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Old 02-23-2005, 03:01 PM   #13 (permalink)
Join Date: Apr 21 2001
Posts: 418
Rep Power: 24 JeffinKC is on a distinguished road
The address under your Kat is not for your salon now is it? It is for a booth that you are selling for a profit...aka spam.

Jeni, I couldn't tell you if its possible to make money this way or not, I don't make a dime. Since everyone is so concerned I would like to clarify that I do not get kickbacks or discounts for promoting any company.

You see I was around in the begining when these sites were started. They were started for salon owners to come together and exchage ideas and yes product recomendations. In the last couple of years the sites, particularly this one has become an outlet for vendors to spam their products without restrictions.

I don't believe website addresses should be allowed at all but what is fair for one should be fair for another. I also do not believe these vendors should be allowed to spam at all unless they step up and support the site in question with banner advertising. This has become an all too easy and free way to sell your wares in my opinion.

You see I promote products I like and believe in and do not ask or expect anything in return I'm sorry if you have a problem with that. I have already said I have no problem removing it as soon as all others comply.
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