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Old 04-22-2005, 01:37 PM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Mar 22 2005
Location: Ohio
Posts: 62
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We currently use Desert Sun 7.5 in our beds and have Sunstar ZX32 / 3F and was informed that we should actually have stronger bulb in the top canopy of the beds. The distibutor suggesed Velocity Plus in bottom and Velocity Extreme in the top. Has anyone had any experience with these bulbs that can offer some input before we try them.

Also most bulbs say average life of 1000 hours and everyone on board says they change them about 700-800 hours, but by the time our bulbs get approx 500 hours on them people start complaining of getting no results? And that happens no matter what kinda bulb we have. Any ideas there? We not cleaning acrylics enough?

And I have also heard of people rotating the bulbs from the top of bed to the bottom. So basically not restocking all new bulbs each relamp? Is this practiced alot, and should I be doing such a thing? Any thoughts appreciated.

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