Thread: Spam really???
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Old 08-01-2012, 07:08 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Re: Spam really???

Thank you queen ! I even told the moderator about the Facebook pictures as well and everything you mentioned. Almost a year ago !But instead of doing the same research himself he just asked her "Do you sell for that company" and believed her. Of course she is going to lie since tan talk is her gravy train . Funny on how her solution is the most recommended on tan talk. That's because she is constantly spamming while pairing it up with helpful hints to try and hide the spam . This is the only place i hear about it. It seems not to even be prevelant on facebook groups. Thats because she is not a member spamming ! And let me guess, she signed her name on the email using a ~ symbol.
But it's sad that Sjolie and Norvell have to pay to sponsor but this girl can spam solution and sell tons of it and not have to pay anything .
Here I have given so many people advice and I'm spammed about a insulated tote that I found. If the moderator even looked at the link they would be able to see that I am clearly not the consultant . And it's not fleabay crap either
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