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Old 10-02-2008, 03:30 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Re: Democracy Alliance memo details Dem plan to "educate the idiots"and target minori

Originally Posted by Ezliving_Jim View Post
unity, you have been educated. Drink your Kool-aide.
Man, the people that are backing McCain REALLY DO DRINK THE KOOL-AIDE! Are you mad? Religious cults or TERRORISTS BACK THE REPUBLICAN.

Everything you post about Obama is EXACTLY THE PROBLEM with McCain and friends. McCain has no friends and can't STAND having to hook up with a bunch of religious nuts that want NOTHING more than to HURRY the coming of Jesus and ending abortions.

2 things that couldn't be more MEANINGLESS in this day and age.

You can see it in his face. If he had chose ANYONE but Palin he would be winning HANDS DOWN. Only people on your kool aide and fox news can't seem to see this and they proved it when they took the pole in the diner and NO ONE VOTED McCain yet he claimed that WHAT WE JUST SAW was a tie.

Lie right to your face and tell you that what you see is not reality.

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