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Old 10-30-2012, 04:17 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Thumbs up Re: Fresh Marketing Ideas

Originally Posted by delany View Post
how do you track who refers whom?
The only thing that works is to build community with your clients.

Coupons.. for what? Clients who don't know or care who you are?

Refer a friend to a group... for what? More spam? Why would they join your group? Who are you, what do you do? What's in it for them?

Social Media Marketing isn't about taking the flyer and the coupon online. That is just how the coupon and flyer design business is responding to being crushed by the social marketing industry.

Create community, pay people on to do your design for 5 bucks. Share your story. Create community, ping-pong your clients back and forth between traditional media and social media.

It's not about "monthly return" it's about becoming a brand, a recognized expert, a thought leader in YOUR industry.

10 years ago MBA's from harvard would have scoffed at the idea of a tiny little brown glass bottle with "energy" on it, suddenly having more brand recognition than Mountain Dew and having a larger space program than Canada or the UK... but Red Bull did it, and their community is MASSIVE.

How do you do this on a smaller scale? Think about THAT... not "what % off should I offer on my coupon this month" LOL
There is STILL Tanning in West Edmonton Mall!

Mr. Belvedere wishes he had half of my ideas, and 100% of my nerve.

(put here by Belvy himself.. not me lol)
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