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Old 01-08-2015, 01:04 AM   #86 (permalink)
Join Date: Apr 21 2004
Location: Mass.
Posts: 698
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Re: Membership - MANY approaches...

I am late on this subject but here go : I do not have EFT. My reason is I know how to spend and save my $$$, why do I need to control other ? I have great equipment , Lamps are always Higher end, People know my salon as the HI PRICE salon. Quality is what I am all about , if you want the Cadillac you will pay for it , Toyota well you get what you pay for.
I believe it what $$ people have to spend after what bills they have taken care of and if they got 25.00 extra were to spend, women will always spend that extra on there hair, nail , clothes , etc. Men well we all know were that will, Tanning on the lower end. Now with the gas going lower I see more people tanning, I am I wrong or is it just the season????
This pass year has been the worst in all the years in business except for when I open , we all know how that go. Now we have thing up and running and we are doing great and all of a sudden it down , down , down, WHY, well it because of the bad press ? Our lack of same old same old ? It all about $$$ and how much we have to spend on the extra luxury .TANNING.
I believe 2015 is going to be our BEST YEAR, why because there more $$$ in people pocket, and Vitamin D is good for your HEALTH.
Maybe my problem is I am not working the salons, I have another Job working , a late night shift 11pm to 700 am , electrical contractor, running around to all 3 salon, office work, supply buyer, etc. I depend on my managers to do as I say. We meet as needed weekly ,or monthly to discuss problems, were we are heading ,why we are doing bad or what we can do to improve the business etc.
I Learn, some time ago running work for electrical contractor that he wanted me to work with the tools as well as run the job, lay it out , tell all what to do, go to meeting and make $$ for the company every day. Here what I came up with : If I do all those thing how are you going to make $$$, so what I did was not work with the tools, I lay out the work , told people what to do and went to meeting, and I made $$ for the company. Working at the salon will take up valuable time in promoting your business as well as all other aspect it take to running one, we all know what that entail.
The way I see it all about the $$$ and what you get for the value, make it good to keep them coming back, I have no $$$ my saving is gone the towel is waving but as a owner I will fine a way to keep it going and that my friend it all about restructuring the menu , prices and packages, yes I am down but I am not out. Like the real estate collapse, well Tanning is the same way.
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