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Old 02-07-2005, 09:15 PM   #2 (permalink)
Waiting Confirmation
Join Date: Feb 2 2005
Posts: 43
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As far as forgetting to 'End Sale' you won't be able to put another transaction in until you close out of the first one.

The dirty bed function is a setup of parameters in the Manager/3A equipment, and then you can push the UP arrow `4 seconds and will go to Clean Status. You always have the option in the Bed Selection screen to over-ride a 'dirty bed' status' if you know it's been cleaned.

Wrong room problems are very easy, as you just void the tan transaction and put put them into the bed of choice. You have up to 59 seconds AFTER the bed has started, unlimited while in DELAY to Void the tan and put them in a different bed.

You can also set up two Codes that can control beds without affecting Accumulators or Monies, and make this a flagged transaction so it shows up BOLDED in the daily reports.

I use STOP and START for the times when beds need to be re-set orother reasons. The Description line in these codes is variable, and employees MUST enter a reason, and a good one, or they pay for the tan themselves out of bonus $$$.

One of the suggestions I can make is to remove a delay time completely in the salon equipment, then you'll never have to reset a bed after hearing, "But, I GOTTA go to the potty, NOW" right after sending time to the room.
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