatile Partnering
- New to this...please help!!!!
- Pricing help
- Should I buy??
- Helios V12 Really Worth It?
- HELP ME!!! Maybe Purchasing First Salon!!
- Who Leases Beds and Pros/Cons of Leasing
- Where to get customer cards and release forms
- Finding that investor:
- Is my gun broke?
- Buying Existing Salon Advice
- So I took over a salon......
- Working out of a salon..
- Grand Opening Ideas and Specials
- Busy Season
- How Much do I offer? Existing Salon.
- signs?
- need pricing on Tan America Beds
- Having a hard time getting the market value on used beds in our current negotiations
- Greetings from Mass!
- Investment needed
- Salon Insurance
- Help, are these beds a good deal
- Help!!!
- Suggestions for computer system
- What would you offer???
- Need to know how to price salon
- Tanning Salon Websites
- How much do you think salon is worth?
- Do you want to open a salon?
- Starting a new salon! Help!
- Upgrades... Need Some Help Please..
- First time post
- Help with spray Technique
- I know I have asked this before
- Starting a mobile airbrush tanning business
- Still on the fence about buying existing salon
- Franchise or Pre-owned
- solution problem
- Am I crazy?
- Taking over a salon
- Buying a Tanning Salon
- Need help with negotiations ...
- Oxygen Bar
- Looking for Spray Tan Release Forms
- Another Newbie Wanna-be looking for advice
- What to do about higher gas prices
- lightning
- Employee Benefits
- Looking at purchasing - Input appreciated
- Advice on Buying a salon
- lamps?
- Beds??
- need help with picking a mobile airbrush
- Firt time salon owner-brand new building
- Changing bulbs
- How to use lotions..
- Points? sessions? or minutes?
- So nervous! spray tanning my 1st client tomorrow
- $23.99 per month??? how to stay in business???
- Buying an existing salon
- Introducing myself... (with questions, of course!)
- Looking to buy an existing salon
- buying an existing salon
- Adding a bed to my gym
- specials???
- New Salon
- Bad time to start up a SMALL airbrush tanning business?
- Completely on the fence, should I buy this tanning salon?!?
- Ambition 300 or Soltron Kiss which one?
- please help
- Adding Tanning Bed Staff Affraid of MRSA and MORE
- WHich Bed would you start with KBL or Solaris
- Airbrush Tanning ...Does it make $$$$?
- Newbie needing ideas
- Is there potential
- really quick ? buckbooster?
- High Desert - California! Looking to start mobile tanning!
- Suggestion...
- Purchase Agreement
- What do you think of this???
- What kind of Mother's Day Packages work?
- Opening a Tanning Salon in the MiddleEast...any thoughts?
- ??????
- Help with Machine
- Wholesale T-shirts
- helios-no membership, software free???
- new to the business... heartland ?
- Want to purchase an existing salon....need feedback
- What is recommend if I don't have software?
- Salon Purchase - Rent To High - What to do?
- Ok - I need SPECIFIC spray tanning machine advice!!
- some advises please for new guy
- FDA and European Standards
- Adding Tanning to existing business
- Should we enter the business now???
- How to compete against a franchise?
- InSun
- Where to order jewelry?
- Florida Salons
- so many options! I am confused!
- T100...any good??
- newbie stud, lookin 4 advice get most of gettin indoor tan on...thanks ladies
- watertown ny
- Location
- Salon Location?
- Helio's information
- Help please
- New Salon (Business Plan Question)
- Demographics Input
- Questions about my proposed compensation plan
- Please Reply
- Fivefold Question
- Training/employee manual
- Help Me Start A Tanning Salon
- Putting in a new salon
- New-advise on this lineup??
- Client programs
- Business credit
- building lease info
- buy new or used beds?
- Where should I display lotion??
- which is a better line-up for new salon
- Heartland/Tan America
- Finding an Image
- over whelmed
- moving/swapping beds 4 remodel
- Purchase of existing salon HELP!!
- advice on existing salon purchase
- leasing new tanning beds
- advice on existing salon purchase
- cooling lotions
- Hiring an airbrush technician. Advice?
- Dear Newbies:
- remembering client's names
- Purchasing an Established Salon
- Newbie here with a great opportunity
- Retail suggestions?
- ADMINS? need help registering
- Insurance
- Need Help
- Smart Tan - Yay or Nay?
- Lotion Differences???
- Check out my Logos! (I need feedback)
- Process on buying beds from this site
- Is there a BTU output on tanning beds?
- Dinair
- I haven't opened and I'm operating on a profit! But I need to make a lease contract!
- Why was I talked out of higher level?
- can someone tell me how i can get away from selling minutes
- Tanning Salon License
- I got a place!!! (pics)
- Great Opportunity... but I need some info!
- Asking the Landlord for extra Electric/HVAC
- Introduction!
- Demographics
- More Pricing
- Film on the acrylics
- Dumb question #139
- Is there a way to finance w/o leasing?
- Leasing - Does it make sense for you??
- Now you guys have me worried....
- Here we go again! New salon HELP!
- Thinking about adding a hair stylist to the salon
- Do you have an example of a flyer?
- Should I do a grand re-opening??
- What else do i need to find out?
- Purchasing salon...what needs to be done?
- Tanning and Pro-active
- Need to know if this is a good deal
- Lotion question
- Opening a tanning salon
- Uprgrading to HVLP, Rapid Tan II ? Please help
- Tanning Salon + College Campus
- Another newbie possibly purchasing a salon
- Will a 600V power cord handle a a 35 amp bed?
- Tanning salon in the caribbean?
- BEST place to buy tanning lotions for my new salon?
- Why sanitize a tanning bed?
- New Salon LA
- What's a typical day like in a tanning salon?
- sundash intellitan plus
- My first question
- Need Manager for Houston area
- EFT/Membership
- Mobile Airbrush tanning
- Equipment Dilemma
- HElp!
- new kid on the block
- Don't buy beds before you have a complete plan!!!
- More Pricing ???'s from Newbie
- Need Help w/Introduction Letter For Newspaper.
- ProSun beds?
- does anyone know this ebook?
- Bed Lineup Help Needed!
- Advice on bed lineup !
- Sonnerbraune Beds
- is this a good idea?
- Need help on MBA Project
- advice on buying
- Lots of questions... newbie... opening salon soon?
- Is the Sundash 26 a good bed?
- Can I get some Opinions?
- Starter beds
- Tanning & Video Store
- Ready to go to the bank
- Follow-up to Buying a Salon (Opinions? thread)
- Ownership Transfer
- Which bed do you prefer for starter biz?
- Newbie with questions
- I need advice for new salon!
- Need opinions
- Opinions?
- Manufactors
- Need Advice on location
- HVLP Release/ Consent Form
- Best Beds
- A rumor being spread
- No Happy Ending Here!
- EFT & Credit Card Merchants
- Refer a Friend?
- Advertising????
- Equipment Mix
- How to start a Mobile Tanning Biz.
- Newbie Decision: We decided - NO
- Stating a tanning salon and from the UK
- hi im new
- Return on Investment
- Financial Templates
- Just scouted Hollywood Tan here in San Diego
- Gray Spots????
- Sporterrado
- This doesn't sound like a good idea...
- Help me find the value of these beds
- Buying existing salon - a few questions...
- Howdy all
- busy season question
- Client disclosure/release forms
- Best Mobile Tan Solution?
- Help?!
- Foreign Sunless Only Salon
- How much can a tan tech expect to make?
- lotion for the following year
- Any comments on Ryco Beds?
- Owner financing..i know its been done before
- Off Season Income
- Spraying Technique - forgot something to add
- Reviewing the numbers for a salon
- Renting Space to Hairdressers
- Spray Tan Technique
- Buying A Used Tanning Bed
- Buying A Used Bed
- New and need help
- What about these Beds
- Is this good inventory thinking of buying existing salon
- When Opening a New Salon Or Buying An Existing Salon
- 240 watts
- new salon, not much business
- Purchasing An Existing Salon Can Be A Smart Investment
- Existing Employees
- Distributors
- Buying a Bed
- Working on opening new salon
- Planet Beach Franchise
- Low cost Modular Walls
- Strictly Spray Tan
- Which salon to buy 35K vs. 75K
- Purchasing an existing salon
- Coupons
- Trying to get into the mobile sunless biz?
- tanning salon in Kuwait
- Buying a 14 yr old salon
- salon services
- airbrush tanning
- A question by a customer
- Hello I'm new
- Skin Types
- Industry Magazines
- A sensitive issue /question
- How to Purchase an Existing Salon
- Finance advice
- thinkin of buyin existin biz need advice
- I'm a noobie
- A New Finance Program for Vetrans
- Hello
- Anyone in here in New Mexico?
- Startin new salon...Need a little advice
- electric bill
- games
- Need advice on beds!
- EFT Forms
- residential tanning beds
- Desktop Tanning Center
- Used bed salesmen,,,good or bad?
- Tanning Trade Show in Vegas still?
- Vitamin D and Sun Exposure
- Negative press about tanning/indoor tanning
- NTTI Manuals
- Question about looking fit
- Looking Fit Industry at a Glance
- Ergoline??????
- New Salon...Ergoline?????
- Hey everyone
- what are they worth??
- Customer Spending
- first salon location??
- Tampa Bay Tanfastic
- Software opinions needed
- client info cards
- Automatic Debits
- Lotions for a small salon
- I'm new & buying some beds
- Managing Cash Flow
- Staying Cool
- Some honest opinions please.
- I need help with pricing asap please!!!
- Importance of Advertising
- Future Salon Owner
- Adding Pro Sun bed to Hair salon
- Bronze Biologic
- What is up with PURETAN?
- How to verify income
- new salon >> What beds?
- Aquired old beds......need lamps and acrylics
- EFT's / Demographics
- Lotion Sales %
- Get your Salon ready for busy season
- Aussie Newbie to Spray Tanning
- need swimsuits and clothes help
- Need some AC and Electrical advice??
- Texas Newbie - which beds to buy???
- Texas Newbie - Questions
- Setting your prices
- Ideas for a new management market letter
- I Need Someones Help, ANyone!
- Electrical & AC Requirements
- Tanning products info
- Rhondajeand4
- Looking into opening a salon would love input.(long)
- What is this Ergoline Equipment worth
- Calling all Veterans
- Hemp
- need another bed choice??
- Waiver Forms!
- demographics
- profit and loss statements
- Need major solarium advice... LONG post
- need bed & clothing suggestions
- Buying an exsisting salon
- Does anyone have any advise/opinions on Eurowalls, Tanwalls, or modular walls at all?
- Looking for a front counter
- Optional Marketing Company
- What is a Buck Booster?
- Advertising for "under new mgt"
- Tanning Bed pricing list anywhere?
- Just Looking...
- Opinions on beds
- Spray tanning units
- I think I've come to the right place.
- tanning walls question
- FYI, update
- question for a new business
- scared...thinking of backing out!
- Tanning World Expo 2006
- First few months revenue?
- Demagraphics question
- Demagraphics question
- soltron beds
- Advertising
- Spray Booths vs. Spray Systems
- Advertising?
- When you opened.....
- tanning beds
- The Sunbed Association Uk website
- Existing salon needs new beds
- What is The Youngest Age A Salon Can allow A person On The Sunbeds????......
- Am I an idiot or is this a good idea?
- Tanning Salons in Resort Towns
- Would like to chat with someone from Alabama
- Lotion Lines for a new salon to carry?
- UV or not UV? That is the question!
- Questions
- lotions
- buying used?
- need a catchy name for my business
- Hi everyone
- Lease question? help needed
- Best Bed cleaner?
- VersaSpa
- stand, lay, or spray
- Brand New Owner with Questions!!!!!!
- Nervous new Salon owner....
- When buying an existing salon, how do you transfer funds for existing memberships?
- Base Bed Standard
- The price is right ?
- grand opening specials
- should i hire a consultant...
- Neon Open Sign
- Newbie Mistake
- New Salon... before mine
- tools for the newbies...
- business myth busterss...
- check it out...
- what would you do??
- memberships and eft's
- EMail Marketing
- Bed Choice
- Background Check Essentials
- lease agreement
- need some help
- Mixing Beds
- Lease negotiations?
- opening a tanning salon-help
- Good deal on Lamps??
- AAC EFT Company
- Newbie really needs your input!
- Floor Plans & Demographic Reports
- MA regulations
- Free Demos
- Does Your Old Salon Need Help?
- The Dream and Struggles of Opening a New Salon
- New OWner LOOKing for the Best Quality beds Money isnt a problem
- Thinking about opening new tanning salon
- Amputee
- Salon Advice Needed
- Retubing / relamping advise please
- AC Needs----Please answer quick!!!!
- "Stuff" for our place!
- What am I going to name my salon????
- Help with Business Plan
- UK lease recommendations
- Opening a new salon--looking for beds and advice!!!
- Tommy's DIY - Understanding "Branding"
- Help Need 2 Raise Capital to Cash Flow
- bed utilization??
- Credit Card machines and vendors?
- mystic meter rebuild
- Electrical Work Needed Done Before End Of June
- New Owner Needs newer Stand-up On terms
- Researching to open a new salon--help!
- Need new bed!
- Tommy’s DIY – Naming a Salon
- I want to open a tanning salon and i'm interested in profits and start up costs? help
- One question.... kinda...
- LLC formation question
- determining ones self worth
- Is the juice worth the squeeze???
- Old Subject-New Thread-Estimated Gross Revenue
- Good deal or bad deal?
- Start - Up Newbies Question
- can you test bulbs life without any history?
- I'm a big dummy....
- I need front desk timer
- Client Cards
- Salon Name?????
- to the newbies please read!
- Where to buy lotions
- 25 thousand to invest in new beds what would you do?
- New Salon
- Designing a Website
- Software
- Floor decisions
- bookyourselk.com
- My thoughts and findings
- Franchise Under Fire
- State Regulations in Tennessee?
- Front Desk
- Flooring
- Client Cards
- Quality Towels
- Hiring for experience???
- Is this Salon a buy or pass?
- MedSpa services?
- Serious Question, not a Joke...
- tanning package price?
- My First Complaint
- I know you have probabaly heard this before
- employee manuals
- Planet Beach??
- Snooze you lose!
- Where to find research DATA/INFO
- Here to learn..please learn me something
- gross per bed and product sales
- Young gun: step 2
- Accessories
- only one bed... which one????
- Quickbooks and Salon Software
- TanTrack
- Up or down
- Extreme possibilities or total failure?
- A young gun....
- Thinking about buying a business?
- supernatural spray solution
- Tanning Salon Add-Ons????
- HELP! Dream or Nightmare?
- Income
- Tanning Salon Franchise Information
- Accessory Items
- Almost there and getting slammed with Bed Decisions
- urgent please help, i`m orange!!!!
- Salon Lay-out Advice
- Tommy's "DIY" - Startup Speadsheet
- Payroll
- Startup Costs
- Market Trends
- Reporting Cash
- 24 Hour Policy
- Certification companies
- mystic vs. beds
- Tanning Newbie
- Insurance
- Is this a good deal?
- to franchise or not?
- 2 brands of Spray Tan
- Disty Expo Today
- Expo/Trade Shows ???
- Trade Shows
- lotion samples and advice please?
- new to sunless tanning (waiver)
- Tropical Rayz
- Tanning veterans: ur biggest mistake?
- Grand Opening, how long is to long?
- Wanna be needs advice
- Uneasy about opening a new Salon
- How low is low?
- Good Morning & Hello to All!
- Going exclusive????
- Electric Output
- just bought two salons that are up and running!!
- looking to open a salon
- Help Buying Salon
- Hi from the newbie
- Hollerations!!!
- Anybody do this in a tanning bed?
- Opening a salon
- Demographics
- Lotion: What to buy and from where?
- north or south???
- Financing Poll
- Modular Walls
- Sole Proprietorship or LLC?
- Financial Projections
- Seasons Greetings From the UK!
- Opening New Salon Need Marketing Ideas?
- lotion displays
- Super Salons?
- Leasing Company Recommendation/Rates
- Newbie starting out
- Salon Capacity Forecast
- What are some good Beds
- Newbie here, does anyone know?
- Newbie Hello
- swimwear distributers
- training for a tan cream tenderfoot
- How much lotion should we start out with & one other tanning Q
- What's hiding? Worth buying?
- themes for rooms and slogan advice
- Studio for sale in GA
- Opinions/Info
- Tommy's DIY - Event Calendar
- To buy or not to buy...
- Saying Ello all From Cold *** Chicago
- Tommy’s DIY – Direct Mail Lists
- Anybody use TanPlan for their business plan
- Possible Newbie Here?? Have some questions.
- air brush tan machines
- Spray Tanning Please Help!!!!!!!
- Tommy’s DIY – Registering Domain Names
- Tommy's DIY - Demographics
- Salon Decor and Lotion Placement
- Tanning salon 4 sale in NJ dont miss out
- Tanning salon 4 sale in NJ dont miss out
- Timing and software help !
- Do I need a high pressure bed?
- Help for all new salons
- Is NY a regulated state?
- Soon to open a new salon
- Minutes vs. Points
- New Salons
- Unlimited?
- Business Loan
- Estimating Annual Sales Increase?
- wanting advice on buying a salon
- ULTRASUN Turbo Power 25000
- Location requirements
- Books
- Anybody using UltraSun equipment?
- Please help to choose a bed and a tanning salon
- Any advice on UltraSun equipment?
- Finding right purchase price
- Tanning industry shows?
- Free lotion to help you get started
- A little help please.
- tanning lotions
- Is sunless tanning worth the cost and room?
- Softwared - Tan Track
- Anyone with experience in self-service salons?
- need help with NYC regulations
- I need help
- Renting out a tanning room for massage?
- Easy maintenance chairs for tanning rooms
- i am going crazy
- excellent condition 2003 ergoline beds for sale
- anyone have pop up tents for sale
- Am I crazy?
- 240g for an upgrade OK?
- Newbies looking for beds
- New salon--24 vs. 28
- payment of products, lotions
- Still looking and wondering
- Biz Plan Help...
- Interesting Sites for the beginner and old timers>..
- Forming LLC - attorney or online service?
- Semi-new to business
- NICHESOFT - Tan Track Disaster
- Specials for local businesses
- busy hours
- Cleaner for the top of a tanning bed
- advice on starting out
- Trashcans
- Building a New Salon
- Anyone willing to share
- Waiver/Liability Release From
- Stand ups really needed?
- Tanning Bed Disinfectants
- How Many Hours Can a Person Expect To Get From A Tanning Bed?
- Trouble using a commercial bed in a home setting
- Getting cold feet!!!!
- New competitor claims \"Safer than the sun\"
- Help with starting a new business?????
- MPOS or Helios?
- Accessibility code for bathroom
- Hair Salons
- Tanning Beds Shocking Clients
- Start up business
- want to start a tanning salon
- Looking to Buy Salon How Much ?
- Advice needed about purchasing a salon.
- Another \"sort of\" new guy looking for info on opening a new salon
- what ?\'s to ask owner who\'s selling
- ISO of Ohio Disributor and Supplies
- New buyer...needs help
- waiting for states attorney response
- Advertising - venues & tips
- Start-up considerations
- Average Sessions Per Day
- Limiting Profits - Not Enough Beds?
- buying a salon, is this a good opportunity?
- employee manuals
- I\'m new to tanning- What\'s the difference in beds...
- Build out What did you ask for? and get
- Hi
- which solarmeter?
- Buying Beds? Manufacture Direct or Distributor?
- Tommel....
- Question on electric box.
- Buying an existing salon - how much is too much???
- newbie ?????please help
- I know the bulbs are absolutely crucial so....
- Computer systems
- Sunless
- Lamps Question, help please?
- Timers
- Certifications
- Profit Calculator?
- Buying existing salon
- Need more electricity
- Soleil Tanning Beds
- Help with HVLP for a newbie.
- Lotion Pricing
- What does your distributor do for you besides price?
- how to get em in?
- Busy season
- computer cash register
- Can I make $$ ????
- Cost of replacement lamps ...
- Cabinets and desk
- 5 rooms 10x10
- Lighting??????????????????
- designer skin
- eurowalls?
- New To This - -Considering Existing Purchase
- Time Commitment?
- Need some advise!
- Tan America??
- Taking the plunge!!!
- 80-90k
- What software are you people running....
- Does anyone know?
- How many people?
- buying existing salon
- When Buying An Existing Salon
- Found Great Electrician Michigan!!!
- Viable business plan?
- tag line
- Feedback on offer to purchase a salon?
- Are these Typical numbers?
- sunless tanning and armpits/feet
- Looking for Existing Salon in Atlanta area
- Tan Track
- Extra lamps
- room names or numbers
- Lease negotiations...
- How many of you?
- Considering an existing salon and would like some input
- My own salon!
- Independant vs. Franchise
- Billing Company...any sugestions?
- Starting Up
- What makes a good franchise?
- Existing Franchise Valuation
- What Do I Do?
- When Does a Tanning Bed Become Obsolete
- Salon owner wanting to add tanning beds
- 20 vs. 15
- A/C
- Need more power captain---------------help
- Need advice on Bed layout
- need direction starting my biz
- Need Help w/ Grand Opening Ideas
- I have question concerning aqua Massage Spa
- Getting Ideas for Tanning Salon, Few Questions.
- considering purchasing an existing salon
- When did you pick your name?
- Dress code
- starting a buisness
- FormoStar
- So noone uses a reception desk?????
- 10 Units or less
- Business Plan Survey
- Online appointments and Tantrack
- opening a salon
- TanAmerica vs Snotegra
- Free Advertising, Something No One Thinks About.
- egg crate cei;ing tile
- Reception chairs`
- Starting a tanning salon
- tanning lotions and towels
- Music in rooms
- Software Problems
- Reception desks
- things that you forgot.....
- Opinions on number of levels....
- Name for my business
- Now Is The Time To Start
- consultant??
- Pay-As-You-Use Hour Program (Tan America)?
- How to create bed levels
- Confused and a little scared
- HEX II lamp replacement
- Questions
- Capital funding HELP!!!!!!
- Bed hookup
- How many beds & what levels???
- Handing Out Price Sheets
- selling lotion to competitions customers
- Eurowalls
- Sunsource Equipment
- EFT\'s
- Take a look at this.
- Newbie in New York Needs advise
- Questions for Business Plan
- lotions for employees
- How much difference is there really?
- Sprays of rays or Apollo?!!?
- Thumbprint check-in
- Please help me decide!!!
- Matrix L58, Matrix L22 and DelRey
- Expiration Date on Tanning Packages?
- Newbie needs help starting sunless
- spray tan poll
- Software for Canada
- 2 levels of hp tanning?
- MED & MMD - Who uses this?
- Hey look!
- $3500. for software??
- Pano and Sun Fabrications
- Lotion Bottle Samplers?
- Small Salon - Realistic Commission Goals
- new promotion ideas????
- Ambition 200 and 300
- MyMistic at the Vegas Expo
- Grand opening ideas
- Help!!! Software decision
- beds from over seas
- Employees Tanning for Free
- duplicate
- owner had baby, wants to sell
- Opening a Middle Age Salon
- Opening a new salon
- Small Town = Small Salon? How much is too much?
- When to open, August or November?
- Sportarredo Holiday or Heartland Ovation?
- This is so cool.
- Price for body stickers?
- Sample Packettes as Coupon
- Who has both Heartland and Tan America?
- Selling Toe Rings
- Why BP\'s are like dbl dating with your younger sister
- Need info
- Need help with bed selection
- Ratio of men vs women in your salons?
- \"Farmer\'s Tan\" - Need Help
- ETS Direct Leasing
- Honest opinions please
- summer Sun XLP 7.0 SL lamps
- Optimal width?
- Which one sounds like better value?
- Opening in August
- New salon questions - buildout and location
- Everybody look here.
- Does anyone have a Juice Bar or Smoothie Bar?
- Need major help about small town tanning salon
- A/C Requirements???
- Lease Negotiations
- Thinking of opening... best beds???
- New Tanning & Day Spa Needs Some Idea
- Fastest & Easiest way to find skin type info
- Consent Forms
- Customer Service
- I Need Help Picking 6 beds
- Realistic Expectations
- Applying for a tanning salon
- build out Costs Part Two
- hex stand up power
- Ergoline evolution 600
- Best way to educate Sales Staff?
- How many of you have ...
- Lobby space ...
- Replacing Facial Lamps
- I just had a spray tan done.
- Salon buying advice please
- Buid Out Costs
- A typical week at the salon
- Spray Gun or Airbrush, which do you prefer?
- Best company to work with
- Best Base Beds
- newbie question??????????
- Thinking of opening new salon
- Puretan
- eft\'s or credit cards
- Leasing vs Financing
- Hollywood Tan
- Advertising poll...
- Help on understanding tanning franchises
- How many tanners per day/week/month?
- Fixed costs
- Tommel
- Buying used beds
- Innovative Lease Services
- Thinking of Starting a Salon... Need some advice
- Salons in South Florida
- airbrush tanning starting up
- Starting the business
- Business Plan: Pricing, Revenue projections questions
- Lotion samples
- EFT recommendations
- Please Help!
- A TANNIGN project from my boss and i need some help
- Ergoline classic 300...
- Ergoline classic 300...
- help.. pleasee ;) college?
- Is the Vegas Tanning expo worth the trip...
- opening a new salon
- lease negotiations...
- All those great FINANCING deals from the leasing companies
- never buy solclass spray cabin!!!!
- Sim Salon
- Great Financing
- eft and unlimited packages for a smaller salon...
- Any Canadian Operators out there?
- Small Business Financing
- Small town operation needing bed advice...
- Intelligent Tanning Systems
- wolff classic by forever tan
- Input on Fair Value for Build Out
- Magic 636 Vs Ergoline 850
- New Salon Advice
- Bed Value ?
- Tanning Salon For Sale, NJ
- Business Plans
- Another newby
- HELP please
- Financing?
- Does Size REALLY Matter? ;)
- Many Questions...
- Sales
- Anyone have the Velocity?
- Acrylic Help Needed
- Tanning Bed-24 or more lamps???
- Acrylic Help Needed
- minutes vs monthly plans
- Intellitan Timer
- Tan America\'s Sunembrace airbrush system
- distributors???
- Differences in Lotions...?
- Welcome
- help!
- Bulb comparison
- Distributor for Magic HP Bed?
- What is the best equipment?
- prosun
- Air Brush Tanning
- Bed Time or Lamp Watts.. how to pick?
- where do i get these from
- Tanning Lotion Sales
- Velocity or Matrix?
- Electrical - Buck boosters
- Cost of Electrical for new salon and Build out ...Thanks!
- Darker Tan
- Tanning Beds
- Salon Software: The Better Choice????
- Maintenance Work
- What Software to Use
- business plan software
- caltan
- Talk Room
- starting a new salon
- Mystic contact details
- Worked in a salon-trying to open my own.......
- airbrush tanning certification
- software
- hydromassage bed
- UV beds
- elec req\'s
- be carefull to solclass compagny
- Supplementing Payroll
- Tanning Bed Rental
- 10 Rooms, what kind of mix
- Mystic Tan Licencing requirements
- Mystic tan marketing
- Best sunless booth
- Help
- Soltron Beds
- Tanning Beds
- Training video\'s
- airbrush or sray booth
- massage beds/hydro beds
- Considering tanning business
- Just starting to research to open a tanning salon
- HELP!! Looking to purchase tanning salon...help me decide if this is a good deal
- need advice from vets
- Mystic Tan
- Newbie hoping for information
- Is the tanning industry over saturated?
- Consent Form Get it here!!!
- need help!!!
- need help with location
- Is The Tanning Salon Industry Over Saturated?
- Newbie here w/ some questions .... ?
- s class beds by uwe,big problems
- conventions
- Need advice on my new tanning venture
- whats with the Dr. Mueller beds
- Airbrush tanning solutions....
- If you had it to do all over again...would you?
- Newbie Here...Needing All The Help I Can Get.
- Leasing Space question
- Pricing strategies... what do I need to charge?
- Leasing tanning beds?
- looking to open tanning salon with 8 beds. How much will cost in electric, ventilation, remodeling ?
- is there a way to find existing tanning for sale?
- which franchise to look for? Are they any good or am i better of starting on my own?
- Star Sp200 Printer & drawer help
- Business plan projection outline needed asap!!!
- How many years to make profit??
- Trying to Start...need help
- Start up Costs? Personal Salary?
- My Logo on Lotions?
- searching for best equipment required for starting bed from remote computer
- what is the best computer system for managing salon, beds , clientel etc
- need advise about best surveillance camera for store
- Tropical Rayz Good or Bad?
- Where do u find all your states regs
- which mystic to should i buy?
- what are the best HP beds out there for the money? looked at ergoline uwe, matrix
- During expo in Vegas and Tenesse which confrence would you advise to listen to?
- who provide best certification program?
- would you buy used bed from ergoline or uwe
- Info about 1998 Puretan bed Tanfit III 28??? Any info??
- Ripped off.
- Looking to open tanning salon. How to get best support?
- how much help and support a tanning company really give you?
- insurance.
- 6 to 8 beds. how many square feets needed ideally
- need to know where best expo for tanning beds
- mystic tan. Is it worth getting a unit
- need to know how you pay employes who work in tanning salon
- New Salon needs machines
- How many beds to start?
- Lip Balm
- Advice needed-please
- Grand Opening was a BLAST
- tmax manager pro security codes
- Ergoline Classic 300 Compatible with T-max Timer?
- monthly money & visits out on suntouch
- opening a new taning salon . Need advise for best beds
- A Few Quick Questions
- does anyone have opinions on financing???
- Hello, Everyone I\'m new!! Need some ?????? answered PLEASE!
- practical guidance and help needed
- SonnenBraune
- classic tan booth????
- slow season
- Sun touch??Helios?? or better idea??
- Sportarredo Beds
- New to Tanning Industry
- What to expect??
- Do Any of you own a franchise?
- trying to buy business
- New to the business just checkin in w/ the pros
- magic tan vs healthtan?
- health tan spa
- Sunless tanning obssesion
- what bed to go with
- Demographics....Real of Ficticious?
- Stain White Hair
- Bulbs go bad with age?
- Medispa
- Minutes VS Sessions
- Starting a new salon
- Tan America vs. Pro Sun.
- how many employees do you need ?
- Helios and T-Max
- New Salon too close ???
- Search and Destroy !!!!
- New salon advice please
- resetting hours on Tmax manager pro
- What do you think?
- New here, info on starting out......
- need Grand Opening help for 2/10
- Anyone use SMU Consulting to start up?
- In order to open a salon???
- Instant Tan yes or no?
- need advice please!
- Mystic tan
- Existing salon relocation
- help! any knowledge on shipping to europe
- Need some info please
- also replacing bulbs
- wanting a job
- replacing bulbs
- New tanning business.
- Real Industry Revenue Expecations?
- Equation
- How big should counter area be?
- Radiation Exposure - Is it safe to work at a Salon?
- Alpha Sun Elegance bed
- More Info regarding 2-salon business
- Buying an existing 2-salon business. Need feedback!
- Expansion Advice
- bottom acrylic Flat vs. Curved
- Help!! I am in need of advice!! new salon
- Just curious...
- Firing FAMILY??
- Tanning in Canada?????
- demographics
- Stained fingers from lotion
- Where can we purchase acrylics for an orbit bed in Minnesota
- If you could design a salon...again...
- Baby\'s Eyes
- World Expo purchase
- How many employees per beds?
- Home Equity Loan Payoff
- Newbie here trying to branch out in Monaco
- salon owners making \"promises\" to me
- Existing salon needs help getting new customers
- Profit? - It must be better than this!
- What to name our Salon? Cast your vote!
- Start up cost of a salon...
- Mystic Hypertan
- Bulbs
- Help with new tanning business
- Preparing to Order w/ Distributor - Now What?
- Super, Ultra, Mega - What does this mean?
- Help, newbie with wiring
- Hiya! Needing help in Scotland!
- How do I pick my beds????
- Remodeling Building & Negotiating Rent
- Is this a good bed selection for a new salon?
- Bronzing lotions
- Trade Shows
- Anyone try Darker Tan Pro Silver Beds?
- francise or no?
- Just decided to open a Salon. Now what?
- Modular walls verses built wall
- new small business
- Opinions on Buying Existing Salon
- New Salon.....Need Interior Design Ideas !!
- Making old beds look new
- Just Opened
- Sunmaster tanning beds
- starter tingle...
- Heartland or PureTan
- Business plan help.....
- NEwbies...wanting to open a seasonal business...
- Shoudl I expect this to be a good thing???
- New salon
- Starting a new salon...Important tip
- I\'m looking to buy a Tanning Salon
- New Salon Opening
- Please read and let me know if I am on the right track!!
- Loans?
- Getting started....
- points system good, bad, or confusing?
- Bulbs HELP PLZ
- Sylvania SUN TANNING LAMP replacement bulb
- Opening in Mexico
- Details
- Would this be a good deal?
- new salon advice
- tanning time
- sollux 36 any feedback on these beds?????
- Stand up unit
- Salon for Sale
- Thankful
- Marketing questions
- Bed prices web site, is there one out there???
- New salon... need slogans
- Need your input and advice!!
- To buy existing business or not?? Need advise please
- survey question .....help
- vertical stripes
- first day opened...is this normal?
- New uv free salon
- planning a salon
- beds
- 2ed Week open / How am i doing
- buying a salon - some advice....
- Question to Architect
- Salon Decor
- Build out and contractor
- Rent + %
- Negotiating a lease- experiences/insights welcome!
- When is Las Vegas Tanning Expo ?
- Let\'s Talk
- is there any aussie?
- Possible Deal
- price packages&membership???
- Tanning and skin Care
- Tanning session Packages
- sell me your Tanning Bible - i have a lot of newbie ?\'s
- NEW to the business OPENING IN 2 WEEKS-HELP!!!!!!!!!
- Can you deduct
- Exsiting client data base, whats it worth...
- Equation
- ETS solar system..$$$ How Much are they worth??
- Need experienced salon owner
- Base Beds--High Pressure
- help on running a salon
- Wanting to open an airbrush tanning salon
- Question about tanning beds...
- Do tanners really care about new model beds?
- Buyer Beware
- Opening A Salon
- Star Power 32 3f
- Tell me about the FLORIDA tanning market....
- New Salon ---need help
- Salon Insurance in NY - hard time finding
- Purchasing existing salons- how to value
- Ohio salons
- Sorry.. newbie questions
- moisturizing feet ,hands
- Time
- Does Nail and Tanning go well together?
- Help i dont know which tan accelerator?
- SunEase 2000??
- New Salons...
- new owner needs advice - salon insurance and software
- Pageant Tan
- Average Usage
- Average Usage
- Manual Card System vs. Computer Software
- Hello All...New Kid On The Block
- Business Guide for a Cost..
- Help Me!!
- Business newbies help....
- EFT programs...
- Article from TT Oct 01 issue...
- Buying a tanning salon, new to industry
- NTTI Training
- advice advice advice
- nego. your Lease
- My store was robbed
- Upgrading the electrical panel......
- Best Location to purchase T-Max timers...
- How to get hooked up with a lotion supplier?
- Direct Marketing Approach
- Opening a salon...bust my chops!
- Questions, questions, Questions!!!!
- hey all FIRST POST
- iam in route to being a tanning salon owner
- montego bay beds
- off season specials
- looking to start or financing grants
- where are all you guys located?
- Salon for Sale - Good Buy or not?
- questions regarding sq footage and personal feedback
- Space for Lease
- ohio salon for sale
- New Salon Location
- Walls
- Leasing vs Buying
- Leasing Info Please
- choking on candy
- Percent of sales
- Airbrushing?
- what are the most popular tanning session length??
- best leasing company
- UWE?
- Feedback On Equipment
- Mystic vs California Tan Solution...
- Good beds to purchase??
- The Real \"Bottom Line\"
- new in biz
- Move the salon
- Trade shows
- funiture
- bronzers, accelerators, tingles???
- New Salon Owner
- Market Saturation
- Manager Salary?
- cash drawer compatible
- Unbiased demographics?
- \'demand\' charge on elec. bill. what is it?
- location, location, location?
- Gift or Pre-paid Cards
- need name for new salo need help
- Overlap time????
- location and beds
- Best selling lotions
- tanning prices
- renovating
- Start up funds
- Suggestions for Help Wanted Ad
- spray tans own existing salon want to buy a spray booth
- Opening new salon...need feedback
- Newbie needs guidance
- Three Genesis 232GF For Sale--GREAT BEDS
- Three Genesis 232GF For Sale--GREAT BEDS
- Tanning & Hair Salon 4 sale
- OHIO salon for sale
- starting a new tanning salon????
- Who does make the best beds #2
- which beds to buy???
- bed cost
- Some real advice.
- Help with insurance questions
- Are Sunal good beds
- need some advise
- Need help with front desk
- leasing equipment
- Tanning at the beach
- Salon location and size
- Stand Up Bed
- What Software Program?
- Older Sunal Bed with Twist Timer - Need Help!
- Mike Chunn
- DMX, XM, TFBN,...whats the best satellite radio?
- Business Plans Templates
- Opening a Salon on the East Coast
- Tanning beds
- Can anyone say how old are these Sonnen Braunes?
- Newbie here
- Why?
- How many sunless tanners per day??
- Running out of ideas.....
- Another Newbie, basic same old question; Almost.
- vend-a-tan
- existing business vs. starting new
- Things that could
- TanTech
- questions regarding the biz
- tommel financial
- Sunless Spray booths
- New to airbrush tanning and need some help!
- How to determine price to pay for existing tanning business?
- EAST BOCA RATON, FLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Classic Tan Pulse
- programming timers
- Does anyone know were to get single Teeth whiting strips
- Opening a new salon!
- Salon Business
- Interested in Marketing
- Ideas for additional services
- Teeth whiting strips hmmmmmmmmmm.
- Thinking of adding HP bed in Salon
- Advice Appreciated
- Distributor available by phone for ?\'s
- Executive desk, instead of high counter top?? Need opinions!
- Newbie considering a Hollywood Tan Franchise, Whaddya think?
- Lawsuits and Tanning salons
- Moving into a completed location
- Looking for advice
- Regulations
- newb in MA looking for advise
- question about timers
- Mobile Airbrush Tanning
- Handicapped Accessible???
- permits and certifications
- Job Opprotunity
- Considering opening a salon Need some research directions
- New to this business
- atlantic tan
- leasing closed salon need equipment
- Getting started in the Airbrush Tanning world
- Any Major Differences?
- Just getting started
- Help from Texas
- one ounce cups with lids
- Prepaid sessions after acquisition?
- Bumed
- Beds
- Business Plans? Grants???
- Purchasing Supplies? Fixtures? Newbie needs HELP!
- Whats with all the avoidance of the real question???
- Considering starting a uv-free tanning business
- Grand Opening
- Salon Name Change....
- Should I take over this 3 year running tanning salon?
- New Start-up owner in Pennsylvania>Beds, Lotion, etc
- Purchase An Existing Salon
- Today\'s image tanning expo
- Percentages
- Should we?
- New Building/Beds/Salon Next door to Curves International
- Planet Beach or Hollywood Tans?
- 3 beds what size ?
- Stay At Home Mom Venturing Out in PA
- # of beds to start ?
- Re-launching with Mystic Tan
- Selling With Flyers
- Door Hanger Advertising
- room size
- Request opinions from seasoned salon owners
- Need advice on a business opportunity (buying an existing tanning salon)
- Considering starting a very small salon
- I want to ad tanning beds to my beauty salon
- Found a Building to lease BUT.....
- Skin Cancer
- I want to help someone\'s salon !!!!!!!!!!
- researching the tanning biz..
- EFT Percentage
- Other services
- Tanning bed scam on ebay
- New Salon!!!
- I am NEW
- 600 sq. feet
- I need California Airbrush Business/Certificfation Info. please
- Newbies seeking for help.
- DHA bronzer question
- Maxing out bed
- Body and face products in www.tribalskin.com
- Have a 1yr Premier with AG - Want out - Can I?
- TanningSalonBiz.com? has anyone heard of this
- When is a tanning expo coming to Atlanta, GA
- Research???
- Real Numbers
- starting my business out of season
- Start a salon now or next busy season?
- Grande ESB
- Newbie - customer buying behavior questions
- Michigan
- Anyone out there in southern Cali?
- looking at purchasing 2 salons - are we nuts? what about the price?
- I want 2 open a tanning salon
- Soakin Up The Rays
- Average number of new customers per day/ month?
- Legal consent forms for spray tans...
- MegaSun
- Need some awesome interior/exterior for the Salon?
- Advertising in Local Website?
- Sundash/Ergoline prices please
- Discounted Lotions
- best DHA solution for sunless booths
- front desk and fixtures
- Bad Weather?
- 900 sq feet
- Advertising Suggestions?
- Pre start-up - advice on productservice mix
- equation of demograph used to find prime location?
- Does anyone know about these booths?
- Leasing, Bank vs. Private Company
- indoor tanning seasonality?
- equation of the demographics used to find prime location
- Is a 16-bulb bed adequate?
- Whats the title of this forum?
- interested in starting up a tanning boutique
- Does anyone own a salon and have a full time job?
- Beds and Lotion from the same company?
- Help me name my salon...
- VHR?
- A/C and tons and amps, Oh my!
- Looking to buy a tanning bed.
- looking to open a tanning salon \"advice or thoughts\"
- \"Salon Packages\"
- How do you estimate revenues?
- airbrush tanning-new
- Question regarding self-tanner and tanning
- Ergoline Beds
- Any Coco-Bay, Sun Spritz or Bronz Mist users?
- Working with SCORE/SBA
- Help! I\'m interested in buying a salon too!
- Saving money on start-up
- New start-ups please read.
- Signing a lease
- Washer/Dryer
- International Smart Tan Network
- can children tan?
- advertising on the internet
- Opportunity is calling! Any advice?
- location dilema
- demographic site??
- New to Air brush tanning can\'t decide what lotion,help!!!
- Magic Tan
- Pre-Newbie Needs Advice
- Postcards
- 1 month of free tanning, can it work ?
- Which beds WILL accom. the cosmedico 9k90???
- Bed = how much sun outside
- Need some info on starting up in canada!
- NEVER EVER ..EVER do first tan free...Why you ask????
- Minutes
- Investing in the tanning industry
- Magic Tanning
- Question about beds
- Toying with the idea of opening a salon
- How to sell tanning products in your salon!
- Just saying Hi and my story!
- Need Profess. advice on buying saloon!!!
- music
- Lease space to nail tech or massage
- Phone book ad prices
- What\'s yours look like?
- Marketing
- Professional Advice Requested!
- buying two units, need advice
- help! intested in buying a tanning salon
- Goggles
- Nail Tech in salon wants to tan for free!?
- Why is the lamp wattage different?
- Which would you pick?
- Sun Ease
- Newbie bed question
- Sunless Tan Unit
- Bed maintenance on Sunal Equipment
- NJ Salon Owners Tax Question
- Selling Property Owner on Salon - HELP Quick!
- Anyone Looking for a Unique Flooring Idea for their Salon?
- Clean Beds?
- New to the boards, from Canada
- Quality tanning lotions
- Can you build a nice base tan w/ 10 min bed?
- Does anyone out there use sollux
- Solart?????
- Another Question...
- New Equipment
- Looking for tanning equipment
- Start Up $
- Beds & Bulbs????
- Buying AG wholesale
- NEED SOME GUIDANCE-experts please!!
- employees stealing
- Time Sheet
- PC Marketing\'s 2004 Tanninng Summit
- Sunvision Beds ?
- Need names for tanning package pricing and rooms
- Quick Books
- Insurance
- Salon Size
- To Inc. or not to Inc.
- Re: Tax Season
- Legal Structure Biz
- Massage
- Velocity Bed by ETS
- lease
- Some friendly advise please!!!
- Name change or not
- Bankers Lending
- In house financing
- New owner
- University Deals
- Single Phase Electric
- Sunboard
- New ETS Beds
- I hate to bring up ETS again but....
- Opening Jan. 1st - Need a FUNNY name
- Suggestions for starting out
- health dept just said i can only tan peeps every 48hrs
- Need some help with prices/packages
- SalonTouch vs. others
- UV output
- Red Nail Polish!!
- Deciding on last minute trip to Nashville
- Nashville Newbies
- I need help!
- Changing colors
- Retail Software Help?
- Electrical Requirements
- my electrician just put ugly metal poles down our walls is this normal??
- ETS or not?
- AP Article on Norway Sweden Melanoma Study
- placing order for beds good deal or not?!!!!!!
- Liability
- Re: Forms
- Considering a salon
- where can i find reception desk
- has anyone heard of suncraze beds www.affordabletanningbeds.com
- laundry baskets and other ?s from new owner
- New salon owner here. I have a few questions.
- Finding a slaon
- Purchase price
- Computer
- Helios Software
- Spray Booth Decision -HELP!
- Hi! I am new here! How long does it take to build a good clientele?
- conference
- coupons
- Dress Code
- Business Plan
- Purchase price for a salon
- What exactly are the slow times?
- Catchy EFT name
- Purchase an existing salon
- A dumb question
- Do you use a software program?
- start-up costs
- Educating Clients
- legal to leave flyers?
- Education
- I was wondering, what do you all believe is the best looking bed?
- California Tanning
- Tanning Beds
- Walls
- Can Tanning Salon Owners Please Help Me With My Pricing
- Opinions please
- Electric Bills
- I was told not to use the name spa or salon in the name
- Bed Tents - Useful or Nuisance??
- If you only had one promo what....
- What do you think of these personal touches to my company?
- How is this name
- Purchasing New Beds
- I need advise! ;)
- Deciding on UV Free Booth -HELP!
- I would like some help!!!
- I would like some help!!!
- If you had to choose
- new or existing salon??
- The Newbie Section.
- how many bathrooms per bed ???
- tradeshow
- What do i do now
- hallways
- Does this sound right
- question on towels???
- Percentage of customers
- Perfect Tan Beds
- off-season
- Need advise .......
- money question???????
- Where do I start?
- question on leases of equipment
- in need of some serious help
- How many Sq.ft. and what $/Sq.ft. is your tanning salon
- Tanning Salon Partnership
- Tanning in Atlanta
- Opening a new salon.
- Puretan / Tanscene or Tan America?
- Pics of salons
- bed packages
- newbie questions
- childcare in waiting area
- electrical question
- alternative methods of financing
- estimating what a new buisness will bring in
- I Need A Name Too !
- Need Help w/ beds
- Purchasing a salon. Need info, please.
- Franchise or Individual Owner?
- Views on Tanning Beds
- Newbie Here
- question for ya.......
- cost of buying a salon
- Heartland Beds
- Starting a business
- Newbie salon Owner here !
- Purchase existing salon
- Modular Walls
- Bedtime
- Upkeep & Maintenance
- How do you decide on a THEME for a salon.
- Stand Up Tanning Booths???
- Tanning Canopies
- Salon names
- Market Information
- cellphones
- Changing of Bulbs
- minimum investment needed?
- re:What distributor to go with?
- what lotions do you carry
- NEED help determining start up costs!!!!!!!!!!
- Pondering a New Salon
- Credit card processing?
- Would like to work at a salon...questions
- Salon Purchase
- Mega Power and Cosmo Lux Bulbs
- PC Marketing Tanning Summit 2003
- PC Marketing/UWE
- Tan Systems
- Tanning business in this slow economy
- Wierdo customers......
- Am I stupid?
- Need I say...New Salon Owner
- Is this too much rent for a tanning salon?
- Lighting in rooms? Anybody got an opinion??
- What to do on Slow Days
- Go to Nashville
- Lotion sales are so important
- Anyone not using a computer?
- Tanning session packages?
- Franchising-85% Financing Provided
- Cost of buildout? Is $19/sf a good price?
- Disenfecting/Cleaning Beds
- Oxygen aroma therapy during tanning
- More electrical questions for a new salon
- Door for tanning room.
- how many upgrade levels?
- Need advice: Location for a new tanning salong (part 2)
- HVAC question for a new tanning salon
- Electrical setup question.
- Need advice: Location for a new tanning salon
- Banker\'s 1-2 year prospectus
- How does a new person weed through all of this???? What\'s True and What\'s Not??
- help for new owner
- Florida Rays
- Seven Secrets of Success
- Reports, paperwork
- I know
- Small Business School
- bulb life and stability
- Help me!!!!
- service me!
- Dr. Kern Beds???
- Picture of me!
- PIctures/ideas
- Want Good Beds!
- Electric bill
- Seasonal.. across the nation?
- Thank You
- Nashville Show
- www.mytanningsalon.com
- 7 Traits of Biz Owners
- puretan bulbs
- SBA loans for tanning salons
- How busy is busy
- Bath Mats?
- Tanning Salon next to a Gym?
- How much is too much for rent?
- cost per square foot?
- Insurance Info.
- SuperNewbeez need to learn the \'lingo\'
- GA State regulations???
- Basic Truths about new tanners: Indoor Tanning Products
- I am thinking about openning my first salon, just need a lil help
- Contacts for essentials ?
- Why can\'t I register ?
- Beds
- Cover Tattoos & Permanent Makeup too
- Trying To Start A Salon
- Question and Feedback requested regarding this thought
- How can a client pick the best tanning machine to use?
- diva?
- counters
- A Great Location is Your Map to Success
- franchise???
- The Profits
- Evans Leasing Services
- SunMate software?
- My first tanning experience
- Architecture plans and operating capacity
- The best beds for a salon
- Ten basic tips to opening a salon.
- New salon in Dec/2002
- New to the biz
- tanners
- Daily Customer #'s ???????????
- First Tan Free???
- Acrylic Maintenance
- leasing vs purchasing
- trade magazines
- skin type
- Slow Saturdays
- tan time
- Welcome!
- facial tanning
- tanning pills
- covering tattoos
- Taking over 6 bed salon.... HELP!!
- tanning...weather???
- purchase of new beds
- Got White Spots?
- thinking of purchasing an existing salon
- bible or fact book, which is better?
- LARGE dilemma
- golden, brown tans?
- tanning schedule
- Postcards
- Bankers Leasing
- Insurance Costs
- Creating a Business Plan
- industry information
- start up information
- Has anyone used SkinCheck????
- little white bumps.....
- Sunspots?
- Waiting Area
- Tanning Room Question
- body hair
- Insurance
- When changing out the Lamps do you need to change the starters too?
- looking into a franchise tanning salon
- Newbie----need some insight/info
- Trade mags
- daily tanners
- Opening Nerves
- Are you starting peak season with fresh bulbs?
- Holiday Hours
- GUESTS, PLEASE READ THIS POST............................
- How is business this week?
- Christmas Wish List
- will I go belly up?
- cost price to tan
- Gift Certificates
- Located in Missouri?
- Used Bulbs?
- Need bed recommendations
- Site Selection Opinions Solicited
- Would like feedback on salon owners who own Silver Bullet by UWE
- Scoop on Hollywood Tans regarding Franchising
- If you could do it over
- Random tips?
- Bed Lease nightmare
- Are you super man/woman?
- Have you read the Tanning Bible?
- Anyone know where I can get a good deal on salon towels?
- keeping salon name
- Smart Tan Certification - before or after opening
- Terrified and fearless simultaneously
- Lifespan of beds
- PureTan Vs UWE
- How to handle music in rooms?
- Start up Questions
- To ReneeInc
- Tanning Expos
- I have a tiny problem, help me
- How Prepared Are You??
- Funds
- retail sales
- Helios or Suntouch?
- Perfect Tan..Tan Scene Beds..??
- What does it take...
- Contractor?
- Buying Used Beds
- The Tanning Bible... Real???
- a/c solutions?
- `Tan Lotion?
- MegaMax & Jetsun
- Up & running but help!!!...
- Appointments or Drop In
- Sun touch
- How much Sq. Ft. is required?
- Saran Wrap?
- Mechanical upfit...who pays?
- Complimentary Packs? Any ideas?
- questions
- New Salon Question - Opinions Appreciated
- ETS beds
- research??
- equipment????
- business
- New Beds
- New Biz
- Getting Started
- Clients? What is a good goal?
- Newbee...financial question...start-up cost
- Employee Manual
- Salon Tour
- Phone systems?
- Trying to Decide which Beds to BUY and How much to charge
- Pregnancy
- Essence of Stupid
- Thoughts on Solar Planet?
- What about the "Off Season"?
- Air Conditioning
- New Lamps Needed
- name change?
- Give Me Your Best Name?
- Earnings
- Business Plan
- Taking over a salon
- Backup Files!!
- My first setback
- Just Curious.....
- When you were a Newbie....
- Journals
- When Taking over a salon...
- Location Location Location
- How many?
- How many customer's
- Beds???
- Rent
- Better Value?
- Cash on hand
- Welcome Sonshinetans
- How to determine session price per bed?
- thinking about opening a salon need advice
- Who makes the best tanning bed.
- New Tanning Beds
- what exactly is a high pressure bed?
- cash flow analysis/business plan
- embryo here
- Newbie Here
- EFT's
- Great place for advice
- Where's all the newbies?
- Newbies
- Solid
- come on down
- Tanning Expo's
- Profit Margins
- Start up my own salon ASAP
- Start-Up Costs
- business plan
- salon decor
- type of lights in your salon
- The real value to me